Secrets Come Out

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Requested by BGNation4ever. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting ❤
Sorry if I got anything wrong. I don't know alot about lungs or transplants or donating.

"You okay Tris"? Kelly laid his hand on Tristans back as he coughed. 

"Yeah it's just allergies. I'll be okay. Get to work before someone sees us". You kissed Kelly on the cheek and he went to work. You were trying to keep your relationship under the radar because some people may not agree with two men dating.

As you were cleaning the seats you heard over the intercom there was a wreck and your ambulance was called in. You and Gabby hoped in and raced off to the scene. When you got there there were two bodies on the ground, a woman screaming and two very totaled  cars. A crowd was gathering around.

"Gabby, you take him". You pointed to the man who had the woman scream over. She dealt better with screaming women than you did.

Checking for a pulse, you found one. He was breathing alright. You carefully put on a neck brace and called in another ambulance. You and Gabby were going to need help lifting these guys.  As you got up you felt light headed and like the air was sucked out of your lungs. You clasped right there on the scene all you could hear before going down was Gabby screaming your name and the woman screaming even louder.

Gabby rushed to your side. "Tristan, talk to me. Stay with me". She patted your cheek. You were unresponsive and it scared the shit out of her. Luckily  the ambulance that you had called in arrived. They had to call in another  for one of the victims as Gabby put you in hers and rushed you to the hospital.

The doctors didn't even give her time to tell them what happened they took you back and started running tests. She bit her bottom lip as she watch you disappear around the corner.  The other ambulance must have called the station cause as Gabby  walked into the waiting room a group of firemen and EMT's walked in. She sighed with relief.

"What happened"? Herrman asked  as he hugged Gabby.

"I don't know. He was fine them he stood up and clasped".

"Okay. Everything's going to be okay".

"Where's Kelly"?

"He's on a call. Why"?

"Figured he would want to know since they're good friends". Gabby told them. She was the only one that knew about you and kelly and she kept it a secret.

"I'll give him a call". Hermann pulled out his phone as Gabby sat down watching the door for the doctor.

It's been three hours since you went back, Kelly arrived panicking. Waiting for news. Everyone in the waiting room was on egg shells. They couldn't lose a good guy like you.

"Hello"? A doctor surprised the squad as he came up behind them.

"How is he? Can we see him"? Kelly came forward.

"Is there a relative or family close by"?

"I'm his boyfriend". Kelly spoke without thinking. Everyone's eyes grew big as they looked at each other. Herrmann giggled covering his mouth trying to hide it.

"Well, I'm not suppose to give out this information to non family members".

"We're all the family he has. So please".

"Tristan has lung problems. Right now his lungs are failing. We put him in a medical induced coma".

"What does that mean"?

"It means he needs a lung transplant to live".

"Okay. How do we get that lung"?

"A donator".

"I'm willing to donate". Kelly nodded his head.

"Well that's very kind of you but there are tests and we have to see if you're a match to his blood type".

"I'm willing to do this".

"You may never be a firefighter again". The doctor said. Which Kelly took hard, that was his dream job since he was a kid but Tristan meant alot to him and he didn't want to give that up.

"Okay. Let's do this".

"Shouldn't you take some time and think about it"? Gabby asked what everyone else was thinking.

"No. I want to do this. Tristan needs this to live and if I can do something to help with that then I will". "He's giving up so much already, this is the least I can do for someone I love".

"Alright. We'll get started right away". The doctor smiled and walked off. Kelly's heart was racing and his mind was all over the place. But he knew he was doing the right thing.

After Kelly filled out about a hundred papers it was testing time. They drew blood and did test. Kelly was sure this was going to work.

He waited and waited for the results finally they were in.

"You're a match". Kelly sighed and sigh of relief as he heard those words.


"We'll do the surgery right away and Tristan will start chemo to help along the process".

"He still has to do chemo"?

"Kelly, Tristan is very sick".

"I thought he just had a bad cold or something and it was just effecting his lungs".

"I'm sorry to tell you this but it's way worse than that".

"Will he survive this after the surgery and transplant"?

"Theres a fifty fifty chance. He can make a full recovery or his body rejects the lung".

"Do you want time to think about it"?

"No. I'm ready".

While Kelly was telling the squad what was happening and he was still doing the surgery the doctor came out. His head hanging low.

"What? What is it"? Kelly held onto Gabbys hand.

"I'm sorry to tell you this but Tristan didn't make it. He coded twice and his body just stopped. I'm sorry".

"I was to late". Kelly whispered as tears fell down his face. The squad had mixed feelings. Anger, sadness, worry and sorrow.

"There wasn't anything anybody could have done. Tristan was lucky he made it this far. His old doctor gave him two months".

"When was this"?

"Three years ago. Something must have kept him going".

Kelly smiled as he remembered Tristans first day three years ago. He was so shy and didn't smiled much but as he got closer to everyone he lit up and wouldn't stop smiling. That's what Kelly wanted to remember his smile.

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