Freaky Friendsome

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Requested by AmberBatterton. I hope you like it. Thanks for requesting.

"So Casey when are you going to bring in this girl we keep hearing about"? Herrmann asked as he wiped down the bar.  

"I dont know yet. She works a lot". He popped another peanut into his mouth.

"Well on her next free day bring her by the bar so we can meet her".

"Will do. I'm gonna head out. See you later Herrmann". Casey gets up and walks out the front door. Not two minutes later Kelly walks in with a woman. He comes over to the bar.

"Herrmann, how's it going tonight". Kelly asked as he sat down the woman took a seat next to him.

"Been steady. Who's this lovely lady here"?

"This is Y/N". Kelly smiled wide.

"Nice to finally meet you, Y/N. Kelly said you worked a lot. What do you do"?

"I'm a real estate agent for Chicago and New York. So I travel between states".

"Ahh, did you sell Kelly that place he's in now"?

"I did".

"Nice. Really nice". Herrmann and kelly laughed.

"Thank you".

"I'll get you some drinks". Herrmann walked off.

"I guess Casey left, I really wanted you to meet him. He's one of my best friends. I think you'll like him".

"I probably will. If he can put up with you then we'll get along fine". You laughed as Kelly scooped you up and kissed your lips.

"You're so funny". Kelly hugged you tight.

You and Kelly spent the night drinking and talking to his friends. Getting to know everyone, except the one he wanted you to really meet. But you'll meet him again.

Two weeks later.

Casey was excited to bring his girl to meet everyone. She finally got a day off  and the first stop they made was at Molly's.

"You'll love everyone. They're great". Casey pulled you into Molly's. You walked over to the bar.

"Hermann this is Y/N". Herrmann turned around and his eyes grew big.

"Nice to meet you Herrmann". You say as you shook your head.

"Nice to meet you as well. What do you do for a living"? Herrmann asked. Maybe you had a twin or something. Or he was seeing doubles, the alcohol was getting to him.

"I'm a real estate agent in Chicago and New York. I showed Casey his new house".

"Really? Cool. Nice house". Herrmann walked away.

"That was weird". Casey awkwardly chuckled.


"Let's go meet the others". Casey took your hand in his and he introduced all his friends. They all looked like they saw a ghost. Yet they didnt say anything to Casey about Kelly. Okay, you were dating both guys at once. You didn't know they worked at the same station until a few weeks ago when they wanted to introduce you to their friends from work.

After the awkward encounter with Casey and his friends you decided to cool it with both of them for awhile. You didnt want to ruin their friendship.

They called and texted you asking why you didn't want to see them.  You'd figure that someone would tell them or they'll figure it out on their own but they haven't.

Until one night you showed up at Molly's to tell their friends the truth and that's when you heard kelly and Casey's voice fighting. There was no one around at the moment and you knew this was your chance to set things straight with them both.

"She was mine first and you stole her. What kind of friend are you"? Kelly pushed Casey.

"What kind of friend am I? I don't have to tell you anything about my love life". Casey pushed Kelly hard.

You didnt want to see either of them to get hurt so your stepped in.

"Stop. Okay. I'm sorry that I didnt tell either of you about the other. I just really like the both of you and didn't want to choose one over the other". You say getting in between them, your hands on their chest.

"You lied to both of us. How could you do that"? Casey smacked your hand away.

"I didnt lie. You never asked if I was dating anyone else. You just assumed that I was single. I started dating Kelly, then I met you and I just like you both".

"I just dont know how we didnt know we were dating the same chick". Kelly scratched his head.

"Apparently you dont share information about each other to one another. I'm sorry that you had to find out this way but I dont want to lose either of you".

"Then what do you suggest? We split you up and take you two weeks out of the month to ourselves"? Casey questioned rolling his eyes.

"That's okay. You can share me. I dont mind if you dont. I'm kinda up for a threesome". You said biting your lip as you looked at Kelly and Casey. Kelly's mouth dropped. Casey was thinking about it.

Kelly turned to Casey. "I'm up for it if you are"?

Casey tilted his head. Then looked at you. He really did like like you, a lot.

"I'm in".

"Really"? You said surprised 

"Yeah.. We can do what we've been doing and  then we can have time together. We're best friends so why not share a girl"? This, all this coming from Casey.

"We'll then let's enjoy that time together right now". You grabbed their hands and lead them out of the bar. Tonight was going to be a wild one with theses two best friends.

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