Mayors daughter

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Requested by BGNation4ever.  I hope you like it. Thanks for the request.

"Well, isn't it the lady with the goodies". Kelly snickered as you entered the fire station with a basket of muffins and donuts.

"Why do you have to make it sound so dirty"? You laughed, sitting the basket on the table.

"Because it's funny". He quickly grabbed a muffin and off he went.

"Your muffins are so good". Cruz stuffed one in his mouth.

"Thanks, by any chance you seen Shay around"?

"I think shes in the locker room, you want me to go get her"?

"No that's fine, I'll just go in and say hi". You replied and excused yourself.

Not hearing anyone inside the locker room you went in and got a fright of your life as Shay came up behind you and scared you by poking you in the sides.

"Shay, you jerk. I nearly peed". Shay laughed while you huffed and folded your arms over your chest.

"Sorry, sweets. What can I do to make it all better"? She asked seductively, coming over to you, wrapping her arms around you and kissed your lips.

"That's a start". You unfolded your arms and locked them around Shays head. Deepening the kiss. She backed you up against the wall, he hand slid down yuh your back and landed on your ass, giving it a squeeze. Making you squeal into the kiss.

"Naughty girl, what will your father say"? She questioned between kisses.

"My father will not know until he wins the election again for the hundredth time". You stopped her from kissing you.

"Okay, we'll cool it". She went to walk away but you grabbed her and smashed your lips with hers. 

"I didnt say anything about cooling it". Your hands went to her messy bun, her hand squeezed your ass. The kiss was hot and passionate. The fire burning inside both of you was quickly put out when the door swung open and you both were like deer in headlights.

"Shit, Gabby.  Almost gave us a heart attack". Shay panted as she let go of you. Your heart beating out of your chest.

"Sorry, I didnt know you two were in here getting all hot and heavy". She giggled as your cheeks flushed.

"Can I ask you guys a question"?


"Why, haven't you came out yet? I mean, you two are always together. Y/N is always here if she isn't with her dad. Shay is always at your place if you aren't at hers. I dont think people with care if you two are dating. Everyone knows Shay is gay". She informed you as she put up her coat.

"But I'm not out. My father would flip if he found out. I know keep Shay a secret is bad but it's the only way I can be with her. But I've already told her once my father becomes Mayor again I'm telling him. So I hope you have a job waiting for me". You nervously chuckled.

"Y/N, I dont think your father will disown you or fire you from being gay. If he does the fuck him. You have us. I know the guys will be thrilled for you two".

"Thanks, Gabby. Um, I better get back to work. I brought some goodies and I'll see you later tonight". You kissed Shay and left.

"Are you okay with being in the closet again"?

"No, but if I want to be with her and I really do then I have to do this". Shay sighs when she sat down.

"You think she will tell him"?

"I dont know. I just wish her the best cause her father is a good Mayor but he's kind of a jerk outside of that"?

"Hopefully it goes well".

"Yeah". Shay ran her hands down her face as she prayed for you.

Meanwhile you were running around like a chicken with its head cut off. The polls were coming in and so far your father was coming in at the top. But he was still scared of losing.

"Good luck, dad". You whispered in his ear.

"Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you". He smiled up at you but you looked at the screen and bit your lip.

"Something wrong"?


"Sweetheart, I know you.  What's up"?

"If I were to tell you something, would you disown me"?

"I know and I'm fine with it".

"Know what exactly"?

"That you and Shay are more than friends. She likes you, I can see it. Kinda like how I looked at your mother. Love twinkles in her eyes when she looks at you".

"You knew"?

"I have for a while now. Just waited for you to come to me when you were ready".

"So you're okay with me dating Shay"?

"Yes. Now go get her. Tell the world". He laughed with happiness for you.

"Thanks daddy, I love you so much". You squeezed him tight.

"I love you always".

You let him go and you were off to find Shay. You did have to tell the world.

"Shay"? You ran into the station.

"She's at Molly's". One of the night shift firemen told you.

"Thank you". You yelled as you ran off.

Jumping in your car you drove to Molly's and walked in. There stood Shay nursing a beer. You walked over and kissed her, right there in front of everyone.

"Hello". You smiled as she stood there stunned.

"You kissed me in front of everyone".

"I did. Can I do it again"?

"You know you dont have to ask that". She giggled as she attached her lips to your, wrapped her arms around you.

"I'm guessing you told him"? She asked breaking the kiss.

"I did but he already knew about us. He was just waiting for me to tell him".

"You idiot I told you he wouldn't care. We could have been doing this all along".

"Well, we should make up for lost time then". You both giggled as you kissed, softly making out in the middle of Molly's a celebration was going on for the election and the coming out of the Mayor's daughter.

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