The Sky Is Falling

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Firehouse 51 report to Chicago Elementary school, fire at school, shooters in progress.

Kelly heard over the speaker, his heart pounded fast as he ran to the truck. Not because of the shooting but because that's where his sister, niece and nephew were at. She was a teacher there.

The fire truck sped out of the garage, heading straight for the school, horns honking and racing against time. They were there in a matter of minutes. Kelly jumped out and went over to Hank to see where they need them to be at.

"Voight". Kelly shook Hanks hand greeting him.

"We have two shooters that we know of. A few shots have been heard but no sign of victims".

"Where do you need us"?

"There's a fire on the second floor. We need out, before the whole building goes into flames".

"On it". The crew worked their best to put out the fire without letting the shooters know they were there. They were have way done when.

"Sergeant Voight"? One officer came and talked to Voight, he had a up date.

Voight sighed and went to find the firemen.

Kelly was coming off the ladder when Voight came up behind him.

"You have a sister that works here"? Kelly stopped and turned on the pavement.

"Yeah, shes a teacher social studies teacher, my niece and nephew go here too. Why"? Kelly was afraid to hear the next words spoken.

"We got contacts in the building, a teacher was shot in the cafeteria. I'm sorry, it's Y/N". Kelly balled up his fist and turned, grabbing the ladder and started running up the ladder. Boden climbed up after him, holding on to his gear and jacket.

"Let me go. I have to see". Kelly yelled, struggling to get away from him. The ladder was being pulled in. Boden clung to Kelly to keep him safe. Kellys family was his family and he felt his pain, they all did.

Kelly was sobbing, he couldn't lose his sister and he couldn't imagine what you were going through. Hank assured him that he was going to get his sister and her kids out without any further harm done.

Hank handled the entry to the school, teargas was thrown and snipers posted everywhere. The shooters were taken out. One was in custody and the other put up a fight and lost.

Paramedics were called in and wheeled out six victims. One was Kellys sister and the others were fellow teachers and two students. They didn't let Kelly see her as she went by but he knew it was bad. Hank gave Kelly the go to find his niece and nephew, they were in the cafeteria with their mom eating lunch when the shooters came in. You protected them from the shooter and you were shot in the process.

Kelly grabbed his niece and nephew hugging them tight as the fire truck raced to the hospital, they all cried on the way.

When arriving, Herrmann took the kids to the waiting area as Kelly tried to get to the doctor. Will Halsted came out and talked to him.

"The bullet nicked an artery in her upper arm, a special surgeon had to be called in and they're trying to repair it now".

"She's going to be okay, right"? Kelly's lip quivered.

"It's hard to tell at the moment. I'll keep you informed". Will patted Kelly's back as he walked away. Kelly watched his neice and nephew hold on to Herrmann. They were scared and in shock. This well haunt them forever.

Four hours went by and still no news on how you were until the surgeon came out with a smile. Kelly let out a sigh of relief.

"She's going to be okay". Kelly thanked the doctor and his niece and nephew started to come out of the shell they were in hearing the good news about their mom. 

The doctor told them they could go see you. They waited at the door just watching you making sure you were really okay.

"My babies". You spoke groggy like.

"Mommy". Your son Logan tip toed over, taking your hand in his.

"I'm okay, it's just a scratch". You held out for your daughter Laura, she was hesitant to take it but she wanted to hug you so bad and never let you go.

"I promise I'm okay". Telling them both. They hugged you tight, but carefully.

Kelly smiled with a tear in his eye. "What's wrong big brother"?

"Today I never thought I would have to see you here and me trying to figure out how I would raise these two like you would".

"You can't. They would be eating take out and having uncle time every night". You both chuckled. Uncle time was when he would come get the twins and have a day out doing whatever they wanted while you stayed home and relaxed.

"There's vegetables on the pizza".

"Right, covered in cheese and grease".

"I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I'd do with out you".

"Same". You said with a smile kissing Logan's and Laura's head.

Three months later.

Kelly watched you as you did physical therapy for your arm, you were starting to get full use out of it again. The kids were in therapy for the shooting, they both had nightmares and it took them a month to get back to going to school. You wanted to get back to teaching and to see your other kids, they missed you and you missed them. No one was going to stop you from making a difference in someones life.

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