Chapter 203: Mr. Gu Can't Fall In Love Anymore?

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Aunt Lan wakes up early and prepares it early. She prepares the porridge in the restaurant and looks up at the sound of footsteps on the stairs. 

Gu Yansheng walked down slowly in a black formal wear, with jet black hair resting on his forehead, covering the expression in his eyes.

After so many twists and turns, I came back again and returned to Gu's house again. It seemed that everything had changed, and nothing seemed to have changed.

Aunt Lan looked at Gu Yansheng, whose eyes became bright again, her eye sockets were slightly moist.

"Sir, breakfast is ready."

Gu Yansheng heard the familiar voice again, his eyes flickered and walked over to sit down, and took Aunt Lan's porridge with one hand. 

"Xiexie Lan aunt," Lan aunt red eyes with a smile: "Sir, I have not heard that you told me, came back just fine ... come back like"

Gu building

Gu Yan Sheng came out from the elevator to the office As we walked, the employees all bowed and smiled when they saw him.

At the door of the office, Xiao Li stood at the door and looked at Gu

Yansheng with a smile, and said, "Mr. Gu, you are back." Gu Yansheng nodded and pushed open the door of the office, and saw Zhou Yuanfeng and Gu Lin sitting on the sofa with wine. Looked at him up.

Seeing him coming in, Zhou Yuanfeng raised his wine glass and smiled and said, "Welcome back, A Sheng, it seems that I am going to give way."

Gu Lin pulled the man onto the sofa and sat down, and said with a smile: "Brother, you are finally It's revived, and it's full of fighting spirit."

Zhou Yuanfeng told Gu Yansheng the details of the company over the past few months, and several people chatted for a long time.

Looking at Gu Yansheng's slow-moving hand, Zhou Yuanfeng sighed: "A Sheng, why did you save President Qin at the time, and why did you let Gu clan cooperate with the Qin family?"

Gu Yansheng was startled and said: "He... is my father's friend, and I don't want his child to lose his father."

"Uncle Gu?"

Zhou Yuanfeng said in a stupefied manner: "But if he is Uncle Gu's friend, why should he always be hostile to Gu Shi, even want to kill you?"

Gu Yansheng shook the glass, his eyes flickered and said: "He hates my mother because...he likes my father."

Gu Lin and Zhou Yuanfeng's eyes widened when they heard it, their eyes full of disbelief.

"Qin Yunsheng grew up with my father, and my father was with him, and then my mother married my father."

Gu Yansheng looked at the wine in the glass and recalled the scene on the day of the fire.

"Let go of the Qin Group? Over the years, you have calculated the Gu family again and again, do you think I will let you go?"

Qin Yunsheng looked at the cold-faced person in front of him and shouted: "That is what Lu Yun deserves! She owes me Yes! If it weren't for her, Gu Ze wouldn't die!" Gu Yansheng heard his father's name and said in astonishment: "What do you mean?"

"I grew up with him, and even if the elders of both sides disagree, he is willing to be together for me. Run away! Back then, Gu Zeming promised me to run away with me, but he never came back after he got back...In the end he married her! Lu Yun snatched him and killed him!"

Gu Yansheng's eyes darkened. , Said coldly: "Impossible, my father died of illness."

"Your father committed suicide! The woman knew that Gu Ze loved me... but she tricked Gu Ze into marrying her and got drunk and got him into bed. He is such a gentle person, he can't bear to abandon your pregnant mother, and he feels that he will lose me, so he will..."

Suicide? Gu Yansheng was stunned when he heard what he said.

"My mother was married by the Gu and Lu family. It was decided by the elders of both sides. After marriage, she was very happy. There is no such thing as my father wanting to escape as you said."

Qin Yunsheng lit the smoke and looked at the flame of the lighter, choked up and said, "The Gu family forced him! What must be married for the family! What was born for the heir of the two families! In the end, he was forced to commit suicide after Lu Yun gave birth to the so-called heir! "

I rushed back from abroad but heard that he is dead... The one I love is dead! Do you know how it feels! He just died like this... I wanted to go to Gu's house to see him for the last time, but I was caught by Gu's People stopped and couldn't see!"

Qin Yunsheng's eyes were scary, and he looked at the opposite face excitedly.

"From then on, I vowed to destroy Lu Yun! Why did Gu Ze die but she is still alive! The more you look like your father, the more I hate you! That woman killed him for giving birth to an heir? My Gu Ze is dead!"

Gu Yansheng looked at him in disbelief. Everyone said that his father died of heart failure because of his infirmity and illness since he was a child, but he did not expect to commit suicide... Suddenly Qin Yunsheng threw the lighter in his hand to the bookcase, and the flames were fierce. The ground sprang up.

Gu Yansheng found out that the ground was soaked with oil. He went to pull the door but found that it was locked.

"Hahaha I really want to see what Lu Yun will look like if you die, cough cough... I want her to taste what it's like to lose her love!"

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