Chapter 216: Are You Going To Abandon Me Also

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Gu Yansheng saw that Mi Shan's phone was picked up quickly, glanced at Wen Niannan with some dodging eyes, got up and walked to the balcony. 

Wen Niannan looked at the people on the balcony who were talking happily and with a smile on his face, a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"It's changed back to the scene in those three years..."

Xu Shu asked suspiciously: "What did you say?"

Wen Niannan smiled and shook his head.

After Gu Yansheng hung up the phone, he picked up his jacket excitedly, and said, "Niannian, your hand hurts, don't practice piano today. I'll be back late today and don't have to wait for me."

He hurriedly took the car keys. left.

What a familiar scene, then Gu Yansheng also picked up Shen Luo'an's call in front of him and left, regardless of his feelings.

Wen Niannan looked at the table full of food but he was the only one, and said bitterly: "Uncle Xu, am I becoming the sad Wen Niannan again..."


"I'm finished, go up and practice the piano." Wen Niannan put down. The tableware got upstairs.

Uncle Xu looked at the trance figure and only sighed and didn't know what to say.

...In the piano room, WE's music is playing.

Wen Niannan sat in front of the piano stroking the keys, looking at the bandages on his hands, thinking of the conversation he heard last night, his eyes were full of bitterness.

Gu Yansheng answered the phone and talked with Miss Namishan very relaxed, but in the morning, after seeing the name of the caller, there was a smile on his face.

He had never seen Gu Yansheng come into contact with a strange woman. Before, Gu Yansheng didn't like to let girls touch his things, but he let Mishan get in his car to take her home.

Wen Niannan's heart became more and more chaotic. He stood up and wanted to turn off the song. The phone rang suddenly, and it was Gu Yansheng who called.


" Nian Nian , are you practicing piano?"


"I may not go back to the company if I have something to do today. You don't have to wait for me."

Wen Niannan held the hand of the phone for a while, and a flash of sadness flashed in his eyes.

"You have to have a good dinner and you can't eat so little. It's not good for your stomach, so what kind of dishes you like to let Aunt Lan make."


Gu Yansheng heard something wrong with Wen Niannan and asked, "I miss you. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, it's just that I'm a little tired from practicing the piano." After hanging up the phone, Wen Niannan sat in front of the piano without responding for a long time, looking down at her bandaged hand in a daze.

Gu Yansheng won't be back, did he go to accompany that Mi Shan? Will they be together tonight...

"I'm not Wen Niannan, who forbeared low self-esteem in those three years, I will not change back to the abandoned Wen Niannan...I am not, I am not..."

Wen Niannan slammed his hands on the piano out of control. , The piano keys were smashed into a harsh sound, just like when the mother's piano was destroyed.

Gu Yansheng's late return, the phone call on the dining table, the harsh sound of the keys, everything was exactly the same as before...

Wen Niannan's body trembled slightly, the gauze on his hands leaked blood, and the white piano keys were stained with blood.

Wen Niannan lowered his head and glanced at his red-stained hands again, looked at the empty vase above the piano, his eyes darkened, and choked, "Didn't you want to send me sunflowers forever? Didn't you say that there will be a lot of sunflowers in the room?"

"Gu Yansheng...My sunflower is withered, so you lose it. Do you want to lose me like a withered sunflower..."


Gu Yansheng at the Gu's Mansion

just finished the meeting and looked at the documents in the office. He pressed his sore eyes and stopped his hand.

Zhouyuan Feng suddenly opened the door and came face heavy, Gu Yan Sheng looked up, opening: "Let you in charge of the project on a good yet I would like to follow Jiang's project ...?"

"I do these days Maybe I won't come to the company anymore. I have to take a few days off. Tang Lunxuan's father passed away. I have to go to the funeral for today's funeral."

Zhou Yuanfeng sighed heavily and said, "This incident has dealt a great blow to Tang Lunxuan. , I want to accompany him more, I can only let go of my work."

Gu Yansheng paused slightly, and said, "Just leave the company to me. It's embarrassing to meet Tang Shuo. You can go on behalf of the Gu family. I won't go anymore."


Zhou Yuanfeng saw the design of the ring on the table and said, "How is your gift preparation?"

Gu Yansheng took the design and said with a smile: Mishan discussed the style of the ring. She said that she could do as I told her, and she was almost done."

"You have been busy with work now and go back late. Don't ignore the feeling of Niannan."

Gu Yansheng's eyes flickered slightly and put down the design. Sighing: "I want to accompany him more. During this period of time, I can finish the project in the second half of the year, so I can spare a lot of time to spend a long time alone with him."

Gu Yansheng went to country Z while busying the company. Looking for Mishan to make a ring, although very tired, his heart is very sweet.

The reason why he went back so late was because he wanted to finish the project handover in the second half of the year so that he could free up time.

Gu Yansheng wanted to take Wen Niannan to travel after the ring was made, wanted to give him a romantic marriage proposal, and wanted to stay with Wen Niannan every day.

Zhou Yuanfeng suddenly To take a few days off, Gu Yansheng could only take him over.

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