Chapter 234: Nian Nian, let's get the certificate

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 Gu Yansheng gently stroked Wen Niannan's ringed hand, lowered his head and kissed, and opened his mouth: "Niannian, we are not reunion, but the second heartbeat. It is the second heartbeat after countless twists and turns. We will not

  Repeat the same mistake again." Wen Niannan looked at the pattern on the ring and said softly: "What pattern is this?"

  "It's our name, carved in ancient Chinese. Old people say that if you use ancient Chinese to engrave your lover's name on the ring, you can never forget it. Separate."

  "Look here."

  Gu Yansheng pointed to the side of the ring, and gently held Wen Niannan's interlocking fingers. The place where the two rings met was the place where the names of the two people met.

  "I like the action of interlocking with your fingers."

  Wen Niannan's face flushed suddenly, and he whispered: "Didn't you say that you want to ensemble with me? Did you make up for marriage proposal?"

  Gu Yansheng was taken aback , and then smiled: "I have been studying for so long, of course, I must personally check and accept the results."

  Gu Yansheng took Wen Niannan to the piano. The two looked at each other, smiled and played the piece just now.

  -After the end of the song, the audience applauded and applauded.

  Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan, who was slightly raised at the corner of his mouth, and showed a frowning smile. He deliberately leaned closer and said in a low voice: "Teacher, how are your students playing? Are they well trained by you?"

  "Tune...Tune?" Wen Niannan was taken aback, his face flushed suddenly, and he lowered his head and dared not be seen by the people in the audience.

  Gu Yansheng stood up and looked down at the stage with his arms around Wen Niannan, raised the hands of the two interlocking fingers, and said one by one: "Re-introduction, this is my lover, my wife, Gu Yansheng." The audience cheered. Palm blessing, a few more people around Lu Yun said congratulations.

  Qin Qibo in the corner saw this scene and sincerely applauded them.

  Zhou Yuanfeng smiled and shouted: "Since I have proposed to marry me, do you want to kiss one too?"

  Wen Niannan lowered his head dodgingly, and clenched his hands subconsciously.

  Gu Yansheng felt Wen Niannan's clenched hand, stroked his hand, and chuckled softly: "My family

  Nian Nian has a thin face , and I finally caught up with my hand. What should I do if I frightened away." Wen Niannan heard the back and lowered his head. Suddenly he was slowly lifted up by a hand, and heard a joking voice and laughed: "Okay, don't bother you 7, and I will run to the ground when I lower my head."

  "I used to hear people say I fell in love first. That person has no initiative. This time, Gu Yansheng's heart was first moved by me, and you were the one I pursued first."

  Gu Yansheng looked at the audience and opened his mouth: "This time I am in front of so many people. You have proposed to marry me. I will give you the initiative. You can control me at will. I will listen to you all the time."

  Wen Niannan's eyes gradually reddened, and he hugged the man who promised him tightly. He felt uneasy for so long. And the tightness disappeared instantly.

  Nothing makes Wen Niannan feel warmer than this ring.

  "Niannian, go, I'll take you to a place."

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