Chapter 221: Gu Yansheng Losing Memory and Becoming Stupid

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Wen Niannan heard the sirens of the ambulance ringing around, and he stared at the blood in his hand in a daze. 

Outside the hospital, Wen Niannan was trembling on the bench. His clothes were covered with Gu Yansheng's blood, and tears fell on the floor.

Will he die...

Wen Niannan has never been so panicked. The moment Gu Yansheng fell, his heart was instantly empty.

Gu Lin walked back and forth anxiously to look at the rescue room, and turned his head to look worriedly at Wen Niannan who was desperate.

Zhou Yuanfeng hung up the phone and walked to sit next to Wen Niannan, and sighed: "He must be fine. A Sheng, who has suffered so many injuries, can recover, and this time he will definitely be able to save him ." Wen Niannan's eyes were red. It's terrible and choked: "The time I was hit by a car...Did he wait for me outside the rescue room as he is now? Is he also as scared as I am..."

Zhou Yuanfeng was startled and said: "Yes, I never I haven't seen him break down like that. I even thought that if the doctor came out and announced that you were not alive, A Sheng would not survive."

"That shot should have hit me... who was lying in the rescue room. It should be me, but he blocked it for me. Why is Gu

Yansheng so stupid..." Wen Niannan's hand was turned pale, and his voice was trembling.

When Zhou Yuanfeng recalled the scene he saw by Haiya, he had lingering fears, but he knew that Gu Yansheng regarded Wen Niannan more importantly than his own life.

"If he is asked to choose again, he will still choose to block for you. In his eyes, you are everything to him and more important than his life."

Wen Niannan's heart trembled and lowered his head, and choked up: "I know...I know he will be willing. I'm so stupid. I thought he came back late on a business trip because he bored me. I thought... I was abandoned again. I thought He became the Gu Yansheng of those three years."

But in the end, two fools were testing each other, and they were in love with each other, but they were afraid of hurting each other... The former Gu Yansheng who had a bad temper and ignored the feelings of others has now become gentle. Careful and cautious person...

"He has done too much for me. I know he is making up. He doesn't owe me anything anymore... He really doesn't owe me anything anymore. I just want him to live, I just want him Alive..."

Wen Niannan covered his eyes in weeping, and the person who had been tense after arriving at the hospital completely collapsed, and long-depressed crying sounded in the corridor.

Zhou Yuanfeng's eyes were full of unbearable, and he looked at Gu Lin and shook his head.

Until two o'clock in the morning, the doctor walked out tiredly, Wen Niannan hurriedly stood up but fell to the ground because his legs froze.

Regardless of knocking on the bleeding arm of the bench, Wen Niannan grabbed the doctor's hand in a panic, and said with a trembling, "He...Is he all right?"

"The bullet in the patient's body has been taken out, and he is out of danger."

After Wen Niannan heard the doctor's words, the big rock in his heart finally fell, and smiled weakly: "...he is still alive...he survived..."

Wen Niannan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the news of Gu Yansheng's peace, and let go of the note necklace with his face. Palely said to Gu Lin and Zhou Yuanfeng: "Gu Yansheng has survived..."

Suddenly Wen Niannan fell back pale and passed out


It was already a day later when Wen Niannan woke up again, opened his eyes and saw what was on his hand. With the infusion needle, Gu Lin on the side was dozing tiredly on the sofa.

Wen Niannan looked at the bandaged wound on his arm with a vague look, and suddenly came to his senses, and pulled out the needle to get out of bed.

"Brother Niannan, you are awake."

Gu Lin heard the voice and quickly got up and walked over, poured a glass of water and handed it to Wen Niannan.

"You suddenly fainted and scared me to death yesterday. The doctor said that you fainted because of too much mood swings."

Wen Niannan didn't receive the water glass, and hurriedly asked: "How is he now? Where is he?"

Gu Lin led Wen Niannan. Went to the ICU ward, stood at the door and did not go in, and said: "He is still in a coma, Yuan Feng went to see a doctor, and the doctor will come in a while."

Wen Niannan opened the door and walked in. The person on the bed was pale. He was unconscious and could only rely on the ventilator to breathe weakly. The dripping sound of the instrument in the silent ward was particularly pronounced.

"Yan Sheng..."

This person... rescued him twice by the edge of the sea cliff, and did not hesitate to block the bullet for him when he aimed at him at the gunpoint.

Wen Niannan walked to the bed and squeezed Gu Yansheng's hand, and tremblingly said, "Gu Yansheng...I'll wait for you, I'll wait for you to recover, okay? You have to get better soon. Didn't you say you want to send me sunflowers every day? You can't lie to me ..."

It turns out that what Dr. Li said was right. Only when the things you love are lost will you wake up and understand the knots that you could not let go of.

Zhou Yuanfeng walked in with the doctor, and saw Wen Niannan also startled, and said: "Niannan, how are you?"

Wen Niannan shook his head and looked at the doctor nervously: "Doctor, is he out of danger? "

The bullet from the patient's muzzle was taken out, but the wound is very close to the heart. If it hits the heart a little bit too far, the current situation is still very dangerous. It depends on whether he can get it in the next 4 o'clock." Come here."

Wen Niannan lowered his head in despair with red eyes, and said with a trembling: "What..."

There was no response until the doctor left Wen Niannan, and he held Gu Yansheng's hand tightly trembling.

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