Lunxuan x Yuanfeng 2: Walk into the marriage hall with you

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"Xiao Shuo, are you coming back this year? Mom said she missed you." Tang Lunxuan wiped his hair and sat on the bed, asking worriedly.

  "Here are a few projects that have not been completed yet, please help me to say sorry to my mother."

  Tang Shuo's face doesn't look good, he has lost a lot of weight, thinner than the last time he opened the video.

  Zhou Yuanfeng walked in with the fruit, saw him wiping his hair, put the fruit on the bed, and put a piece of fruit on the side of the bed and handed him, she also sat on the bed and looked at the phone with her arm around him.

  "Who is opening the video in Wei? Is your brother?" Zhou Yuanfeng saw Tang Shuo who was opposite, and smiled and asked how his company was doing.

  The brothers chatted for a long time before hanging up the video. Tang Lunxuan looked down at the phone and sighed.

  Zhou Yuanfeng rubbed his head and asked, "What's wrong? Isn't he coming back during the Chinese New Year?"

  "Well, he still can't let it go. I thought it had been more than a year. He looked away, but he still didn't dare to return to China. , I don't want to go home."

  Tang Lunxuan leaned on Zhou Yuanfeng, worried about his younger brother who was far away for Chinese New Year.

  "He shouldn't have become what he is now. Xiao Shuo has had many friends since he was a child. There are always many elders and family around him who pet him and coax him. He is so good and so sensible, but now his life has become like this, lonely in a strange Country, I..."

  Zhou Yuanfeng fed the fruit to his mouth and smiled: "It's okay, don't worry, Tang Shuo is very adaptable, and he will also find his lover in Country B. I believe he can put it down. . " "sleep fast, we go skiing tomorrow, OK? " 

"ah. "

  Gu Group

  Zhouyuan Feng Xuan accompany Tanglun play for a few days before I came back, just walked into the office holding a document, see Gu Yan Sheng is on the phone.

  "Well, I'll go back and take it for you. Nian Nian looks good in everything you wear. Don't be too tired."

  "Tsk tsk, Nian Nian looks good in everything. It will make your wife's mouth sweeter and sweeter. Isn't she wearing nothing? You old rascal thinks better?"

  Gu Yansheng gave him a blank look and frowned: "Aren't you going back to Zhou's house for dinner today? Why are you here?"

  Zhou Yuanfeng smiled, and then replied: "The dinner is in the evening... eh? How do you know that I will be back today? Home? My mother told you?"

  Gu Yansheng put down the file and touched the sunflower on the table, and said, "Because Aunt Zhou asked my mother to go there tonight, did you do anything

  wrong ?" Zhou Yuanfeng was taken aback. , Sighed: "Why...Asheng, you go to my house tonight? Help me block it."

  "No, I have to stay with Nian Nian at home. Recently Nian Nian is too tired to be busy with the brokerage company. You can rest. I'm going back to accompany him."

  Zhou Yuanfeng patted the table and said, " Too unrighteous! You guy has a daughter-in-law and forgot your brother. At the beginning, you did not do much to remember the Southern Me. Now you ? nothing about them, "

  Gu Yan glanced at Zhouyuan Feng Sheng, open □ said:" If you do not cope on its population call me, I will not go, obsessed afraid of the dark, I do not trust him to stay home alone. "said After that, he patted Zhou Yuanfeng on the shoulder, turned and left.

  Zhou Zhai "Yuanfeng, what's wrong with you?" Tang Lunxuan asked suspiciously as he looked at Zhou Yuanfeng with an unnatural expression.

  Zhou Yuanfeng looked at Lu Yun's car and said, "Axuan, after a while, you will go upstairs to play chess with my father, okay? I will help my mother cook, and I will call you down when I'm done.

  " Um, good."

  As soon as the two entered, they saw the three talking in the living room, and Lu Yun also looked up.

  "Lunxuan, you are here, go, go and play chess with Dad." When Father Zhou saw Tang Lunxuan, he took him upstairs.

  Zhou Yuanfeng walked to the living room and glanced at Lu Yun, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time, did your mother call you?"

  Lu Yun drank tea, raised her eyes to Zhou Yuanfeng whose eyes twinkled, and said, "Sisters. It's been a long time since I renewed the old, come and see your mother."

  "Yes...Is it, then I will help you get some snacks."

  "No, you sit down too, warm up with a cup of tea."

  Zhou Yuanfeng took the teacup and nodded and raised his hand to drink. He thought it was the matter between himself and Tang Lunxuan. It turned out to be to reminisce with his mother.

  "When are you going to hold the wedding?" Lu Yun suddenly looked at him and said in a serious tone.

  "Puff...why cough cough cough cough cough cough...what? cough cough..." Zhou Yuanfeng's teacup overturned and sprayed on the table.

  Zhou's mother quickly took the tissue and handed it to Zhou Yuanfeng.

  Lu Yun put down the tea cup and raised her eyebrows and said, "When will I say you and Tang Lunxuan will get married? You have all received the certificate for more than half a year, and the engagement banquet has also been held. It's just a wedding banquet. Your mother is still waiting."

  "I...I ." Do you think it will be too soon? We just got engaged two months ago. I'm afraid A Xuan will be under pressure."

  Lu Yun frowned, "What pressure does he have? Why is there pressure to get married?"

  "A Xuan said he thought about it. Tang Shuo, the company's younger brother, wants to be lagging behind before considering his own business. Although Tang Shuo has started to do it now, he still can't let it go."

  "Isn't Tang Shuo already in possession of it?"

  Zhou Yuanfeng was taken aback: "What? Does he have someone he likes?"

  Lu Yun nodded, and said in a deep voice, "The person from the Mo family, named Mo Beiyi, is now with Tang Shuo. He goes there every day. The company picks up Tang Shuo, starts to eat dinner or something, doesn't he tell his brother? "

  Mo Beiyi? It was him...

  No wonder Tang Shuo didn't want to come back this year, but why didn't he tell Tang Lunxuan?

  Mother Zhou wiped the tea on his body, and said softly: "Yuan Feng and A Sheng are already married, and Mr. Qin from the Qin family is also engaged. You should get married earlier, too."

  "Well...Okay ." "Since Tang Shuo has someone he loves, then A Xuan should have no worries...

  Zhou Yuanfeng originally wanted to go back and tell Tang Lunxuan that he wanted to respect Tang Lunxuan's opinions, but he was leaked during the meal.

  The table was full of home-cooked dishes made by Zhou's mother, and Zhou's father was still talking about the chess game just now with Tang Lunxuan.

  Suddenly Zhou's mother opened his mouth halfway through the meal.

  "Xuanxuan, you will get married in February of the year."

  "Puff...cough cough" Zhou Yuanfeng was frightened, choked with gruel until he coughed and looked at Tang Lunxuan.

  Tang Lunxuan was also stunned, his face flushed suddenly, and he looked at Zhou Yuanfeng who was coughing.

  "Ahem...Axuan, I..."

  Mother Zhou patted him on the back and chuckled softly : "You kid, why are you choked again." Tang Lunxuan helped his glasses and blushed: "We...we haven't Think about when to get married."

  "I have a good time. The end of February and March are both good days. The relatives in the family will also gather together, otherwise they will all leave the country.

  "Well... we will consider it. "

  Go to bed, good night." "The two went back to the room in the evening and took the clothes into the bathroom to wash without turning on the light. As a result, when they came out of the shower and turned on the light, they saw what was on the table. Both were stunned.

  Tang Lunxuan took off his eyes. Blushing, he walked to the other side of the bed, wiping his hair and didn't dare to look at Zhou Yuanfeng.

  Zhou Yuanfeng stepped forward and took a look at the box, and smiled: "They have everything they have prepared. They have all kinds of umbrellas. , And it's the one we usually use. "

  Tang Lunxuan blushed even more . He blushed ashamed when he thought that Zhou Mu had picked these things for them and put them in the room.

  "Let me see if the little lazy cat blushed." "Zhou Yuanfeng squeezed his face and smiled at Tang Lunxuan's shy look.

  Even though they have been together for more than a year, Tang Lunxuan would still be too ashamed to look at him every time they do it.

  Tang Lunxuan's face is thin and scared. Tease, Zhou Yuanfeng likes to tease him every time.

  "Well, we are husbands. Why are you shy after doing so many times? Come and hug me. "

  Zhou Yuanfeng hugged Tang Lunxuan and hugged him and lay on the bed while he didn't react.

  "Sleep obediently, I promise not to touch you."

  "Um...Zhou Yuanfeng, you again"

  "Hush, little lazy cat, can I be gentle?" Zhou Yuanfeng lifted the quilt and covered him, reaching for the one on the table. The things were gritted apart with their teeth.

  Tang Lunxuan covered his mouth for fear of making a sound, but he couldn't control the sound because of Zhou Yuanfeng's hand movement.

  "Hey, don't hold your hand, I want to hear your voice, is it comfortable, little lazy cat?" Tang Lunxuan panted and pushed Zhou Yuanfeng, his voice trembled: You...lie to me again, your parents are still there, in case...well... "

  Zhou Yuanfeng kissed the corner of his mouth and smiled: " Hey, can I cover it with a quilt?" This way you won't be heard. "

  That will also be heard... Um..."

  There was a suppressed low groan in the room, intermittently and begging for mercy.

  The red carpet outside the church was covered with petals, and Zhou Yuanfeng was standing in the church with a flower in his hand. On the red carpet outside, looking at the slowly approaching car.

  The door full of flowers was opened, and Tang Shuo in a dark blue formal wear walked out of the car, walked to the back and opened the door, smiling and reaching out to hold it. Tang Lunxuan's hand.

  "Brother. "

  Tang Lunxuan smiled at Tang Shuo and got out of the car.

  "Axuan..." Zhou Yuanfeng looked at Tang Lunxuan foolishly. Tang Shuo held his brother and walked forward. After watching Zhou Yuanfeng for a long time, he slowly handed over his brother's hand. Zhou Yuanfeng holds it.

  "Brother, congratulations, you are finally with the person who loves you. I am really happy for you. My father is gone, but you still have me." "

  Tang Shuo looked at Zhou Yuanfeng and slowly said, "Zhou Yuanfeng, I will entrust my brother to you today. If you dare to treat him badly, I will never let you go." "

  Zhouyuan Feng smiled and nodded his head.

  " Time is running out, my brother, you go in, I go first. "

  Tang Lunxuan sighed and said, "Xiao Shuo, don't you go in and take a look?"

  ", there are too many acquaintances inside. I'm afraid it will cause bad memories, so forget it."

  Tang Shuo flashed a touch of guilt in his eyes and choked. : "Brother...I wish you happiness." He turned around and drove away.

  Zhou Yuanfeng hugged Tang Lunxuan and said softly: "Axuan, are you ready?"


  "Okay, let's go in."

  The door of the auditorium slowly opened, and the petals fell along with it.

  Everyone in the auditorium looked towards the door, as if there was a light in front of him, Zhou Yuanfeng held the hand of his beloved person and walked into the wedding hall together...


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