President Qin x Xiao Qihao 3: Don't you just like torturing me?

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Qin Qibai saw Father Qin when he returned home. Father Qin quickly asked him what happened when he saw the blood on his face. His aggrieved eyes blushed instantly.

  "Did Xiao Qihao let them do this? He didn't help you?"

  Qin Qibai covered his eye injury and smiled bitterly: "I just think it's ironic. I'm like a clown. He saw me being laughed at because of the traces on my body, Just stand there and look indifferently."

  He just felt it was ironic, that everything was wrong.

  Someone once said that he would help him scold him for a bad thing, but now he is standing opposite him, unmoved by everyone's ridicule and abuse.

  To seduce him because of the company's ignorance of shame, does Xiao Qihao think of him the same way?

  "Xiaobai, do you...really fall in love with him?"

  "I can't live without him. He is in every minute and every second of my life. Whenever I do anything, I will think of the memories with him. I just want to... The original Xiao Qihao."

  Father Qin's eyes changed slightly, and he sighed: "From the first time I saw him that year, I knew that he was never as simple as it seems. His eyes were different from other children. Remember why he was selected in the first place?"

  "Why did you choose him..." Qin Qibai's eyes flickered slightly, staring at the scar on his arm in a daze.

  Qin Qibai had no mother since he was a child. He grew up spoiled by a group of servants and nanny, and he has everything he wants.

  Father Qin is busy with the company every day and never takes him to banquets or let him play with other children.

  The main house of the Qin family is very large. He can go anywhere in the house, except that he is not allowed to go out. Qin Qibai is like a little prince trapped in the castle.

  When Qin Qibai was ten years old, Qin's father brought back ten children, saying that it was to train bodyguards to protect his safety in the future.

  Qin Qibai saw the children once when he came back from his grandmother's house. He thought he would finally have a small partner to play with him, but his father said that they would only be able to follow him to protect him when they grow up.

  He saw people running freely on the grassland on a white horse. His eyes were full of envy. He wanted to learn how to ride a horse.

  Qin's father immediately built a training field for him and bought some white horses for him to play.

  He has not learned it after more than two months, so the teacher can only sit behind him with Qin Qibai riding.

  Qin Qibo was not convinced, he did not believe that he could not tame the little white horse.

  He secretly ran to the racecourse while the nanny was not there and watched the beautiful little white horse ride on it. As a result, the horse was frightened and ran away.

  "Xiaobai, stop! The disobedient horse, stop! Ah..."

  Qin Qibai was thrown onto the grass, and the white horse ran away. The clean goose-yellow suit was stained with mud and curled on his head because he fell to the ground. Mao is also covered with grass.

  "Ah hum ... hurts ... hurts," Qin Qibo see bleeding, sitting on the ground aggrieved cried out.

  "Are you okay? The arm bleeds."

  Suddenly he stretched out a hand in front of him to help him up. Qin Qibai looked up for a moment. He was a boy the same size as him.

  Qin Qibo cried even harder when he heard asking him. "Oh, I'm so painful, why is that horse so disobedient..."

  "Don't cry, you... Don't cry, I'll help you deal with it, stop crying." Xiao Qihao suddenly panicked when he saw him crying, and softly coaxed he.

  Xiao Qihao took off his clothes and laid them on the grass, helping Qin Qibo to sit on the clothes.

  Xiao Qihao looked at the crying person, and quickly said, "Don't cry, I... go get the medicine for you and apply it."

  The injury on his arm was deep, and Xiao Qihao ran to the side of the box and took out a small medical kit to help. He bandaged.

  Qin Qibai stared at his skillful applicator bandage, sobbing: "What's your name? Is it a child laborer here? Why haven't I met you."

  Xiao Qihao smiled and said softly, "My name is Xiao Qihao. It was brought back by your father for training. It is the future bodyguard of the young master. It exists to protect you."

  Qin Qibai rubbed his eyes, crying aggrievedly, and muttered: "This name is so ugly, your mother must have gotten it randomly."

  Xiao Qihao looked at him disgustingly, his eyes were full of smiles, and he didn't open his words. He just sat down. Watching him on the sidelines.

  "Does it still hurt ?" "Yeah." Qin Qibo nodded aggrievedly with his arm.

  Xiao Qihao stretched out his hand to remove the grass from his curls, and gently said, "Little master, do you want to learn to ride a horse?"

  "Well, I like the feeling of freedom when riding a horse."

  "I will, I can teach you "

  Qin Qibo sobbed and looked at the boy sitting next to him, wondering: "Why are you treating me so well? Are you afraid that I will lose my temper and scold you?"

  The servants at home are deliberately coaxing him, afraid of him. Losing his temper, he knew those people were afraid of him.

  Xiao Qihao stared at him for a long time, bowed his head and said, "Because you are my little master, I want to help you."

  "Then next time I come, you teach me, OK?"

  "Little master, this is us." You can't tell your nanny and horse trainer. If they know it, they won't let me play with you."

  "Well, I promise not to tell them."

  Since then, Qin Qibai will watch every time he comes to ride a horse. To Xiao Qihao.

  Until now, Qin Qibai remembered very clearly that during the four months he had just learned to ride a horse, he would secretly ride with Xiao Qihao and two of them every time he went.

  He would tell Xiao Qihao anything, and Xiao Qihao would carefully help him out. That was his first friend of the same age.

  It wasn't until half a year later that his father took him to choose who to follow him, and Qin Qibai saw Xiao Qihao standing among the ten children at a glance.

  Xiao Qihao smiled slightly when he saw him, and followed the other children to call him Master.

  "Xiaobai, which one do you like, choose one to be your personal bodyguard, and live with you to take care of you in the future."

  Qin Qibo obediently walked over to look at Xiao Qihao, and raised his finger to him.

  "I want him."

  Father Qin walked to the window and looked at Qin Qibai, who was stunned, and sighed: "Silly boy, have you ever thought about him in the training camp, why would he show up on the racecourse?"

  "Xiaobai, he I have been using you all the time. Xiao Qihao has been looking for his family since he entered Qin's house. He has always been very ambitious to climb up. He deliberately approached you to use you!"

  "What..." Qin Qibai was stunned. .

  "Do you remember why you chose him as a bodyguard at the beginning? He approached you on purpose, and he made friends with you to please you, so that you can choose him when choosing people."

  Qin Qibai said in surprise, " could it be possible? ? " "

  after he returned to Xiao, I let people check his personal life, I asked then to train his people, Xiao Qi Hao is after I announced the election bodyguard for you, he began has been to the racecourse. "

  Qin Qibai He stood up abruptly and took a few steps back, and said in a daze, "I don't want to listen...I'm tired, I'll go upstairs to rest first."

  Father Qin knew he was evading, and didn't want to accept reality.

  "Xiaobai, he doesn't love you at all, he just wants to take care of you to please you, and make you inseparable from her. From the first time he approached you, Xiao Qihao was using your identity to check his own life experience."

  Qin Qibai roared out of control Said : "Impossible! All the good things he has treated me for so many years are true, I know it!" Qin Qibai turned around and fled back to the room in a panic, closed the door and slowly sat on the bed.

  "Are you really approaching me on purpose?"

  Qin Qibai thought of Xiao Qihao's indifferent eyes at the banquet, and his heart trembled . Did he really have no old feelings for himself?

  Is everything about him now just for revenge for these years?

  He lowered his posture and took the initiative to go to Xiao Qihao to say that he loved him, enduring the pain time and time again to please him, Xiao Qihao's request became more and more excessive, he did not refuse, and did everything.

  He passed out into the hospital with the pain of being tortured by those props. He was covered with bite marks and scars. He smiled and said that he didn't hurt, pretending to tease him with ease, but he didn't expect—is it all Xiao Qihao's revenge...

  " The day I was fooled was the person I trusted the most..." In the

  hotel room, Xiao Qihao stood in front of the window and spit out a smoke ring, his eyes faintly looking out the window.

  Xiao Qihao looked down at the time. Qin Qibai hadn't come yet, and he had been late for more than an hour. 

  He turned his head to look at the handcuffs on the table and the newly bought props. Xiao Qihao remembered the bruises on Qin Qibai's hands that he saw that night, a touch of unbearable flashes in his eyes, and stepped forward to pick up the handcuffs and put them in the cabinet.

  His young master has been prone to injuries since he was a child, and the bruises he got on his body will not go on for several days, and it is easy to leave marks on his body. 

  The former Xiao Qihao thought after seeing the kowtow, if he could leave a hickey bite mark on Qin Qibai's white skin and leave the traces of handcuffs struggling... but now he has done it, but he is not so happy. Now, this is not what he wants.

  Click... the door was opened.

  Xiao Qihao immediately put away his expression and looked at Qin Qibai behind him with a cold face, but was slightly startled when he saw his face with gauze.

  Qin Qibai glanced at the props on the table, walked naturally to the bed and took off his coat, and said faintly: "Have you waited for a long time? Let's start."

  "What" Xiao Qihao was taken aback.

  Qin Qibai lowered his head and unbuttoned his shirt, and said, "Don't you want to use handcuffs today? Do you want to play a new one?"

  Xiao Qihao walked over and grabbed his undressing hand, looking at the bruises on his wrist, with a deep voice Said : "The injury on your hand is not healed , I don't want to use props on you today." Qin Qibai looked at Xiao Qihao's legs, raised his head and hugged him, mockingly said: "Why, you can't be hard without a toy. ?"

  "Xiao Qihao, what do you pretend to be pity for, don't you just love these methods to torture people? The excessive gameplay was not used on me, why, looking at my painful expression, you hardened?"

  Xiao Qihao's face suddenly Becoming gloomy, he squeezed his chin and gritted his teeth and said: "You say it again!" Qin Qibai suddenly smiled, and suddenly raised his hand and slapped Xiao Qihao's face.

  "You're a damn person who's crueler than anyone else, so you can still do it to me! Don't you feel tired after pretending to me for so many years?"

  "It's because of me stupidly that you are just playing your temper. Still stupidly thinking that I can save you, and still be the same as before, it turns out that you have been playing tricks on me! You have never taken me to heart!"

  Xiao Qihao pinched his chin with terrible eyes, and said every word: "I'm playing you? Who is playing with whom!"

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