Chapter 214: Stomach Attack! Am I going to be abandoned again

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Wen Niannan, who was sleeping on the bed, opened his eyes with a slight twitch of eyelashes. He was awakened by the itchy sensation on his face. 

Wen Niannan got up and patted the person who awakened him hard, and murmured: "Um...itchy, don't make trouble."

Gu Yansheng's forbearing laughter sounded in his ears.

Wen Niannan heard the sound and paused, opened his eyes to look at the person in front of him, rubbed his eyes, and said, "What time is it?"

Gu Yansheng rubbed his hair against the person who was not fully awake, and laughed softly: " Yes. Wake up ? Go to the hospital today to see how your legs are recovering. Did you forget?"


Wen Niannan sat up and looked at the sun outside the window, stumbled and lifted the quilt to get out of bed. Gu Yansheng walked over and subconsciously reached out and hugged him. He, suddenly both of them were stunned.

Gu Yansheng slowly retracted his hand, a touch of loneliness flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot your legs are healed, I don't need to hold them anymore." Wen Niannan looked at the retracted hand, his eyes flickered slightly without opening. Go to the closet and take out the clothes.

Wen Niannan unbuttoned his clothes and was about to take off. He paused slightly, turned around and looked at Gu Yansheng who was standing by the bed and staring at him in a daze.

"I'm going to change my clothes, won't you go out?"

Gu Yansheng stared blankly at the exposed collarbone and white shoulders of the untied clothes. He couldn't help but move his Adam's apple up and down. Seeing Wen Niannan looked over and hurriedly moved away. Sight.

"I...I'm waiting for you at the door."

Gu Yansheng leaned on the handrail of the stairs and looked upstairs, an invisible look flashed in his eyes.

Wen Niannan's legs have recovered. He went to the hospital for an examination today. If all healed and recovered... Will he leave?

Gu Yansheng was quite sure that Wen Niannan liked him, and would not refuse his intimacy, but recently he noticed that Wen Niannan was deliberately alienating himself.

Although the two people got along a lot in two months, they always felt that something was missing.

Gu Yansheng is getting more and more anxious these days. He watched Wen Niannan's legs recover day by day and he didn't need him to hold it anymore, and the panic in his heart became stronger and stronger.

... In the hospital, the doctor took a film of Wen Nienan to check the recovery condition of her leg.

After watching the film, the doctor nodded and said: "You are recovering very well. It seems that your family has taken care of it very hard during this period, and all the bones have grown."

Wen Niannan heard that he had recovered but he was not so in his heart. Happy, turned his head to look at Gu Yansheng who was asking the doctor's attention.

He seems...seems to be really happy that his legs have recovered...

"Doctor, will he be able to jump and jump like normal people in the future?" After receiving the doctor's reply, Gu Yansheng smiled and looked at Wen Niannan. She was interrupted when she wanted to speak.

"I want to go back, thank you doctor." Wen Niannan got up and walked outside.

Gu Yansheng looked at the back and squeezed his hand slightly, his heart was full of bitterness, and he hurried to follow.

The nurse sister behind him suddenly called to him, handed him a sunflower, and said excitedly: "Gu...Mr. Gu, I know that the feeder is you. You have to treat my WE a little better. His sun, I wish you happiness!"

Gu Yansheng took the sunflower and froze in place, looking up at the sun outside the window.

Yeah, I want to be his sun... I have finally followed Nian-nian to the present, and finally let Nian-nian accept her pursuit, how can she give up before catching up.

A touch of determination flashed in Gu Yansheng's eyes, and he hurriedly chased out with the flower.


After Wen Niannan went home, he went upstairs and returned to the room. Gu Yansheng glanced at the time and knew that it was his live broadcast time, so he didn't bother.

On Weibo, someone is already picking up who is the feeder friend in the WE live broadcast room.

From the exposed hands to the cuffs, to the vague voices, more and more live screenshots were found. Suddenly someone in the CP group posted a photo of the WE visit in the hospital.

There was only a back photo, WE talked to the doctor with his face sideways, and the man standing beside him turned his back to the camera.

Seeing the familiar black suit, everyone is guessing that this person is Mr. Gu.

[This familiar figure is properly Mr. Gu! ]

[The sister who drank expired milk last time you won! ]

[Oh my god! The feeder is really Mr. Gu? I thought it was an ordinary friend]

[I said, why would Mr. Gu protect his wife and crazy demon let WE go to live in another man's house, and finally took his own house]

[Admit it, you exposed ]

[Haha It was stripped]

[I suddenly remembered that today's live broadcast is about to begin, will you see Mr. Gu again today?]

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