Chapter 207: Gu Yansheng...I forgive you a long time ago

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It turns out that the medicine he had been taking was only bought by Gu Yansheng after drinking and drinking until his stomach bleeds ... Gu Yansheng stepped forward and held Wen Niannan's hand, and said distressedly: "It doesn't hurt...I don't hurt. 

Wen Niannan squeezed the medicine in his hand, and looked at Gu Yansheng with red eyes, and said with a choked voice, "How could it not hurt? I... experienced the pain... why didn't you at that time? Tell me? Why are you hiding from me..."

Gu Yansheng sighed and gently hugged Wen Niannan, and said: "Because you were going to tour with Phil at the time. That's your favorite music. I can't disturb you in any way."

"In the future, you are not allowed to hide anything from me, and you are not allowed to hurt yourself for me."

Gu Yansheng was surprised : "Are you... Niannian are you declaring ownership?" Wen Niannan was also taken aback for a moment, lowered his head and did not speak. , Suddenly stretched out his hand and took Gu Yansheng's hand and walked out.

Gu Yansheng looked at the clenched hand, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Perhaps Wen Niannan hadn't noticed that he was already gradually letting Gu Yansheng approach him, and he did not resist or escape.

Gu Yansheng saw these small changes in his eyes, so he dared to appear next to Wen Niannan time and time again.

...It's still raining outside the window, so I don't mean to stop.

Bai Jinchen looked at Gu Lin, who was feverish and unconscious on the bed, hurriedly taking care of him.

"Mom, don't go... I'm obedient, I won't fight with him... Don't go..."

Gu Lin said in a sleepy expression with an expression of pain, holding his hands in the air uneasyly.

"Mom, don't go... I'll be obedient..." The little Gu Lin was pushed away and fell to the ground. He knelt over and hugged Lu Yun's leg despite the pain of the fall.

"Mom, I don't fight with my brother. I don't want anything. I only want my mother. Don't don't want me... Please..."

Lu Yun glanced at her watch and said to Uncle Xu on the side: "Pull him away, I There is no time to waste with him."

Uncle Xu looked at the crying poor Gu Lin and sighed: "Madam, Master, he is still a child, will this be too..."

"Master? The young master of the Gu family is now abroad, this is a fake He's a young master, Xiao Sheng is coming back, he is useless, send him back to the orphanage."

Gu Lin cried and shook his head: "I don't want to go back to the orphanage... I promise I won't fight with my brother. I can be my brother's servant, please don't drive me away..."

Lu Yun kicked Gu Lin away, and said coldly, "You are not allowed to call him brother! I can't keep your face like Xiao Sheng imagined. You." After that, he turned and left.

"Don't go! Don't!"

Gu Lin suddenly opened his eyes, tears from the corners of his eyes slid onto the pillow, looked at Bai Jinchen, who was holding his hand by the bed, for a moment, and quickly got up and hugged Bai Jinchen.

"Brother...Don't leave me..."

Bai Jinchen comforted: "Okay, don't leave, hurry up and lie down, you're not alright."

After a long time, Gu Lin released his hand nervously.

"Brother, I know you are afraid of me, but I can only do this in order to stay in Gu's family."

Bai Jinchen was taken aback: "Are you...Aren't you Gu's child? Then your face is like Gu Yansheng..."

"Because mom needs someone to give him. My son blocked the gun, so he searched the orphanage and found me, but his son abandoned me when he came back..." There was a glimpse of astonishment in Bai Jinchen's eyes , and he said : "How could she do this to you? Then why did he come back? How?"

"I...I hate him for taking away my mother, so..."

"Hey, you are Gu Yansheng?"

Gu Yansheng went upstairs with his schoolbag, looked at the person upstairs who looked like him, frowned and said, "Go away, who let you be here!"

Gu Lin roared, "I have lived here for many years, why? I'm leaving when you come back? My mother, everything about me is gone, just because you are back!"

"You were a fake, naturally you want to leave."

Gu Yansheng pushed Gu Lin away and wanted to go back to the room. He just got off The plane was taken by my mother to the company, and now I am very tired and don't want to bother with him.

Suddenly the opponent grabbed his hand, he didn't expect Gu Lin to be so strong.

"I hate you! Mom said she loves me!"

Gu Lin suddenly looked at Gu Yansheng with hatred in his eyes, and slammed Gu Yansheng down the stairs with his hand.


Looking at the motionless people downstairs, Gu Lin suddenly panicked. It was his mother's biological son. If he died... Then mother and she...

Gu Lin hurriedly rushed downstairs to help the unconscious person and cried: "Gu Yansheng, wake up, don't pretend to be dead, Uncle Xu! Come on, Uncle Xu! Oh, I didn't mean to...Don't die..."

Gu Yansheng was taken to the hospital by Uncle Xu, and Lu Yun hurried to the hospital after receiving the news. .

That night, Gu Lin knelt at the door all night.

The next day, Gu Lin was sent to the gloomy and deserted Gu Zhuang, Lu Yun ordered him not to take a step out of Gu Zhuang, but he stayed till now.

Looking at Bai Jinchen, Gu Lin said with tears in his eyes: "I have done a lot for the Gu family during my years in Gu Zhuang. All shameful things are for me to do. In order to make my mother forgive me, that's why I did it. ..."

Bai Jinchen's eyes flickered slightly, and he said: "Don't cry Xiaolin, I won't leave you like your mother, I know you are a kind person, not a bad person."

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