Chapter 201: You made him swallow medicine and committed suicide

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Gu Yansheng left the cemetery and went home, looking at Gu Lin's ID on the bed, a strange color flashed in his eyes. 

Really left like this...Really reconciled...

Gu Yansheng subconsciously reached out and touched his neck, suddenly remembering that the necklace had been returned to Wen Niannan.

He doesn't have anything related to Wen Niannan anymore. It seems that he is completely cut off. Even the ring marks on the wedding ring on his hand are about to disappear...

Take out his phone and click on Weibo and look at the Weibo portrait. With WE smiling softly, Gu Yansheng's heart seemed to be cut by a knife.

"My W.E; goodbye..." The finger was about to drop on unfollowing , and suddenly a message popped up on Weibo.

The genius pianist WE was in treatment for a serious illness and announced his withdrawal from the music industry due to physical reasons. How could this be?

Gu Yansheng was stunned for a while, and hurriedly slid down to read the Weibo posted by Wen Niannan.

Thank you very much for your company all the way. It's been almost a year since the identity was announced. This period of time has also been a lot, but now because of physical reasons, I can only say goodbye to the stage. Thank you for being able to like the imperfect me

Gu Yansheng looking at the micro Bo breathed, raised his hand to cover his eyes, and murmured: "How could this happen... The doctor clearly said that he recovered from the car accident very well, and he obviously used the best team of doctors to follow the medicine, how come..."

Gu Yansheng threw down his passport. Dialed Gu Lin's number.

"Hello." The person on the other end of the phone was a little hoarse.

"Gu Lin, did that Doctor Li go to see Nian Nan?"

"Yes, he left with Tang Shuo."

Is Wen Niannan sick again...

Wen Niannan stayed in the piano room all night, with the high school graduation photo in his hand placed on the piano.

The shower in the bathroom was turned on, and the water hit the people curled up on the floor.

As soon as Wen Niannan closed his eyes, Gu Yansheng's face was all in his mind, his ears were buzzing and he couldn't hear clearly, and his headache was about to split. Holding a bottle of medicine in his hand, he took out the medicine blankly and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Doctor Li said that as long as I take the medicine, it won't hurt... I will take the medicine obediently and it won't hurt anymore."

— Two tablets, five tablets ... Ten tablets ... Looking at the bathtub full of water in front of him, Wen Niannan smiled and smiled. She smiled and tears flowed down, and slowly dipped her body into it.

Wen Niannan's vision became increasingly blurred, and slowly closed his eyes.

He seemed to hear his father holding him in panic and calling his name.

Wen Niannan opened his eyes again, looking at the white room full of disinfectant smell, his eyes were full of self-deprecating.

He was not dead yet, and came to the hospital again.

Wen Niannan got out of bed and walked to the window to look outside. The door was opened. Father Wen panicked and said, "Xiao Nian! What are you doing!"

Tang Shuo quickly stepped forward and helped him onto the bed. He saw Wen Niannan low. Without speaking, I felt even more uncomfortable.

Father Wen held his hand and choked up: "How can you do stupid things? What if your father dies? Your mother said that you want to see you live for yourself, how can you commit suicide..."

Father Wen was afraid Endless, if it wasn't for him to worry about Wen Niannan and go back home alone to take a look, maybe he would have lost his son.

Wen Niannan smiled wryly with empty eyes: "Too tired...too tired to live, I can't even play the piano now."

He thought he could forget Gu Yansheng with the piano, but now he can't even play the piano.

Every time I touch the piano, I will see Gu Yansheng holding a sunflower in front of the piano.

Tang Shuo looked at Wen Niannan who lost the light and lifeless in his eyes, and his eyes were full of distress. He took out Wen Niannan's cell phone and looked at the exact sunflower pendant, lost in thought.


"It's me, Tang Shuo."

Gu Yansheng froze in place and said: "How is he? Did he take his medicine on time?" "Take the medicine? It's all because of you. He gave him the doctor. I took all the medicine."

"What do you mean?"

Tang Shuo gritted his teeth and said, "Niannan committed suicide. After swallowing the medicine, he committed suicide in the bathtub."

Gu Yansheng instantly stood up and tremblingly said, "How could this be..."

"Yes ." You forced him! If you want to hide from him, don't let him know forever, but now he knows everything, but you let him feel guilty and self-blame

—the days are getting worse, aren't you forcing him to death! "

Tang Shuo's voice became louder and sternly said: "Nian Nan doesn't want to play the piano anymore. He is suffering from depression, but if you want to leave alone, do you let him die? Gu Yansheng, if you are a man, stand there. Come out, don't flinch like a tortoise!

Gu Yansheng looked at the passport on the ground, turned around and took the coat and rushed out the door.

"Where is he now?" Where is Wen Niannan now! "

Gu Building 

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