Tang Shuo x Mo Beiyi Extra 7: Xiao Shuo don't cry...I feel distressed (Ending)

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On the 30th day, Mo Beiyi put on a black suit and slowly walked out of the room, went downstairs and saw Duan Shuo secretly crying in the living room.

  Mo Beiyi clutched the wound on his chest, walked over with a pale face, and said with a smile: "What are you crying, your eyes will be swollen and you will be seen by Xiao Shuo."

  "Brother Yi...This is too cruel to Tang Shuo. Can't you tell him the truth? He will understand you because you need to act with me to deal with the big families. There is no need to misunderstand him. You do this... Tang Shuo will hate you."

  Duan Shuo I know how much Mo Beiyi loves Tang Shuo, and I also know that Tang Shuo is in love with Mo Beiyi now.

  The love Ming Mingyi had hoped for is finally fulfilled, but he has to destroy it with his own hands. It is too cruel to destroy love in the name of love.

  Mo Beiyi leaned weakly on the sofa, his eyes full of despair and guilt.

  "Hate me... hate me, hate me, at least he can be in no danger, he can be anyone's lover, he can have an ordinary but stable and happy life, and I can't put him in deep danger just because of my selfish love."

  Mo Beiyi looked at the gun and bandage on the table, and closed his eyes bitterly.

  "What my father said that night, I was really scared. My father has the supreme rights in country Z. He is fully guarded against the enemy. He is always guarded by the one he loves and can't protect him. What right do I have? Pulling Tang Shuo into danger"

  "Even if he didn't protect him once, he would..."

  They were never the same. Tang Shuo lived in the sun, and he had been fighting in the dark since he was young.

  In the three years of high school, he caught the glare and escaped into the sunlight, but he could not escape the darkness during his life in the Mo family.

  "I love him, so I choose to let go... He hates me for the rest of my life, so that there will be no danger."

  The love he finally got his love was finally destroyed by his own hands.

  Duan Shuo's eyes were moist, and he choked up: "But Tang Shuo loves you... He has the right to choose, how can you resist everything without telling him."

  "I don't love him anymore. I love you, Duan Shuo."

  Mo Beiyi said this sentence and his heart ached. He covered his chest hard and said with a trembling: "Don't cry, we are lovers now, yes Lovers who love very much..."

  "Let's go, the time is almost here, I'm going to see my Xiao Shuo."

  Duan Shuo saw that he was walking unsteadily and supported him. Just about to speak, he found that there was blood on his hands. , Blood leaked from the black suit on Mo Beiyi's chest.

  "Brother Yi, you bleed..."

  Mo Beiyi smiled and shook his head, and said weakly: "Fortunately, the black suit is invisible. Does my face look pale?"

  Mo Beiyi took out the bottle of medicine from his clothes. , Took out a few capsules and ate it, Duan Shuo saw the name of the medicine, and his eyes instantly turned red.

  "You are crazy... You are so badly injured now that you take that kind of medicine, how can your body hold it!"

  That medicine is used by the Jin Mo family to stimulate the body to regain consciousness for a short time before dying when performing tasks. , But the sequelae are so great that no one will use it as a last resort.

  Mo Beiyi slowly raised his hand to pull off the blindfold, revealing a terrible scar, and looked at Duan Shuo with a smile.

  "Do you have any perfume? Help me spray some. The bloody smell on my body is too strong. I'm afraid Xiao Shuo smells it. The

  car stopped in the cafe. Mo Beiyi walked out of the car slowly, but it was affected. The hurt figure on his body was shaking, and Duan Shuo quickly supported him.

  "Brother Yi, how are you? I hold you. "

  Don't let go, I'm afraid he will see if I can't stand firmly." "Because of the medication, Mo Beiyi's face didn't look so pale.

  Tang Shuo heard Mo Beiyi's voice, his eyes lit up, smiled and stood up and looked over, but when he saw the two coming by.

  Duan Shuo was stunned. Seeing Tang Shuo's lonely eyes, Duan Shuo's eyes tightened slightly. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but was caught by Mo Beiyi.

  "Don't move...we just want him to see it. "

  He felt Mo Beiyi press his body on him to support his weak self, but this movement seemed to Tang Shuo to be the two people hugging each other intimately.

  "Brother Yi, how are you? You sweat a lot on your forehead, is it hurting again?"

  "Help me wipe the sweat so that he doesn't let him see it."

  Duan Shuo squeezed his hand in distress and took it out. The handkerchief gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, and just about to speak, when Mo Beiyi suddenly reached out and touched his face, he gave him a gentle smile.

  "Xiao Shuo, for a while, no matter what I say or do, you have to smile, be very happy, and really understand?"

  Mo Beiyi's eyes flashed sadly, he noticed Tang Shuo's gaze but couldn't turn away Go and see.

  Duan Shuoqiang pretended to smile happily and nodded, turned his head to look at Tang Shuo, Tang Shuo was staring at their hands together in a daze.

  Tang Shuo looked at the two people approaching him, and the soreness in his heart instantly spread. Looking at the smile on Duan Shuo's face and the hands he held, he suddenly understood.

  Mo Beiyi walked to the table and sat down, and Duan Shuo also sat aside.

  Tang Shuo's eyes flickered slightly, and he pretended to ask in a relaxed manner: "How is the company's affairs going? Your complexion is not very good, is it very

  Mo Beiyi, he did not wear a blindfold today, those terrible scars and hollows? Godless eyes were exposed, and he looked straight at Tang Shuo without much evasiveness.

  "Today is the 30th day. I am here to give you an answer. "

  Tang Shuo squeezed his hand, he had already guessed what Mo Beiyi was going to say, and smiled with red eyes: "Really, then your answer...what is it?" "

  Let's separate, don't continue." "

  Mo North Yi looked up to see him, open □:" The little moon, the time to get along with you, I am really happy, I can slowly discovered that I like is the former playful love to laugh you, My love for you stays with you in high school..."

  Tang Shuo shook his head in surprise: "You are lying to me..."

  "I lied to you. I lied to you at work. I was actually with Duan Shuo."

  "Do you like him? Are you... in love with Duan Shuo? I thought I was thinking too much, I thought... in my own mind. It's impossible for Mo Beiyi to lie to me. I must have misunderstood a lot, but it turned out to be true."

  Tang Shuo looked at the well-behaved boy on the side and said bitterly: "Why, why is Duan Shuo?"

  Mo Beiyi's His heart seemed to be dripping blood, and his heart was so painful...it was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

  His hard work and effort touched his heart again and again. The love he finally got, finally Tang Shuo opened his heart and accepted himself. Now... but he has to ruthlessly destroy it with his own hands, how can he not hurt...

  Tang Shuo didn't believe that Mo Beiyi would do this, choked up and said: "Mo Beiyi, let me ask again, are you hiding something from me? That said? Did something happen?"

  "Because I don't like you anymore, I'm tired, and I have other people I like."

  Mo Beiyi resisted the trembling voice, pretending to be flat:" I always thought that I love you, and that what I can't get can inspire a man's desire to win, but in this month I got you and I understand that I don't love you anymore."

  Tang Shuo looked at it in disbelief. While holding him, he trembled: "What did you say..."

  "From the beginning, what I like is you who used to laugh. What I like is only the boy who loves to laugh. But it's not only you, anyone can. Duan Shuo can do too. He will smile and act like a baby at me. He will look at me with crooked eyes. I am very happy to be with him."

  Tang Shuo collapsed and covered his eyes, and said desperately: "Mo Bei Yi...you are so cruel, if you like Duan Shuo, why do you come to me again and again, why do you want me to fall in love with you!"

  "Because I just want to try, do I love you, I treat you only when I was young The obsession that I can't get is nothing, I've tried it now, I don't love you, so I don't want to continue."

  Mo Beiyi saw Tang Shuo's trembling hand, he couldn't bear to speak any more, and he choked up: "I know you never forgot Wen Niannan in your heart. He aroused my desire to win and lose before he would chase you in every possible way. But I... don't love you anymore."

  "Why did you come to me? Why did you want me to like you? Why did you leave me after I fell in love with you!"

  Tang Shuo shook his hands and clenched the water glass. After warming his cold heart with endless gentleness, he tore it to pieces fiercely.

  Mo Beiyi looked at his fragile appearance in despair, and squeezed his hands distressedly, his fingers punctured and his palms stained with blood.

  "I'm sorry... I'm sorry Xiaoshuo, but I'm in love with someone else."

  No... I love you Xiaoshuo.

  "I am going back to Country Z, and I will never come back again. Perhaps this is the last time I have seen you. I hope you can find your own happiness."

  Mo Beiyi knew that he should not do this, but he saw red eyes. Tang Shuo, whose body trembled and suppressed his crying, he was reluctant, he

  felt distressed... He felt that he could not bear it anymore, he wanted to rush to hold his Xiao Shuo to help him wipe away the tears, tell him not to cry, tell him I'm lying to him, I love him so much... but he can't...

  Just as Mo Beiyi was about to speak, there was a burst of sweetness in his throat, and his face covered his chest in pain.

  "Brother Yi..." Duan Shuo was afraid that he could not hold it, stepped forward and took his hand.

  Tang Shuo's tears fell, his eyes looked desperately at the hands held by the two of them, and he suddenly felt so sad.

  "Am I a terrible person, I was abandoned by people I like once and twice, but I was deceived like a fool and couldn't help being tempted! In the end..."

  Tang Shuo suddenly picked up the water glass on the table and splashed it on his face. , Smiled and looked at Mo Beiyi, and tremblingly said: "I...woke up, I will never touch this thing again in the future, once...twice, it hurts me so much that I can't breathe. This is poison. I ate it stupidly twice. "

  Love... This thing makes me feel cheap and worthless.

  Tang Shuo put down the water cup and stood up, looking at the scars on Mo Beiyi's eyes for a long time, then suddenly smiled, and Mo Beiyi was stunned by the smile.

  "The scars on your wrists and the injuries on your eyes are not fake. They were left when you collapsed in despair. It is not fake that you rushed to inject the medicine by the sea cliff, but now you lie to me and say that you don't love me... "

  Tang Shuo looked at him with red eyes, and said with a trembling smile: "Liar..."

  "Yes, I am a liar. I don't love you anymore, I don't love you..."

  Tang Shuo took off his bracelet and placed it on the table.

  He said in a trembled voice: "Duan Shuo loves you very much, you are very suitable... I wish you happiness." Tang Shuo smiled and turned and walked out, but tears fell instantly after turning around, and he tremblingly raised his hand to cover his chest.

  It hurts... No more... Nothing...

  I know you are lying to me... Mo Beiyi, you big liar...

  Mo Beiyi stood on the spot looking at the leaving figure, laughing desperately, in the cafe There was a broken heart-piercing cry.

  "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Mo Beiyi kept his eyes closed and said sorry, there was a smell of sweetness in his throat, and suddenly blood vomited.

  "Brother Yi! Call an ambulance!"

  He lost the most important thing in his life, and he would never see the boy he loved again.

  He had a long dream, and the boy who smiled brightly in the dream stretched out his hand to him.

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