Chapter 241: Gu Yansheng live broadcasts, Zhou Yuanfeng confessed

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"Tang Shuo has been transferred?" Wen Niannan was stunned. He just woke up today and was weak, so why did he choose to transfer...

  Gu Yansheng sighed in relief after hearing it, and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, but he watched Wen Niannan asking about Tang Shuo's injury.

  Frowning again, Zhou Yuanfeng glanced at Gu Yansheng , whose hand holding the bowl on the bed was bursting with veins, and sighed: "Tang Shuo doesn't want to see anyone. He only saw his brother. He knew that you and A Sheng were also there. After being silent for a long time, he suddenly said that he wanted to transfer."

  Tang Shuo didn't want to see anyone, and he didn't want to see anyone again. If no one is seen, his heart will not be confused.

  Wen Niannan knew that Tang Shuo, who had recovered his memory, was in distress and needed peace and time.

  "Let him be quiet and take good care of him." Wen Niannan's trance made Gu Yansheng's face more and more ugly. He put the bowl on the table very hard and said in a deep voice: "Tomorrow I will be discharged from the hospital, I think I'm almost recovering. ,

  He can already get out of bed and walk." He was pretending to be seriously injured just to prevent Wen Niannan from going to see Tang Shuo. Now that Tang Shuo is transferred to the hospital, he doesn't have to pretend to be, he has to hurry up to prepare for the wedding.

  Wen Niannan stared at the sprinkled porridge, and said in a daze: "Discharged from the hospital? Didn't you say that the waist was injured and needs acupuncture?"

  Gu Yansheng's expression was a little unnatural. Zhou Yuanfeng knew what he had done when he heard it, and his eyes suddenly changed. Liang, jokingly said : "Oh? Was your waist hurt?" Zhou Yuanfeng stepped forward and patted Gu Yansheng's waist with his hand, and smiled: "A Sheng, is your waist okay? Is it okay? It's so easy to twist."

  Gu Yansheng glanced at the person who was holding back his smile, gritted his teeth and said: "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb." Gu Yansheng turned to look at Wen Niannan, who was staring at his waist as soon as he was about to speak. Some doubts.

  "I have recovered my waist and it's okay. If you don't believe me, we can try it at night, and you will know if my waist is good."

  Wen Niannan was startled, raised his eyes to Gu Yansheng, and realized what he was talking about. His face flushed suddenly.

  Zhou Yuanfeng laughed when he saw it, and joked: "Gu Yansheng, you are too good at playing a gangster . Be careful to scare Niannan away from you." "You are ashamed to say that I'm playing a gangster , who did you tricks." Gu Yansheng reached out and held Wen Niannan With his hand, chuckled softly : "What is your blushing? You asked me if you kept staring at me." Wen Niannan's head was lowered and his ears were red.

  "Okay, don't bother you. I'll let Yuanfeng go through the discharge procedures tomorrow morning and accompany you home tomorrow."


Zhou Yuanfeng went out to buy some food after completing the procedures, but instead of going to Gu Yansheng's ward, he Drive to another hospital.

  He opened the door and sat in front of the bed looking at the sleeping person, with a small smile.

  These days he has been taking care of Tang Lunxuan, perhaps because he was injured and weakened, Tang Lunxuan became particularly docile and did not refuse him, and the distance between the two seemed to be drawn closer.

  "Are you awake, does your body still hurt ?" Zhou Yuanfeng lightly lifted Tang Lunxuan to lean against the bed, and whispered softly: "I brought you something to eat, let's have something to eat."

  Tang Lunxuan glanced at the food on the table and asked. Said: "When did you come, why didn't you wake me up."

  "It didn't take long, I want you to sleep more and rest." Zhou Yuanfeng sorted out Tang Lunxuan's gown.

  "You have been taking care of me all this time, and you didn't take care of the company. Wouldn't Gu

  Yansheng blame you?" Zhou Yuanfeng has taken care of him from the time he sent him to the hospital. He also looked for Tang Shuo's transfer to the hospital, and even helped himself to take care of Qi. Yue Group.

  Tang Lunxuan was full of guilt and gratitude. He knew why Zhou Yuanfeng did this.

  "It's okay. The company is not as important as you. You are injured and weak. I will worry. I want to take care of you."

  Tang Lunxuan paused and looked up at Zhou Yuanfeng, only to find that the other party was also looking at him, and his eyes moved away. Out of sight.

  "I saw Tang Shuo just now. Don't worry. He is recovering well from injury, but he still refuses to speak."

  Tang Lunxuan heard Tang Shuo still like this, worried: "I want to help him when he recovers. Find a psychiatrist. He is like this now. I am worried that he will do stupid things after he is discharged from the hospital."

  "Indeed, he was hit too hard. It was originally because of drugs that made his spirit weak, but he had to accept so much after waking up. Unwilling to accept the reality, Mo Beiyi's affairs have a great influence on him."

  As anyone, experiencing these will be crazy...

  Tang Lunxuan thought of Tang Shuo who was playing with him and laughed, and sighed: "If Xiao Shuo How good it would be without the injection of antidote, he won't be like this, and he can continue to live so happily."

  Zhou Yuanfeng hugged Tang Lunxuan in distress, and said softly, "He will get better, your brother is very kind. A strong man."

  "If he really can't want to do stupid things..."

  Zhou Yuanfeng interrupted him, saying word by word: "Don't worry about me, everything is with me, I will help you take care of Tang Shuo, too. Will take care of you."

  Tang Lunxuan forcibly endured tears for a long time, and choked up: "Yuan Feng, why do you treat me so well...I always need you to help me deal with the mess. I don't deserve you to treat me like this. . " "because I love you, I Zhouyuan Feng finds that person, I would protect his life. "

  after a long time Tanglun Xuan was calm mood.

  Zhou Yuanfeng took out a strawberry cake from the box and opened it to him. He smiled and said, "Hey, this is your favorite cake. I asked the doctor if I can eat some."

  Tang Lunxuan looked at the strawberries on it and thought. After the last incident, my face turned slightly red, I reached out and took it, and said, "Thank you."

  "Is it sweet?"


  "I'll buy it for you next time."

  "Why don't you eat strawberries first? Don't you like strawberries the most?"

  "Well, I want to keep the favorite one last."

  Zhou Yuanfeng was stunned when he heard that, a strange color flashed in his eyes, and tentatively said: "What about me? Do you want to... keep it for the end?"

  Tang Lunxuan's fork fell on the table and looked at him in a daze. Slowly lowered his head and looked at the strawberries in the plate, and said: "I..."

  "Don't hide, I want to hear you say, do you like me?"

  Tang Lunxuan raised his head and looked at Zhou Yuanfeng, his eyes flickering slightly without opening, Zhou Yuanfeng saw him Do not speak, eyes are full of loss.

  Suddenly Tang Lunxuan raised his hand to pick up the fork on the table, fork the strawberry on the cake, and slowly handed it to Zhou Yuanfeng's mouth.

  "This is my favorite, I want to leave it to you."

  Zhou Yuanfeng was stunned for a while, Tang Lunxuan gave himself his favorite strawberry...

  Zhou Yuanfeng reacted in an instant, and slowly opened his mouth and ate the strawberry on the fork. Licking the cream on top, he smiled and said, "I knew you liked me a long time ago, dishonest guy."

  Zhou Yuanfeng hugged Tang Lunxuan tightly, his eyes were slightly red, "Axuan, stupid. Guy, you will be my person from now on, and I will cover you from now on."

  Tang Lunxuan's mouth raised slightly, his eyes were full of smiles, and he put his arm around Zhou Yuanfeng.


  Gu Yansheng has been busy preparing for the wedding since he was discharged from the hospital. Yesterday, he called for a decorator to decorate the corridor and the living room.

  In the piano room, Wen Niannan was broadcasting live, looking down at the piano score in his hand and chatting with netizens.

  Suddenly he heard the sound of a car ringing outside the door, and it didn't take long before he heard footsteps outside the door.

  The door of the piano room was opened, and Gu Yansheng walked in with the cake.

  "Niannian, I'm back."

  Seeing him on the live broadcast, he didn't evade the shots . He walked directly to the camera and hugged Wen Niannan, rubbed his neck and chuckled: "Did you miss me at home?"

  Wen Niannan said. The camera was turned down a bit, and he smiled: "Why did you come back early today?"

  "Uncle Xu said that after the decoration of the living room is complete, I will come back from work and bring you your favorite cheesecake."

  The fans in the live broadcast room all saw Mr. Gu coming in with the cake and begging for a hug, and even more. Mr. Gu smiled and hugged WE, taking screenshots and recordings frantically.

  [Lifetime! ! The old lady is here! Take a screenshot! ]

  [Oh my god is so sweet! President Gu actually showed up! ]

  [Ah! ! I originally thought Mr. Gu was fierce, but turned out to be so gentle! ]

  [The best animal trainer in history is my WE Da! He actually tamed this old dog Gu into a little milk dog! ]

  [Could it be that W. E has faced such a warm Mr. Gu for so long? Brain fill 10,000 words! ]

  [Why lower the lens! ! I can't see Mr. Gu's prosperous beauty anymore! Bad review! ]

  [I will buy cakes and go home after work. What kind of man is this? So cute! ]

  [It's too sweet, it's so sticky before marriage, can WE still get out of bed after marriage? ]

  [That cake looks so delicious! where did you buy it? ]

  Gu Yansheng saw the barrage on the screen, picked up the cake packaging and said to the camera: "This shop is delicious. I recommend you. I will bring one to WE every day."

  Wen Niannan stopped and said: "Okay. Don't say anything, they must be recording screens, and you will be on hot search again."

  Gu Yansheng accidentally revealed the name and address of the store, and said that he would go to work every day, and the fans' eyes suddenly brightened.

  As soon as the live broadcast ended, Wen Niannan was taken downstairs to see the decorated living room.

  Gu Yansheng covered Wen Niannan's eyes and led him to the living room, and opened his hand lightly.

  Wen Niannan slowly opened his eyes and looked at the living room, stunned for an instant.

  The wall of the living room was carved into sunflower patterns, and a huge painting hung on the wall in the middle. The two people in the painting were sitting in front of the piano in a sea of ​​golden sunflowers.

  On the other side of the living room is hanging another pair, a woman with a demure and gentle temperament is sitting in front of the piano, holding a little boy in her arms.

  Wen Niannan saw the eyes of the two paintings instantly moist, and choked up: "What are you doing..."

  "The person who played the piano with you before and took care of you was your mother, but later it was me.

  Gu Yansheng stepped forward and hugged Wen Niannan from behind, soft Said: "Nian Nian, from now on, I will accompany you, play the piano with you, and accompany you for the rest of your life. "

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