Chapter 208: Nian Nian Are Your Ears Sensitive?

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Gu Yansheng clasped the person in his arms emotionally, his eyes were full of disbelief, and it took a long time to release his hand slowly. 

Wen Niannan looked at Gu Yansheng's red eyes and said, "I...I have not hated you since you came back. I just can't reach the hurdle in my heart. I don't know how to get along with you..."

Since when did I stop hating Gu Yansheng?

It was from knowing that Gu Yansheng was injured time after time by blocking the knife for himself... It was from the fact that he did not hesitate to take the Gu Group to take risks in order to keep himself safe.

It was because he was willing to disappear so that he would no longer be harmed, and it

was because he learned that he was desperately pouring alcohol and stomach bleeding to take medicine for him... It was because of his love that he built a music restaurant for him, and he took pains to repair his mother's The precious video... or... is Gu Yansheng 's gentleness and everything he has done for himself during this period of time, and a little bit of accumulated hatred... Gu Yansheng raised Wen Niannan's lowered head and said softly: "I don't want you to learn. Accept me, and I don't want you to be nervous and uncomfortable when you get along with me.

Nian Nian , no matter what you are, I like it." "Is it tired to like me... You have been tired all these years, I don't want to Letting you get along with me is as tired as before. This time, let me learn how to get along with you, okay?"

Wen Niannan looked at Gu Yansheng blankly, and said, "What do you...What do you mean?"

Gu Yansheng took a deep breath. He looked at him firmly, and said word by word: "Niannian, let me pursue you again, okay?"

Wen Niannan looked at Gu Yansheng in a daze, and said, "What did you...say?"

Re... pursue...renew Start?

Wen Niannan's hand clenched the necklace tightly, his eyes dodge slightly without opening, the three years of marriage brought him a great shadow.

Gu Yansheng saw the anxiety in his eyes and quickly explained: "You don't need to put up a thorn in front of me to protect yourself. I will never let you suffer any harm. Starting from today, I will pursue you again. Let's start again. All right?"

Wen Niannan's eyes turned red, as if he had removed all the disguise, and his voice choked: "Okay..."

The stone in Gu Yansheng's heart finally fell, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. hand.

"Let's go, I'll take you home."


Tang Lunxuan looked at the banquet invitation letter he received, which he didn't know it was, and took off his glasses and rubbed his sore eyes.

Ever since Zhou Yuanfeng separated at the banquet that time, he has changed the way to invite him to various banquets.

He went again because it was not polite to refuse, and every time he went, he would see Zhou Yuanfeng there.

And in his hand is the invitation letter for the Gu family banquet, and the signature is Gu Yansheng.

Gu Jia Tang Lunxuan was chatting with his friends about the company's project, and suddenly saw Zhou Yuanfeng walking towards him in the distance. His expression changed and he turned around in a hurry, and Zhou Yuanfeng in the distance chased him when he saw him escape in embarrassment.

Tang Lunxuan ran a long way, panting and looking behind him, when he was suddenly pulled aside by a hand.

Zhouyuan Feng put people against the corridor wall, suppressing anger bite: "!? Run you run again, ah, I do a ghost you saw me run so fast,"

"Let ... Let me go, you're hurting Zhouyuan Feng I'm here!"

"Why do you keep hiding from me and refuse to see me? Can't I say something to you?"

"Zhou Yuanfeng, you let me go. You are too close. I don't like this!"

"I don't like it? We have done more intimate things many times, but you said you don't like me being close? Where did I touch your body or kiss, but now you are so resistant to my touch!"

Zhou Yuanfeng suddenly exerted force He held down Tang Lunxuan's hand, and kissed him in spite of his resistance.

Tang Lunxuan struggled hard to push away, but the more he struggled, Zhou Yuanfeng kissed more intensely, being pressed tightly by his fiery lips.

Suddenly the shirt was opened and touched his waist. Tang Lunxuan was shocked and opened his mouth. He saw the smile flashing in the opponent's eyes, and Tang Lunxuan felt the opponent's tongue stick in.

" Hmm ..." Tang Lunxuan was frightened by the warm tongue that came in. He closed his eyes in a panic and pressed the tip of his tongue, but he didn't know that his actions made Zhou Yuanfeng more excited and kissed deeper.

Suddenly Zhou Yuanfeng let go of the person in his arms with a pain in his foot, and left an ambiguous silver silk when he parted.

Tang Lunxuan's face and ears turned red, and he looked at Zhou Yuanfeng in shame, and said angrily: "You! You!"

Zhou Yuanfeng smiled like a gangster: "What am I? We often did this in those few months, and You said that you really like me kissing you on the bed, and you will..."

"Stop talking! You like Tang Xuan, who loves to talk softly like a baby, not me! I don't know how to act like a baby, and I won't be like him. Stick to you and follow you!"

Zhou Yuanfeng looked at him in shock, and shook his head with a helpless smile: "What? A Xuan, you...Are you eating your own jealousy ?" Tang Lunxuan dodged his eyes and said angrily: "I'm just I'm not jealous, and I don't like why you are jealous?"

Zhou Yuanfeng stretched out his hand and squeezed Tang Lunxuan's face, looking at him tenderly.

"You stupid, haven't you seen that I've liked you a long time ago? Do you think I would laugh and tease people at will? Fool, I've been liking you. 

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