Extra 2: The first time for Yan Sheng & Nian Nan

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Wen Niannan obviously felt that Gu Yansheng had become more and more attached to him recently. He made a phone call since he left home to go to the company, and started a video chat at noon. And Gu Yansheng's contact with him became more and more intimate, and he didn't feel uncomfortable at first.

  I don't know that since that day, Gu Yansheng started to run over to hug him every time after taking a bath, let him blow his hair, and caress his waist every time he came over and hugged him every time he was sitting with him.

  When the two kissed, his hand would naturally poke into his clothes, and Wen Niannan would blush and make him pause.

  Gu Yansheng would like to rub his neck and ears, intentionally or unintentionally, when the two were getting along. At first, Wen Niannan often blushed and nervously, and would gently push him away.

  Gu Yansheng looked at him innocently, every time it was natural as if it were a normal thing. Gradually, Wen Niannan became accustomed to his intimate contact.

  "I have a show to be recorded today. It is not convenient to start a video with you at noon."

  Wen Niannan was wearing a tie while standing in front of the mirror, but he couldn't tie it anyway . Gu Yansheng, who was lazily leaning on the pillow on the bed, watched him indulgently. , Got up and walked over.

  Gu Yansheng hugged him from behind topless, held his hand, leaned close to his ear, and said in a gentle voice: "Idiot, I have taught you so many times and I can't learn it. Let me help you tie your tie in the future. Okay?"

  Wen Niannan heard the lazy magnetic voice in his ears, his face flushed slightly, and he said, "I...I don't usually need to wear formal clothes. I don't need to wear formal clothes today. I don't wear them until I go to the official show today."

  Gu Yansheng watched him blush. Then, he deliberately put his chin on his shoulder and leaned on him, and said softly: "I teach you."

  "Go through here, smooth this place first, then insert this from there, and pull Make some adjustments, um, okay,

  Nian Nian is great." Wen Niannan unnaturally arranged his clothes, and smiled: "Then I will go first. You will go to the company and drive slowly, so don't give another ticket."

Scolded [Chi ] " 

Gu Yansheng pointed to his face, Wen Niannan smiled and shook his head, walked over and kissed the corner of Gu Yansheng's mouth on his tiptoe.

  "Okay, I'm leaving."

  Gu Yansheng touched the corner of his mouth, smiled stupidly, and put on his clothes and went to the company.

  Wen Niannan wrote the new song before his marriage to thank the fans for his company and his growth.

  Fans even made this song called "Warm Light" top the DAWN website.

  The video of the two ensemble watching each other's warm light was transmitted abroad, and this song became a must-have for many weddings at that time. Fans abroad also wish WE found a beloved love, and the warm light even occupied the top of many charts, letting people once again see

  WE who is gifted with music .

  Wen Niannan received a call from Phil, his warm light was nominated, and he sent an invitation to the music award ceremony.

  Gu Yansheng accompanied him to the awards ceremony. This awards ceremony was held in the last month of each year. When he got off the car and was on the red carpet, his eyes hurt by the flash of the media.

  Many celebrities came to the scene. Wen Niannan saw the celebrities who had written songs in the studio before, and he was about to say something to Gu Yansheng when he turned around.

  Suddenly he saw a girl in a blue and white veil dress holding a trophy tripped over. When he looked up, Wen Niannan saw her face, and Wen Niannan was stunned.

  Nuan Guang won three awards that day. The audience was chanting the name of WE, but Wen Niannan on the stage only looked at Gu Yansheng alone. Gu Yansheng smiled and beckoned him.

  When returning home, Wen Niannan looked at the direction of the cemetery slightly in a daze, then lowered his head to look at the trophy.

  Zhou Yuanfeng took Tang Lunxuan and Xiao Li at home and waited to celebrate Wen Niannan. Except for Xiao Li, everyone was drunk, and Aunt Xu Shulan also drank a lot of alcohol.

  Gu Yansheng helped Zhou Yuanfeng into the car when thinking about leaving after drinking late.

  "Xiao Li, it's too late to drive carefully on the road."

  "Yes, Mr. Gu, go in."

  Gu Yansheng returned to the house and looked at the empty living room, rubbed his aching head, got up and went to the room. .

  "Niannian, what's the matter with you?" Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan who was sitting by the bed in a daze, and walked over worriedly.

  "Nothing, I just..."

  Gu Yansheng sat on the side of the bed and held his hand, and said softly: "Do you miss your mother?"

  "How do you know•••"

  Gu Yansheng hugged him heartily and sighed. "I also saw that girl. She looked a bit like your mother in that blue veil dress."

  Ye Xian was the youngest genius pianist at the time and she was very talented and born. All prizes.

  And the blue gauze dress she was wearing when she received the award surprised countless people. Even the old man of the Gu Group wanted Ye Xian to be a daughter-in-law.

  Gu Yansheng removed the musical note necklace and put it on Wen Niannan's hand, and said distressedly: "Niannian, you can tell me, don't hold it in your heart."

  Wen Niannan was held in his arms and leaned against his chest, choked up and said: "She was also back then. Only when someone calculates that the body becomes so weak, I miss her a little..."

  "Don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future, and I will protect you for your mother. I will not let this happen to you."

  Wen Niannan know Gu Yan Sheng guarding him more than once, open □ said: "Thank you ... thank you for protecting me so many times."

  Gu Yan Sheng glanced at the side of the cup, asked: "do you take medicine yet?"

  bosom Wen Niannan slowly wrapped his arms around his neck and leaned on his chest without speaking.

  Gu Yansheng rubbed his head comfortably, raised his hand, opened the drawer, took out the medicine, and brought the water glass over.

  "Hey, take the medicine. After taking the medicine, I will hold you to sleep."

  Wen Niannan opened his mouth and took the medicine, but did not pick up the water glass. Gu Yansheng picked up the water glass and fed him water like he wanted to coax the child.

  Looking at Wen Niannan who is docile like a cat, he gave a slight look in his eyes, stroked his eyes with his hand, lowered his head and kissed, and whispered, "Do you have plans for tomorrow?"

  "Huh? No, both days. No itinerary."


  Wen Niannan was itchy by Gu Yansheng's kiss, and asked: "What are you asking about this?"

  Gu Yansheng stared at him with blurred eyes, licked his ears with the tip of his tongue, and lay down on the bed with his arms around his waist. Said: "Niannian, can we try? I will let you accept me."

  Gu Yansheng forcibly resisted not touching Wen Niannan. These days, Wen Niannan watched him go to the bathroom to solve or endure every time he was teased out of the fire. But never forced him.

  Gu Yansheng lay on his side and looked at the person in his arms, and said, " Niannian , just try, OK..." Wen Niannan didn't push Gu Yansheng away immediately, and looked down at the bulge between his legs. Gu Yansheng endured uncomfortably, but still Let him choose tenderly.

  A trace of guilt flashed in Wen Niannan's eyes, blushing, and he said, "Are you... are you trying to pretend to be pitiful to make me feel soft?"

  Gu Yansheng opened his hair and smiled, but the hand on Wen Niannan's waist did not stop, and he lowered his head to kiss. He opened his eyes again and sighed: "If I can, I think...well"

  Wen Niannan suddenly pushed Gu Yansheng away, the two exchanged positions, Wen Niannan sat up and looked at him, bowed his head and kissed him.

  Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan, who pressed him on the bed and kissed him with his eyes full of disbelief, but his jerky kissing skills made him feel hot.

  Wen Niannan blushed and wanted to release Gu Yansheng, but when he was about to get up and avoid him, his head was held down and he couldn't escape. He felt the other party's slippery tongue sticking in, until he took away his oxygen. Drove him.

  Wen Niannan lay on Gu Yansheng's chest, panting, his body lost a bit of strength.

  Gu Yansheng suddenly turned over and bullied him and pressed him, condescendingly looking at the person whose face was flushed and afraid to look at him, and smiled: "Fool, how can you call a kiss without sticking out your tongue."

  "Good, open your mouth." Gu Yansheng put his arms around him. After kissing him, the hand moved gently to untie his clothes.

  Gu Yansheng obviously felt that Wen Niannan's body was not as tight as before, and did not subconsciously reject it. It seemed that his usual close contact made Wen Niannan get used to him.

  But when he unbuttoned his pants, his hand stopped, looking at Wen Niannan whose eyes were red, and said softly: "Okay?"

  Wen Niannan gasped and looked at his eyes for a long time and nodded.

  Gu Yansheng took off his black shirt and threw it on the ground, gently unbuttoned Wen Niannan's pants, kissed his ear comfortably, and reached out between his legs.

  "Um... Gu... Gu Yansheng..." Wen Niannan hugged his neck in fear.

  Gu Yansheng stopped and coaxed: "I'm here, don't be afraid, I'm here"

  "Gu Yansheng ...I love you."

  "I love you too,

Niannian ." Wen Niannan saw Gu Yansheng open the drawer and took out a small bottle. When I was about to open, I was blocked by Gu Yansheng's kiss when I asked what it was.

  Suddenly he felt a cold behind him, and he hugged Gu Yansheng in fear. Gu Yansheng stopped his hands distressedly and said softly, "If you are afraid, we will not..."

  "No...not afraid, I am not afraid of being with you."

  Gu Yansheng sighed, distressed the tears in the corners of his eyes, and said: "There will be some pain, can I tolerate Niannian?"

  "Yeah" The warm sunlight came in, and the two people lying on the messy sheets were still there. Sound asleep.

  Gu Yansheng on the bed suddenly opened his eyes and woke up, staring at the hickey on Wen Niannan's body, staring blankly for a long time, and suddenly sat up.

  "I...we did it yesterday?"

  He remembered that Wen Niannan seemed to cry when he was doing it last night. Gu Yansheng felt distressed for a long time. At first, Wen Niannan was very painful, but he still said no.

  After the end, he hugged Wen Niannan who was crying asleep and went to the bathroom to clean up his body.

  "Hmm..." Wen Niannan on the bed opened his eyes and woke up. Just about to get up, he fell back in pain.

  Gu Yansheng quickly got off the bed and stood aside at a loss, hurriedly said: "You...how are you doing?"

  Wen Niannan was startled and remembered what happened last night, his face flushed, and his voice hoarse: "I have some pain in my waist..."

  Hearing his own voice, Wen Niannan's face became even redder. He had been crying for a long time last night and his voice was dumb. .

  "I... I'll let Aunt Lan help you cook some soup to moisturize your throat... OK?"


  Gu Yansheng looked at the hickey on Wen Niannan's neck, briefly stunned. Wen Niannan noticed that he looked over and saw him there. The hickey on his body quickly covered himself with a quilt.

  Gu Yansheng just looked at people and didn't look ahead, so he slammed into the door, opened the door in a hurry and went out, but when he went downstairs, he stepped on the empty stairs and fell—falling.


  "Sir! How did you fall, sir?"

  As soon as Aunt Lan came out of the kitchen, she saw Gu Yansheng fall down on the stairs, still smirking, and she was so scared that she hurriedly called the family doctor.

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