Chapter 209: Your Blushing Looks So Cute

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 Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan with red ears with a smile in his eyes, rubbed his head and said, "Your ears seem to be very sensitive. I just touched it and it became red. 

Wen Niannan was slightly startled, and looked at Gu Yansheng, who was different from before.

Gu Yansheng had never done these intimacy moves before. Is he deliberately getting close to himself... Of course , Wen Niannan didn't know that Gu Yansheng was stimulated by Tang Shuo outside the door.

Gu Yansheng stood in the corridor for a long time after listening to Zhou Yuanfeng's words yesterday. He never seemed to take the initiative to get close to Wen Niannan.

Now that Wen Niannan has promised that he can pursue, he may be able to do some intimacy actions to enhance the relationship between the two.

Gu Yansheng returned to the hall and dragged away Zhou Yuanfeng, who was talking at the banquet, to the study. He didn't let anyone go until early in the morning.

But when he drove to the studio the next day, he saw what Tang Shuo was talking to Wen Niannan. Gu Yansheng stared at the sunflower in Tang Shuo's hand and hurriedly got out of the car and walked over.

Wen Niannan looked at Gu Yansheng's face unchanged, and said angrily: "You obviously just used the tongue..."

Gu Yansheng walked over to the piano and sat down, pretending to be puzzled: "What is it for? My chin is not. Be careful when you hit it, what do you think I used?"

Wen Niannan's face turned red, and he hesitated: "I..."

Seeing that he was speechless, Gu Yansheng took out a sunflower and shook it in front of his eyes, softly. Said: "Mr. WE, can you teach me to play the piano?"

Teacher? Wen Niannan was startled when he heard the title.

"Your piano skills are already very good, you don't need to learn from me at all, and I don't accept students."

When he was a teenager, he was able to play the most difficult and famous songs in front of everyone, but he said he wanted to teach him how to play the piano?

Gu Yansheng put the flowers in the vase, his eyes flickered slightly and said, "I haven't touched the piano for many years. I don't know how to do it anymore. I want to enroll in a class with you, just like a student of mine. "

Wen Niannan looked at his hand on the piano, his eyes full of pleading Gu Yansheng, he seemed to see Gu Lin at that moment.

Why did Gu Yansheng suddenly become rogue? It was completely different from the last time I saw him, making him completely unaccustomed.

Wen Niannan squeezed his hand and said in a low voice: "I have a few concerts starting next week. I usually have to be busy writing music and I don't have time to teach you."

"I can come when you are free . I can do it anytime, no.

I'm delaying your concert, and..." Gu Yansheng reached out and touched Wen Niannan's earlobe, and said softly, "And now I have to work hard to pursue you. You can't push me away. I will learn faster with you. "

Wen Niannan's eyes flashed slightly, covering his ears and lowering his head.

Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan's red ears, and said in a daze: "You look so cute now, your ears are red, and your face is red."

Wen Niannan stood up and said angrily: "You...I won't agree with you. "

Gu Yansheng didn't say any more," he whispered softly, "Niannian, you agreed? Then I'll go to pay the tuition with the people in your studio. Teacher, you should practice the piano first."

Before Wen Niannan spoke, he left the piano room.

Gu Yansheng leaned on the door, covered his chest and lowered his head. Suddenly, the corners of his mouth raised and smiled.

His heart is beating so fast

... In the room, on the big white bed, lies a sleeping person, with two bite marks on his shoulder and two strangle marks on his exposed wrist.


Qin Qibai opened his eyes and looked out the window dumbfounded. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, and saw the bruises on his hands.

"This guy still wears a tie a few times, so I 'm afraid I will run away! It will take a long time to get rid of it." Since meeting Xiao Qihao that day, Qin Qibai has ran to him again and again, teasing Xiao Qihao every time.

At the beginning, he was in the hotel, and then he went back to Xiao Qihao's house. Every time he woke up, he was left, and the other party had already left to go to the company.

Qin Qibo lifted the quilt and looked at the bruises and bite marks all over his body. His complexion was a little uncomfortable. He got out of bed and wanted to go to the bathroom to take a bath, but his legs fell to the ground as soon as they hit the ground.

Qin Qibai turned pale with pain from the fall. He fell back when he was about to get up, raised his hand to support his sore waist, and said angrily: "Fuck! I'm about to break my waist, Xiao Qihao, this bastard, is so late. How can I go to the company with my legs like this!"

Seeing that the wounds on my body had not disappeared, and the wounds were added again, he gritted his teeth and said: "Hi...Does it belong to a dog? The bite is so bad, it hurts to death, this bitch is here. The bed is really not gentle at all, it is completely..."

"I told you that I like to use violence in bed, and you will get hurt when you go to bed with me. You entangled yourself." Qin Qibo heard the voice and looked over in a daze . , Xiao Qihao didn't even leave this time.

Xiao Qihao leaned against the wall wrapped in a bath towel, with drops of water still hanging on his body, frowned and looked at Qin Qibai, and walked towards him step by step.

"You...what are you doing? I'm going to the company...Don't come..." A flash of fear flashed in Qin Qibo's eyes, and he was so scared that he would get up from the ground.

Xiao Qihao picked up the people on the ground and threw them onto the bed. He bullied himself and pressed him up. Qin Qibai's face suddenly turned pale, and his body was still painful now, so he didn't want to do it again.

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