President Qin X Xiao Qihao Story 1

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In the bathroom, Xiao Qihao lit a cigarette and slowly spit out the smoke ring, frowning to look at the man kneeling on the ground to please him.

  "Um...cough cough..." Qin Qibai rubbed his throat, knelt on the ground coughing with pain on his face.

  In order to please the people in front of him, Qin Qibai's mouth became sore, he raised his head and looked aggrieved at Xiao Qihao who was smoking. He wanted to end as soon as possible, but the other party deliberately embarrassed him.

  Xiao Qihao took the water from the faucet with his hand, and cast the water on Qin Qibai's face who was kneeling at his feet with cold eyes.

  Xiao Qi Hao raised his hand to his chin, faint: "? The next time you dare not comply answer me". 

"Can not, and I'll certainly not ordered a halt to the chaos, I was wrong" because let yesterday He was lazy when he knelt on the side of the bed while wearing a collar ring, and climbed into the bed while Xiao Qihao was asleep.

  As a result, he was kicked out of the bed at dawn the next day, and was fined to wear handcuffs and electric shock collars for four hours. However, Qin Qibai cried and cried and cried out for pain to let Xiao Qihao untie him ahead of time.

  As long as he was punished or he didn't like it, he would try to escape by crying and acting like a baby, every time there was a way for Xiao Qihao to take him.

  "Come to me tonight, I brought a new "gift" to you."

  Qin Qibai's face became stiff, and he said unnaturally: " I still don't want it...I have a meeting tonight."

  Xiao Qihao wrinkled He frowned, and said solemnly: "Then tomorrow."

  "There will be a banquet at Gu's house tomorrow night. I have to go to late."

  "The day after tomorrow."

  "The day after tomorrow I..."

  "Qin Qibai! Don't make me angry." Xiao Qihao leaned on to wash his hands. The cigarette was pressed out in front of the stage, and Qin Qibo's hair was pulled up to the mirror.

  "Don't forget that these are what you deserve and are voluntary. Don't try to pretend to be pitiful with your tears. You have no right to refuse me."

  Qin Qibai hugged Xiao Qihao, stretched out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth, and smiled: "Really, then why do you feel relieved every time you see me crying? You are afraid that I will do it. , Or are you afraid that you admit that you love me?"

  Xiao Qihao took a step back and threw away his hand, and said in a deep voice: "You think you are too important."

  "You think I don't know, you dare to say you The first erection was not because of me? It was not me that was in my mind when I secretly solved it in bed at night? Every time I blow my hair, don't you stick to me on purpose? There are too many, too much, and your thoughts on me are too obvious. " after the Qin Qibai finished indifference against the sink, I looked at Xiao Qi Hao proud moment froze the body.

  Xiao Qihao's eyes flickered slightly, turned around and grabbed Qin Qibo's chin, firmly squeezed his hand, and said coldly: "So always know?"

  He thought he was hiding well, he thought...Qin Qibai couldn't see it.

  Qin Qibai laughed deeper, touched Xiao Qihao's face with his hand, and showed a meaningful smile.

  "Yeah, I all know. I knew what you thought of me from before. I thought it was very interesting at the time. The dog that was bought by my family as a bodyguard dare to have this kind of thought to the owner. I've been thinking about it since then.

  Fuck you." Qin Qibai's hand touched Xiao Qihao's lower abdomen, but slowly stretched his hand down between his legs, deliberately blowing heat into his ears.

  "Looking at your stiff body reaction after being touched deliberately by me. Tsk tsk, it's really funny, remember my eighteenth birthday? You thought I was drunk and secretly kissed me, cautiously trying to get in In my clothes, but I still didn't dare, took me to the room and ran away."

  "I clearly felt that you were reacting, and you were so rigid that you didn't dare to touch me. You really can bear it.

  " Shut up!" Xiao Qihao grabbed his hand and roared.

  Xiao Qihao's face became more and more ugly, and gritted his teeth: "So you were pretending not to know from the beginning, but are you really sticking to me just to tease me?"

  Qin Qibai was taken aback, his eyes flickered slightly and said: "I..."

  "Qin Qibo, I have been by your side to take care of you since I was a child. I know you too well. I am responsible for supervising everything you wear and everything you use. As long as you don't see me, you can look for everything. I need me to help you sort it out, dare you say that you don't have any dependence on me?"

  Qin Qibai obviously relies on him so much, he can't do without him, but he cruelly uses his feelings for him to play tricks on him.

  Knowing that he loves him, but deliberately brought a little lover in front of him time and time again, regardless of how painful he felt.

  "Yes... I admit that I am dependent on you. I don't want to come to you without seeing you. Otherwise, do you think Lao Tzu is willing to endure the pain and be fucked by you? Do you think I am hurt by those things? ! "

  Qin Qibai glanced in front of people, came forward and complained, holding his hand, a small channel:" Xiao Qi Hao I love you, I do not want you to go, so come again and again to find you, I want you

  Be with me every day like before." Xiao Qihao shook off Qin Qibo's hand, an invisible emotion flashed in his eyes, and said sarcastically: "What is the relationship between us? Master and servant? Bed partner? You call it right away. A toy that's going away?"

  Qin Qibai shook his head and quickly said: "I don't understand what you are mad at. I know it was wrong. I admit that I was too distressed. I hurt you. 7, but I change it now. "

  I only knew that I was in love with you since you left. I can't do without you. I have never found any lover since you left. I only have you in my heart. I only love you..."

  Xiao Qihao laughed suddenly He ridiculed: "Master Qin, but now I don't have that love for you."

  "But at the racecourse back clearly said that you would stay with me forever and stay by my side to protect me forever!"

  Xiao Qihao shook hands. He tightened his hands and said faintly: "That's just a joke when you were a teenager. How can you be with you forever for a lifetime." When I grow up, I want more things, not just want By your side...and want all your eyes, all your love.

  I want you to belong to me... but your heart never belongs to me.

  He knew from a long time ago that Qin Qibai was not a dedicated person.

  Every day I go out to play with my friends, friends and friends, but I can only stand by the door of the hotel and wait every time.

  Qin Qibai heard his words flashing sadness in his eyes, and said: "Are you really unwilling to admit that you love me? Are you really only a bed partner?

  "At Qin Qibai opened the water and washed his face, looking at it. The red eyes in the mirror said bitterly: "Okay...I see, I will be a qualified bed partner, and I will come to you the day after tomorrow... I'll leave first. "

  Looking at Qin Qibo, who turned away and walked further and further away, Xiao Qihao's back in a goose-yellow suit made Xiao Qihao a little stunned for a while. He thought of Qin Qibo as a child.

  Xiao Qihao was brought to the Qin family when he was 11 years old, as the next member of the Qin family. The heir's personal bodyguard was brought back and trained.

  Because he had been wandering on the streets for many years and was malnourished for a long time and was small, he was the youngest of the ten children selected at that time. When he first met Qin Qibai, he was sculpted and jade. Xiao's young master took away all his sights, and it was also because of that accidental encounter that changed his life.

  Because Xiao Qihao was the youngest, and because of his cold personality, he didn't like to talk. During the year of training, he had relationships with nine other children. It's not good, because I was squeezed everywhere, but it was because of this that I met Qin Qibo.

  Back then, Qin Qibo watched a TV game and wanted to learn how to ride horses, so Qin's father built a racecourse for him, and there are a lot of things that need to be moved. It happened that Xiao Qihao and the others trained The place was close to the racecourse, and he was called out to do hard work.

  He was deliberately squeezed out to do the most tiring work in the sun, but he did not expect to be seen by the housekeeper and asked him to go to the main house to help move things.

  That was also his first time. Once I entered the Qin family's main house, I saw such a luxurious and beautiful house for the first time, and it was also the first time I saw his young master in this castle-like place.

  "Oh, young master, slow down. "

  Go away from the stupid thing, you blocked me." "

  Xiao Qihao heard the Ruannuo voice and turned his head to look. He saw a beautiful little boy. The soft curly hair on the boy's forehead was hanging down. A goose-yellow suit came towards him like a little prince. Xiao Qihao momentarily I was stunned.

  He is so pretty as a doll.

  "You stupid things, how about my chocolate ice cream, don't you understand this young master!

  "I hate the taste of matcha! Don't want the strawberry taste, it's terrible, a bunch of stupid things make me so angry! "

  Where is my little pony?" I want my little white horse, hurry up and wake it up and play with me. "

  Looking at the angry little boy with a round face and tantrums, people who haven't smiled since entering the Qin's house showed a slight smile. Xiao Qihao has never seen such a beautiful little boy, nor has he seen a tantrum. Such a cute person at the time.

  He thought his little master was so cute, and he was really lucky to be the one who would protect him in the future.

  From that day on, Xiao Qihao never had the opportunity to enter the Qin Patriarch's house again, and never saw it again. The little prince in that castle.

  He trains hard every day, wants to grow up quickly, wants to be the bodyguard of the young master to protect him, and will be able to see him often at that time. The racecourse will be built in a few months he knew his little master would often go riding, so he always take the initiative to help the racecourse work but he never once seen a young gentleman, and then I was the little master to go abroad with father until four Months later, it seemed that something went wrong with the Qin family. During Xiao Qihao's training, he heard the servant say that Gu Yansheng, the young master of the Gu family group, had been kidnapped and injured, and the two families quarreled. 

The next day President Qin suddenly came to the training. Locally, told them that they would choose one of the ten children with the strongest ability to accompany Qin Qibo. At that moment, Xiao Qihao knew that his opportunity had come. But how could he be selected by Qin Qibo among the ten children, Xiao Qihao looked far away The horse farm suddenly thought of something, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

  My little master... In order to be able to walk by your side to accompany you, I am willing to give everything I have...

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