Chapter 215: Gu Yansheng Derailed Like Back then?

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Wen Niannan's painful face turned pale, and his eyes lit up when he heard the door opening, but he looked up at the door, but his eyes were full of gloom when he saw who it was. 

"Mr. Wen! What's wrong with you, Mr. Wen? Mrs. Xu is uncomfortable." Aunt Lan exclaimed and hurriedly called to the outside world.

Uncle Xu hurriedly walked in to help Wen Niannan, and saw the person with a pale face covering his abdomen, and said worriedly: "Did you have a stomach attack?"

Wen Niannan nodded because of the pain, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"I'm going to get the medicine."

Xu Shu hurriedly went to the kitchen to get the medicine and a cup of water and handed it to Wen Niannan. It will be effective soon."

Wen Niannan looked at the medicine in his hand and his eyes darkened . After taking the medicine, he lay on the bed, and Xu Shu helped him press his abdomen and let him fall asleep.

"Uncle Xu...has he not come back yet?"

Wen Niannan was slightly taken aback when he asked these words, and Xu Shu's hand also paused.

This sentence was a sentence I asked every day during those three years of marriage.

Wen Nian lay on the bed and looked at the small lamp beside the bed. His stomach pain gradually disappeared, but his heart was painful.

It's ridiculous... After going around for so long, he actually lived as the Wen Niannan of those three years.

Just like back then, I was also disgusted by Gu Yansheng, I loved him but couldn't see him, and I asked him every day at home if he came back...

Xu Shu looked at the person who had fallen asleep on the bed and sighed, and got up and put the sunflowers and vases on the ground. Clean up the debris.

...It was 1 o'clock in the morning, Wen Niannan was awakened by the sound in the corridor outside the door.

Wen Niannan heard his name, clutched his aching belly and walked to the door. As soon as he reached the door, he heard Gu Yansheng's voice.

Wen Niannan's eyes suddenly lit up, holding the door handle and about to open the door, but then he heard the conversation outside the door.

"Did you have stomach pain again? Is it serious? Why is the body still weak after taking medicine every day? Is it because I only need to rely on medicine in the future?"

Gu Yansheng's tired voice sounded, but each word was like a knife poked into Wen Niannan's heart.

Uncle Xu opened the mouth and said: "Mr. Wen's body was badly injured in the past, so he naturally has to rely on medicine to maintain it."

"Mr. You are back so late these days, is the company too busy? You can actually give it to Yuan Feng Master, take care of it, Mr. Wen is waiting for you."

"Yuan Feng can't handle it, only I can handle it personally. I'm a little busy lately, you told him not to wait for me."

Gu Yansheng's cell phone rang.

"Miss Mishan, is there anything wrong with being so late? The jewelry box fell on my car? Okay, I will show it to you when I meet tomorrow."

Gu Yansheng hung up the phone and said something to Uncle Xu before turning to leave the corridor. Went to the study.

Wen Niannan slowly retracted his hand on the doorknob, covering his mouth with disbelief in his eyes, afraid of making a sound.

Wen Niannan leaned on the door and slowly slid to the ground, hugged his head, and muttered, "How could this be..." So

... Gu Yansheng thought he was weak and disgusted...

So I didn't want to see him when he came back so late every day. Own...

Who is Mi Shan...Why did she drop her belongings on Gu

Yansheng 's car? Have you been with Mi Shan these days... Wen Niannan held the door and trembling slightly, stood up, walked over to the bed, and sat down He hugged himself tightly on the bed.

I...Abandoned by Gu Yansheng again...


At two o'clock in the morning, Gu Yansheng finished processing the last document and left the study.

The door of the room was pushed open, and Gu Yansheng walked in lightly, holding a medicine box in his hand.

Gu Yansheng walked to the bed and looked at the pale-faced person who was asleep. He gently took out Wen Niannan's hand and looked at the scratched wound on it, his eyes filled with distress and guilt.

Gu Yan Sheng Wen Niannan lightly rubbed his stomach, sighed and said:. "I have been asked Lan aunt let hello good things, I do not you do not eat well, and hand hurt like this also how to play the piano" between words Full of distress and guilt for not taking care of Wen Niannan.

Gu Yansheng opened the medicine box and took out gauze and medicine to bandage the wound, and checked whether there was any wound on the other hand.

Seeing Wen Niannan who was sleeping restlessly under the lamp, Gu Yansheng stretched out his hand to gently caress the frowning brow, and looked down at the slender piano-playing hand.

Looking at the place where the ring was originally on that hand, a smile flashed in Gu Yansheng's eyes: "Niannian, I will let you wear the ring again and become my love again. This time...our ring will definitely last forever. I won't take it off."

Gu Yansheng lowered his head and kissed Wen Niannan's forehead, and said softly: "I will give you a sense of security forever, and I will let you know that I truly love you..."

In addition to being busy with work these days, Gu Yansheng Because he is busy with the ring.

Mi Shan from Country Z is a well-known master of jewelry making, and her most popular wedding ring is her wedding ring.

Mishan is known as the goddess of Cupid in the world, because for decades Mishan has customized wedding rings for countless lovers all over the world, and the magic is that the lovers of Mishan customized wedding rings are happy for a long time after they get married.

Although every custom wedding ring is heaven Price, but has a deeper meaning, Gu Yansheng wants Mi Shan to customize a ring for him and Wen Niannan.

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