Chapter 224: Gu Yansheng seems to be... acting like a baby?

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Wen Niannan smelled the shower gel on Gu Yansheng's body, and he was relieved to see that there was nothing unusual about him.

"I didn't hide from you... I ate something downstairs, are you still asleep?"

Gu Yansheng put his chin on Wen Niannan's shoulder and said aggrieved: "I want to wait for you to come back to sleep with you."

Wen Niannan turned on the small lamp in front of the bed and lay down on the bed . He was hugged by one hand as soon as he lay down.

"I want to sleep with my arms around you, can I?"


Gu Yansheng got a reply before he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Tonight, the two of them were very tired. Wen Niannan fell asleep shortly after lying on the bed.

The next day, Wen Niannan had to go to the studio to make plans with the production team because he was about to release a new album.

Wen Niannan changed his clothes and looked at the person who was still asleep, a dark and sad flash in his eyes.

Gu Yansheng became more and more drowsy, his reaction ability slowed down, his speech and actions became more and more childish, and he became more and more attached to him.

In the few days when Gu Yansheng just woke up, Wen Niannan would sit by the bed every morning and wait for him to wake up.

He was afraid to see Gu Yansheng who stupidly didn't know him after the drug took effect.

At noon, Gu Yansheng woke up, and he found no one in the room panicked.

"Niannian, Niannian where are you?"

Gu Yansheng ran downstairs to look around. Xu Shu approached and asked and was pushed away, shaking: "Niannian where is he? Did he want me?"

Xu Shu I held him down and said: "Sir, sir, you are calm, Mr. Wen has gone to the studio and will be back this afternoon."


Wen Niannan was sorting out the scores on the table, and suddenly he heard Gu Yansheng's voice outside, and quickly went out to see it.

"Gu Yansheng, why are you here?"

Gu Yansheng's eyes flickered and did not speak, curled his mouth and lowered his head.

Stepping forward, holding Wen Niannan's hand and shaking it, she said: "I want to eat cake, will you take me to eat it?"

Lingling was instantly dumbfounded when she looked at it. What kind of magical plot is this, why does he watch it? Gu Yansheng seems to be... acting like a baby?

Wen Niannan took him to the cake shop that Gu Yansheng often visited during that time, and the clerk recognized him as soon as he entered.

"It turned out to be Mr. Gu, it's been a long time, is it still cheesecake this time?"

Wen Niannan nodded, "Well, one serving is enough." The clerk looked at the hands held by the two and said with a smile: " Congratulations, Mr. Gu, it seems that you have caught up with your Mr. Cheese."

Gu Yansheng took the cake and asked in confusion: "Congratulations?" The

clerk was taken aback and said: "You used to come to our shop every day to buy cheesecakes. Ah, say you want to chase someone you like."

Wen Niannan immediately pulled Gu Yansheng to sit down when he saw this, but Gu Yansheng didn't think much, and fed him a spoonful of cake: "Here." After the two left the cake shop , Gu Yansheng I pestered him to buy ice cream again, and when he got home, Gu Yansheng was about to fall asleep.

None of the two who woke up the next day knew that the photos they took yesterday were being discussed online.

[Look at what I brushed, it turned out to be my big WE! ]

[Ah! ! So sweet, feed cake and ice cream]

[Excited! I smelled an ambiguous smell]

[It's been a long time since I saw Mr. Gu, it was a crit]

[Ms. Gu looks so good, I always feel different from before]

[Is it reunited? Did Mr. Gu and WE get back together? ]

[Ah that expression is too cute, is this still the serious-looking Mr. Gu] In the evening, Zhou Yuanfeng sat in the living room with a file bag, glanced at his watch, and when he was about to leave, he saw Wen Niannan coming downstairs and told Gu Yansheng. About attending the banquet.

"He must go to the banquet tomorrow. You have to remind him by his side that I'm afraid he talks

nonsense ." Wen Niannan nodded and said, "Yes."

"By the way, Niannan , have you seen the photos on Weibo?"

Wen Niannan took the document and said flatly, "What?"

"You and A Sheng were photographed in the cake shop yesterday. I didn't know this guy was laughing so diligently."

Zhou Yuanfeng was about to say something, suddenly He saw the hickey on Wen Niannan's neck, his eyes were taken aback, and he smiled and said, "By the way, what did you do when you asked me for a film that day?"

Wen Niannan turned red, and said in a panic: "No...nothing. It's just a look." After

speaking, he ran upstairs with the file.

Zhou Yuanfeng naturally didn't believe his words, smiled and shook his head and left.

... When the two of them arrived at the banquet , everyone around them looked at Gu Yansheng, observing his movements and expressions.

"Hey, it's really fake? Mr. Gu looks really different from before."

"Isn't he really stupid? Is the news true?"

Wen Niannan was very uncomfortable with this look, carrying Gu Yansheng. Go upstairs.

Gu Yansheng looked back at the people, and wondered: "Why are they looking at me all the time?"

"Because they like you, let's go and sit upstairs ."

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