Tang Shuo X Mo Beiyi outside 1: The scars under his blindfold

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Country B

  "Well, I'm home, and I'll play video with my brother in the evening."

  Tang Shuo took the file and opened the door, walked to the sofa and sat down, rubbing his eyes tiredly, closing his eyes and rested, his shoulder still aching.

  It has been a year, and it has been a full year since he left country M.

  Tang Shuo, who had just arrived in Country B, stayed in the hospital for a long time. All his injuries had broken bones, and the recovery period was too long.

  On the day of Wen Niannan's wedding, Tang Shuo lay in his hospital bed and watched the live broadcast. He saw the bright smile on Wen Niannan's face in the camera.

  Tang Shuo stretched out his hand in a daze and stroked Wen Niannan on the screen. With that brilliant smile, with red eyes, he smiled: "...Is this what I can't hide?"

  Tang Shuo forcibly endured it every day for the next few months. Pain was doing rehabilitation training, and he wanted to recover. During that time, he could often hear his cry of pain in the rehabilitation room.

  As soon as Tang Shuo recovered from his injury, he talked to Tang Lunxuan about the Qiyue branch. Tang Shuo also buried himself in his work. He was busy from morning to night every day, demonstrating his ability to make the company develop rapidly.

  He didn't dare to stop, and when he stopped, he would think of those who shouldn't be.

  Tang Shuo watched the activity of WE in the phone, slowly turned off the phone, got up and went to the room.

  Tang Lunxuan called a video in the evening.

  "Xiao Shuo, are you coming back this year? Mom said that I missed you."

  Tang Shuo smiled and shook his head, pretending to be relaxed: "No, there are a few projects here that have not been completed. Help me tell my mom. I'm sorry."

  Tang Lunxuan asked about Tang Shuo's recent state, and then talked about the New Year.

  "Little moon, you really do not come back, more than a year, I thought ... you've put down."

  "Put down ... nothing can not let go, I was busy company to do nothing, not because of anything else."

  Phrase Both brothers knew that it was a lie, and neither spoke again.

  "Who is the video with? Your brother?" Another man's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Zhou Yuanfeng appeared in the camera with Tang Lunxuan in his arms.

  Zhou Yuanfeng smiled and asked: "Tang Shuo, how is your company there?"

  "It's all very good, and the company is going smoothly." The two talked about some company matters, and they hung up the video late. Tang Shuo again Once looking at the missing sunflower pendant under the phone, his eyes flickered slightly.

  He thought he would never see those he knew in this unfamiliar place, but he didn't expect to meet again.

  At the banquet, Tang Shuo was greeting someone he knew with a wine glass, but he stopped when he heard the names mentioned by several people on the side.

  "There was a big fire in the main house of the Mo family a few days ago. I heard that it was Mo Beiyi who did it."

  "Mo Beiyi? The famous Mo family in country Z?"

  "Who else besides him, but he set himself on fire." What does the master's house do?"

  "Mo Beiyi suddenly joined the Mo Group more than a year ago to show off his sharp edge. He was cruel and targeted his father at all times regardless of his father-son relationship. After less than a year, he seized power and took his father directly from him. The Patriarch of the Mo family has been pulled down, and I really don't understand what deep hatred the father and son can have."

  "Mo Beiyi was the one who seized power?"

  "Mo Beiyi was originally the only son and the only heir. Why did you want to seize power?"

  "I heard it was. The father and son broke apart because of one talent. Mo Beiyi was so cruel that he directly pushed his father to a dead end and directly confronted him publicly."

  Tang Shuo's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and he was about to walk away when he heard a shock. call.

  "Oh my God, Mo Beiyi is here!"

  A man in a black suit and gloves got out of the black car outside. Even if he didn't see his face, the car was enough to prove his identity.

  As soon as Mo Beiyi came in, many people passed by, but he never showed his full face.

  Tang Shuo upstairs stared at the people at the door in a daze. Mo Beiyi actually appeared in country B...

  Perhaps he noticed the line of sight from upstairs, Mo Beiyi suddenly raised his head and looked upstairs. At that moment, his eyes were cruel. Li and coldness made Tang Shuo froze.

  After seeing the people upstairs, Mo Beiyi was startled, his eyes flickered slightly, and he hurriedly lowered his head and covered his eyes.

  A black eye mask was added to the eyes covered by Mo Beiyi, and I could clearly see...There was a scar under the eye mask from between the brows to the left face.

  "What's wrong with his...face..." Tang Shuo looked at the person walking away in disbelief.

  What has Mo Beiyi experienced? Why is there a scar on his face...Who hurt him?

  "Huh? Don't Mr. Tang know? That scar has been there since he returned to the Mo Group. A year ago, Mo Beiyi drew it with a knife. I heard that he also had two deep scars on his wrist, but it was also No one dares to look into his eyes, they are afraid of the look in his eyes." Mr.

  Zhao glanced at the people downstairs and said, "The Mo family are so cold-blooded, and like his father, they are a emotionless machine."—by the side People also sighed: "Hey, I don't know what exactly the Mo family experienced in this fierce way that he was so desperate back then, how can he deal with himself."

  Tang Shuo looked down at the wine glass in his hand, and muttered: "He did it by himself...because..."

  "Sorry, I was a little uncomfortable, so I left first."

  Tang Shuo's hand was shaking, and he thought of Mo Beiyi who had seen him before he fell into a coma a year and a half ago.

  Tang Shuo ran to the door in a daze. He wanted to leave here. He didn't want to think about these things anymore. His chest hurt.

  "President Tang, President Tang wait for me." Xiao Yin, the secretary behind him, rushed over.

  Tang Shuo looked back, but didn't notice the person in front of him, and bumped into him.

  "Hug... I'm sorry." Tang Shuo didn't look up and quickly apologized, turned and walked out.

  "It's okay."

  The moment he heard the familiar voice behind him, Tang Shuo froze, and slowly turned his head to look at him, but his gaze was on his left cheek.

  Tang Shuo found that Mo Beiyi's hair had become a little messy, and the hair was put down to cover the scars on his eyes.


  Mo Beiyi noticed that when he looked at his eyes, he lowered his head, picked up Tang Shuo's phone on the ground, and paused when he saw that there was no sunflower pendant on it.

  "Yi, your phone."

  Tang Shuo looked at the person who handed him the phone in front of him, and slowly took the phone, and said, "Thank you...Thank you."

  Mo Beiyi looked at him with complicated eyes for a long time before opening. "It's been a long time. A year has passed so fast."

  Tang Shuo squeezed his hand and did not speak, suddenly a voice came from the stairs.

  "Brother Yi, President Jin is waiting for us."

  Tang Shuo turned his head and looked over and saw a boy with a Mo family bracelet on his hand. The boy's eyes were full of alert when he looked at him.

  "Well, here's coming."

  Mo Beiyi looked down at Tang Shuo's phone, didn't speak any more, turned and walked upstairs.

  Tang Shuo stood there blankly, and the secretary Xiao Yin asked suspiciously: "Mr Tang, are you not feeling well? Let's go back."

  "Xiao Yin, did you find the boy familiar just now."

  Xiao Yin Shaking his head, he said, "No, I haven't seen it. What's the matter with Mr. Tang?"

  Tang Shuo squeezed his cell phone and said lightly, "It's nothing, maybe I read it wrong, let's go back."

  Room Here, Tang Shuo sat on the ground in a daze, took the wine glass by the table and drank.

  "Ding Dong~ Your special attention is now live broadcast"

  Tang Shuo's empty eyes lit up instantly, and he reached for the phone on the table, but stopped when he touched the phone.

  "No... it can't be like this."

  -Tang Shuo still hasn't quit watching his live broadcast after a year.

  During the months he was recuperating in the hospital, Tang Shuo would listen to his music every night when he was so painful that he couldn't sleep.

  If Tang Shuo wants to start a new life, he has to forget everything before. He didn't continue when he realized that he could only fall asleep relying on incense.

  But just now... after the familiar live broadcast notification sounded on the phone, he still subconsciously wanted to open it.

  Tang Shuo muted the phone and threw it aside, covering his ears, and lay down on the bed with a quilt.

  You have loved the person you love to your bones for many years...how can you forget...

  Tang Shuo is too affectionate and too infatuated. He is very similar to Wen Niannan. He would rather wrong himself just to make the person he loves happy, and he is destined to be emotional Endure hardship.

  "Let's come here for today's meeting. I will review the plan tomorrow."

  Tang Shuo rubbed his sore neck and returned to the office tiredly. These days, he was busy with the company's projects and looking for investors until late. .

  Tang Shuo drove the car and left the company and returned home. After parking the car, he picked up the file bag and walked to the house, but was stunned when he saw the person standing at the door.

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  1 Mo Beiyi was standing at the door in a black windbreaker, and the blindfolds on his eyes became long, covering all the scars.

  Mo Beiyi smiled lightly when he saw him coming, and said, "We haven't seen him in more than a year, don't you invite me in for a cup of tea?" In the

  living room, Tang Shuo brought two cups of coffee and put them on the coffee table. , Walked to the opposite sofa and sat down.

  "Xiao Shuo." Mo Beiyi, with his head down, suddenly opened his mouth and called out his name.

  Tang Shuo heard this familiar name, and his hand holding the coffee cup tightened.

  "Are we really going to be so strange between us? Are you reluctant to tell me a word?"

  Tang Shuo's eyes tightened slightly, and he looked up at Mo Beiyi's blindfold, but Mo Beiyi avoided his sight.

  "Why do you scratch your face..."

  Mo Beiyi raised his hand to caress his eyes, and said bitterly: "I am not scratching my face. I aimed at my eyes. My father took the knife and didn't continue. My eyes were only slightly injured." Tang Shuo's eyes were slightly panned. Red, choked up: "It's because of me...Is it right?"

  Mo Beiyi saw his red eyes and sighed: "It's not to blame you, it's what I want to do."

  "The wound under the blindfold...I Can you take a look?"

  Mo Beiyi covered his blindfold and wanted to get up, hurriedly said: "Don't look, I'm really fine, it's not serious."

  Tang Shuo reached out and stroked Mo Beiyi's left eye, choked up: "I want to see... Mo Beiyi, please."

  Mo Beiyi's hand holding the blindfold trembled slightly. After returning home that night at the banquet, he put on a dark dark pattern blindfold.

  The black obscure eye mask is longer than the one he usually wears. It can cover all the scars, but it is also the most uncomfortable for the injured eyes.

  But Mo Beiyi didn't want his Xiaoshuo to see the ugly scars on his face... 

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