Chapter 225: He has beaten you, where is he gentle?

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 In the room, Gu Yansheng, who was lying on the bed, hugged Wen Niannan, but did not speak. He usually dragged his chatter, but there was no movement tonight. 

"What happened to you today?" Wen Niannan turned to look at Gu Yansheng in worry.

"You... don't you think I'm stupid, nothing is as good as Gu

Yansheng ..." Wen Niannan was startled, and asked in confusion: "What are you talking about, aren't you just Gu Yansheng?"

"You lie, I am not, you and his memories of me I don't remember at all. When you mention that his eyes are full of tenderness, and you say that he is very tender to you, I don't remember these."

Wen Niannan looked at Gu Yansheng who was full of grievances in his eyes, and said helplessly: "You just lost your memory. I don't remember, you will recover when the antidote is developed."

Gu Yansheng stepped forward and looked at Wen Niannan's eyes, and said in a low voice, "The amnesia in the TV series are all deceptive. Why don't I have any memories in my mind? Listening to you talking about what happened with Gu Yansheng is like listening to what happened between you and other men. "

Other people? Wen Niannan was taken aback. Is Gu Yansheng eating his own jealousy?

No wonder he ran away every time he talked about things before, and he really became like a child.

Wen Niannan's eyes were full of helplessness, and he smiled and said, "You...what weird TV series did you watch again? Then I won't mention the previous things in the future, okay?"

Gu Yansheng frowned when he saw him smiling, and said, "You are coaxing me again. , I know you don't like me. What you like is another Gu Yansheng. Your tone to me is clearly coaxing children."

"You are the same person, both of whom I like. Why do you divide yourself into two people? ?"

Gu Yansheng loosened his arms around Wen Niannan, choked up and said, "I saw...I saw you tell them about the antidote. Don't you like me at all? If I get the medicine, I will disappear, you I just want the old Gu

Yansheng to come back, right?" Wen Niannan was startled, and said, "Are you awkward because Gu Lin and the others developed an antidote? Are you afraid of regaining your memory?"


Wen Niannan didn't expect it to be because of this, he I thought Gu Yansheng would be very happy to develop an antidote.

"I'm worried about you. The medicine you injected makes you more and more unresponsive, and you will become more and more stupid in the future. I want you to recover..."

Gu Yansheng blushed his eyes and reached out to touch the scar on Wen Niannan's forehead, choked with sobs. "He's been married for three years and it's not good for you at all. He almost got engaged to someone else. He hit you before. Where is he gentle? I won't hit you, and I will spoil you too."

Wen Niannan's eyes flickered slightly, and his eyes flickered. A touch of guilt. , Opened the mouth and said: " became what you are like now to save me. You can recover your health with the medicine and become a complete Gu

Yansheng ." Wen Niannan saw that Gu Yansheng's reaction was getting slower and slower, and he felt uneasy . .

He dreamed of the scene where Gu Yansheng didn't hesitate to inject drugs for countless times. He chose to inject for himself and chose to give up everything... Gu Yansheng held Wen Niannan tightly, and his eyes were full of fear: "I'm afraid...I'm afraid that I will disappear. What should I do if I disappear after the medicine?"

"No, you won't disappear. After the injection of the antidote, you can remember everything when you wake up, and you can remember the memories I said."

"You promise no Lie to me?"

Wen Niannan nodded: "Yeah."

"Then I ask you, do you like me or the old Gu Yansheng ?" Gu Yansheng finally asked again without admitting defeat.

Wen Niannan looked at him and smiled without speaking. He raised his hand and touched Gu Yansheng's eyelashes. After a long time, he slowly said, "I like Gu Yansheng. As long as it is him, I like it..."

... Tang Lunxuan of the Qiyue Group was looking through the files brought by the secretary, and from time to time he looked at the computer and said something.

Tang Lunxuan was about to take the documents at the table when he suddenly saw that the documents had been secretly taken away by a hand under the table. He was puzzled: "Xiao Shuo?" Tang Lunxuan was about to speak when the table under his hand suddenly heard a muffled noise.


"His... ah it hurts!" Tang Shuo crawled out from under the table, holding his head, stood up and looked at his brother.

Hearing that he had been discovered, Tang Shuo suddenly got up and wanted to go out to scare his brother, but forgot that the table was very low, and slammed his head against the table.

"I know it hurts? Tell you to be honest, why are you here?"

Tang Shuo covered his head and curled his mouth and said: "I wanted to scare you." Tang Lunxuan's eyes were full of smiles, and he said, "It will be a long time before I can After processing, I will let the secretary take you back."

Tang Shuo lay pitifully on the table and said, "I want to buy cake first." The secretary sent Tang Shuo downstairs and handed him the car key, and said: " President Tang, do you really need me to take you back?"

Tang Shuo smiled and nodded, and said, "It's okay, I want to drive." After

Tang Shuo drove away, a person slowly walked out of the car in front of the company. , Is Mo Beiyi.

Looking at Tang Shuo's leaving figure, Mo Beiyi's eyes flashed with sadness, his hands were tightly held together, and there was an extra scar on the wrist covered by the cuff.

There is a medicine box in the co-pilot's seat in the car, and what is in the the antidote.

When Tang Shuo walked back with the cake he bought, he suddenly saw a flower shop and stopped.

Watching glass Tang Shuo stared at the sunflower in the glass window for a long time. His head suddenly hurt, and the cake in his hand fell to the ground.

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