Chapter 245: The Wedding of Gu Yansheng and Wen Niannan (The Finale)

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When Gu Yansheng put on the white clothes again, just like when the two met for the first time, this time... he will hold his hand tightly and spend the rest of his life with him.

  They are getting married today, and Wen Niannan will only have him from today onwards.

  Gu Yansheng put on his dress and walked out of the room and went downstairs. The best man Gu Lin and Zhou Yuanfeng downstairs turned to look at him.

  Gu Yansheng smiled at each other with tension in his eyes.

  Zhou Yuanfeng asked: "A Sheng, are you ready?"

  "Well, ready. I have been looking forward to this day for too long. I can finally take his hand and stand in the auditorium to take the oath."

  Gu Lin stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, jokingly said: "Brother, you are so handsome in this outfit. The white coat and black shirt are so handsome. Brother Niannan will love it if you see it."

  Gu Lin looked at his white. Dress, eyes lit up and said: "I want to get married too. It would be so romantic to hold hands with someone I like." "No, you are not." Zhou Yuanfeng suddenly said meaningfully.


  "You're not the next to get married, because the next one will be me, Xiaolin, you can only be the third."

  Gu Lin was stunned, and shouted, "Why am I bottoming out again? I'm not convinced. Haven't you proposed to the Tang family's brother yet? Let's see who gets married first, and I'm going to be ahead of you."

  Gu Yansheng heard him mention Tang Lunxuan and took a little bit of his body. , Have you been at the Tang's house all this time?"

  Zhou Yuanfeng nodded and said, "Well, A Xuan's body has not recovered yet. I am not worried that he is at home alone."


  Gu Yansheng's eyes flickered slightly, faint. Said: "Tang Shuo... really has left? "

  Well, Tang Shuo suffered a serious leg injury. There is a very good recovery organization in Country B. He wants to leave Country M and start again in a strange place. This is a good thing for him." "

  Zhou Yuanfeng glanced at Gu Yansheng, and said in a deep voice: "Tang Shuo cried in the room for a long time before he left. He left the sunflower pendant. He said he wanted to throw it away. He didn't take the high school photos. He didn't take any of them. Let's go."

  Gu Yansheng turned around and looked out of the window. After a long time, he muffled: "It might be a good thing to leave, me say I'm sorry for Tang Lunxuan."

  "Let's go, time is almost up."

  Gu Lin also rushed. Standing up, he hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, my rabbit has already arrived. If I weren't for the best man, I would have gone looking for the rabbit."

  Zhou Yuanfeng sat aside and shook his head with a smile . It was a little bit when Gu Yansheng didn't speak. There was something wrong and asked: "A Sheng, what's the matter, you won't be afraid anymore?"

  Gu Yansheng looked at his white dress and sighed: "I'm just...I'm a little nervous, I really want to marry him to be my wife. Does it feel like a dream, I'm really afraid that it will be fake after waking up."

  "Everything I experienced with him this year, he fell in love with me again, he...second to me My heart was moved this time, he agreed to my proposal, and now we are getting married, I..."

  Zhou Yuanfeng stood up and walked to Gu Yansheng's side and patted him on the head.

  "Fool, it's what you have experienced that has strengthened your relationship, and made you and Nian Nan understand that you can't lose each other. These are your precious memories."

  Gu Yansheng looked at his white dress, and his eyes flashed. A touch of chagrin, I feel that I think too much.

  Looking at the two people who were making fun of him for being too nervous, they smiled and said: "Well, let's go, I'm going to meet my wife."

  Kyle's huge auditorium was full of guests, and the door was full of reporters and vehicles. , The surrounding is full.

  The huge warm light on the top of the auditorium shines on the golden Dali pattern, the red carpet in the middle of the hall is full of petals, and the guest seats have sunflowers.

  Lu Yun was wearing a purple dark-textured cheongsam and was talking to her friends. The corners of her mouth couldn't stop smiling, and everyone came forward to congratulate.

  "Congratulations, Madam Gu, this is finally fulfilling your wish."

  Mother Zhou, wearing a lotus-colored dress, walked over to greet Lu Yun, her gentle and demure temperament was completely different from Lu Yun.

  "You finally came. I haven't seen you after looking for it for a long time."

  Zhou Mu took a golden vintage jewelry box and handed Lu Yun to Lu Yun, and said with a smile: "This is the marriage I gave to Xiao Sheng and Nian Nan. Gift."

  Lu Yun took it and stepped forward and held her hand, and smiled: "You are the aunt who is generous. I thank you for your two children. Your family Yuanfeng will be coming soon. They will I gave them a generous gift when they got married."

  Mother Zhou sighed after hearing this: "Yuan Feng hasn't settled down yet. I found some good girls for him, and he doesn't want to go."

  "Yuan Feng didn't tell you about it. He has someone he likes, he is the eldest son of the Tang family of the Qiyue Group."

  Mother Zhou was startled, and said in doubt: "What? This kid didn't mention it to me."

  Lu Yun pointed to the distance while holding the wine glass. Tang Lunxuan smiled and said, "That's it, it's pretty good-looking. They've been together for a while. I looked at Tang Lunxuan's child who has a very good personality and is somewhat similar to you. You will definitely like him."

  Mother Zhou He smiled and nodded without speaking, looking at Tang Lunxuan in the distance, his eyes flickered slightly.

  Mother Zhou looked at the door from time to time, as if waiting for someone.

  Until Gu Yansheng's car stopped outside, the three people who got off the car walked in.

  As soon as Gu Yansheng came in, he was surrounded by friends and his family to congratulate him. Lu Yun walked over with joy when he saw him.

  As soon as Zhou Yuanfeng came in, he ran to the guest seat and sat down in the seat with Tang Lunxuan and said something. Tang Lunxuan blushed and smiled.

  Zhou Mu stood in the distance and watched for a long time. She saw Zhou Yuanfeng took out the candy from the bag. The two of them peeled the candy and fed it to Tang Lunxuan while talking.

  An invisible emotion flashed in Zhou's eyes, and she sighed: "It seems that Yuan Feng is really moved by him. It's just that... this child of the Tang family doesn't know if he can enter the door of the Zhou family."

  Wen Jiawen's father looked at Wen Niannan who was standing in a daze in front of the mirror, stepped forward and patted his shoulder, and comforted: "Xiao Nian, are you ready?"

  Wen Niannan squeezed the musical note necklace in his neck, his eyes filled. It is soft, and he said: "Yeah."

  "Dad knows that Gu Yansheng really loves you, otherwise my dad will not agree to him to propose to you. I want my Xiao Nian to be the happiest and happiest in the world. Child, I know you can only be really happy if you are by his side."

  Father Wen's voice choked slightly and sighed.

  "Dad is watching how much you paid to get close to him in those years. I used to resent him for tormenting you, and I resented him for making you hurt... until later I slowly understood the bond between you. How deep, I also saw his efforts to save you after the divorce."

  Wen Niannan turned and looked at Father Wen with wet eyes, and his eyes were red. He raised his hand to help Father Wen wipe away the tears, and said: "I... made the right choice. I love Gu Yansheng. We have all grown up and we all know how to love..."

  Father Wen looked at him for a long time and nodded, then smiled with satisfaction.

  "My Xiao Nian can finally be with the person I like, and that person also spoiled you to the tip of my heart. Dad is really happy..."

  "Thank you, Dad."

  Father Wen stared at him with loving eyes. The child who has been sensible since childhood rubbed his head lightly and said distressedly: "Let's go, go and change the dress, don't make Gu Yansheng wait in a hurry." Wen Niannan looked at his tearful father and walked forward and hugged him.

  "I know you didn't marry again because I was afraid of being bullied. I hope you can treat yourself better and find your happiness. Mom and she will also hope you can live the happiness..."

  "Xiao Nian"

  Wen Niannan let go Father, wiped away his tears, tilted his head and smiled before turning around to change his clothes.

  The church bell rang, a group of white pigeons flew by under the sun, and the melodious piano sounded in the auditorium.

  Gu Yansheng on the stage clenched his hands, eyes nervously looking in the direction of the door, his nervous hands trembled slightly, and his heart beating quickly.

  The door was pushed open, and the warm sunlight came in like golden light, making Gu Yansheng a little dazed for a while.

  In that light, the person he loved walked out of the light, dressed in white, smiling at him like a descending angel, walking into his heart under the warm light.

  Gu Yansheng looked at the door infatuatedly at Wen Niannan who walked in with Father Wen on his arm.

  Everyone also turned their heads to look at Wen Nienan at the door, and they were a little stunned for a while.

  Wen Niannan was in a white suit holding a sunflower in his hands, and the white tulle cloak behind him was like wings. The wind blew the white gauze to cover Wen Niannan's face and slowly fell. This scene made Gu Yansheng unforgettable for many years.

  His eyes were full of light looking at Gu Yansheng on the stage, and a happy smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. That smile made him seem like an angel who had fallen into the world.

  Gu Yansheng looked at Wen Niannan obsessively, his eyes flushed slightly, smiled and walked down the steps to Wen Niannan step by step.

  He was cautious every step he took towards Wen Niannan, just like their wedding today...the hard-won wedding.

  Wen Niannan Gu Yansheng stood in front of Wen Niannan, staring tightly at the lover he missed, his eyes filled with gentleness and slowly stretched out his hand to him.

  "Niannian, you are so beautiful today...white is so beautiful."

  Father Wen handed Wen Niannan's hand to Gu Yansheng's hand, choked up: "Smelly boy, if you dare to make Xiao Nian cry for you again, I won't let it go. Yours."

  "I promise you that I will never let him shed any more tears for me. I will make him happy forever."

  Gu Yansheng stared at Wen Niannan infatually, clenched the hand with his fingers clasped tightly, Wen Niannan They also looked at him, and the two smiled at each other.

  Gu Yansheng raised their fingers and kissed pityingly, and said softly, "Niannian, I will hold your hand tightly for the rest of my life every day, I love you..."

  Wen Niannan's eyes were slightly red, and he smiled and took his arm, and the two slowly walked onto the red carpet covered with petals...

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