Extra 1 : Daily after marriage: Will he hurt the first time?

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After the wedding, Gu Yansheng posted the photo and the marriage certificate to Weibo, smirking and watching the comments of the fans.

  After the wedding, the two went to the S country for a long honeymoon. The company lost it to Zhou Yuanfeng, and came back early because of the concert.

  The WE album has won many awards, and Wen Niannan is also busy with the company and music.

  "Madam, you are back."

  "Yeah." Wen Niannan unbuttoned his jacket and handed it to Uncle Xu. He had just returned from the company. Gu Yansheng had a fever in the past two days and rested at home, so he came back early.

  When I opened the room, I saw Gu Yansheng who was weak on the bed. Gu Yansheng saw him come in and quickly sat up.

  Wen Niannan watched him look wronged like a husky, and endured a smile: "How are you? It's not uncomfortable ." Gu Yansheng hugged Wen Niannan shamelessly, and turned his head and said, "Hmph, you are so embarrassed to say me, I have a fever. It's because of who."

  Wen Niannan touched his forehead and lay on the bed with him when he saw that it was not so hot.

  "It's not because you were running around when you were drunk."

  Gu Yansheng sighed on Wen Niannan's stomach, "Um...how am I so miserable that I can't even kiss my wife?"

  Wen Niannan was busy at the concert last night. The sky was very tired, and I went to the bathroom in a daze and wanted to take a bath. When I turned on the water in the bathtub, I fell asleep a little.

  After a while, he was about to go in after the water was put out, and he was awakened by the water stimulation, and he put the water cold.

  "It seems that I really fell asleep. Forget it, let me take a shower." Wen Niannan adjusted the temperature and turned on the shower. The hot water poured on his body and made him relax.

  Suddenly he heard that the bathroom door was opened, and he wiped the water from his eyes. Just as he was about to open his mouth, the bathroom glass door was opened, and Gu Yansheng broke in.

  Gu Yansheng took off his black shirt and threw it to the sink, suddenly closing the glass door with a dull look in his eyes.

  "You...what are you doing?"

  Gu Yansheng reached out and dropped his hand on his waist, kissed Wen Niannan's collarbone lightly, and said hoarsely: "Niannian, you are my

  Niannian ." Wen Niannan smelled a strong smell of wine. Frown and said: "Gu Yansheng, are you drinking? Wait...you... go out first, I will let Aunt Lan make some hangover soup for you."

  "I don't want hangover soup, I want you, I want you."

  Gu Yansheng hugged his waist. Suddenly he dropped his hand. Wen Niannan's body froze and wanted to break free, but he was choked and couldn't play manually. Wen Niannan closed his eyes and kicked between his legs. Gu Yansheng's face suddenly turned pale, and he fell back. He reached the bathtub full of cold water behind him.

  "His...It's cold..."

  Gu Yansheng crawled out of the bathtub embarrassedly. He also woke up, completely awake, staring blankly at Wen Niannan who was holding a bath towel blushing and glaring at him.

  Wen Niannan put on the towel, took the clothes, and escaped, locking the door from the outside.

  Gu Yansheng shivered coldly, and said coldly and tremblingly: "Remember that I am not...Ahhhhhh..." After sneezing several times, Gu Yansheng ran to the door topless and wanted to open the door, but found that the door was locked.

  "Niannian, Niannian, are you there? You open the door, Niannian, are you asleep? I'm so cold..."

  Gu Yansheng yelled a few times but did not respond. He thought Wen Niannan was asleep, afraid that he would wake him up. , He didn't dare to shout again.

  Gu Yansheng in the bathroom trembled coldly, covering his mouth and sneezing. He went to the hanger and took a bath towel and put it on his body. He wanted to put on his shirt, but found that he was wet.

  Gu Yansheng fell asleep leaning on the bathroom door. When Wen Niannan woke up the next day, he subconsciously hugged the people around him, but found that there was no one.

  "Yan Sheng? Yan..."

  He was taken aback suddenly, thinking of what happened in the bathroom last night.

  Wen Niannan lay down on the bed angrily after taking a shower last night, listening to Gu Yansheng calling him by name in the bathroom begging for mercy, and also secretly smiled in his heart.

  He was thinking about opening the door after a while, but he didn't know when he fell asleep, so he shut Gu Yansheng in the bathroom all night.

  "Yan Sheng? Are you inside, are you okay?" Wen Niannan panicked when he heard there was no movement inside, and quickly took the key to open the door.

  As soon as the door opened, Gu Yansheng fell to the ground. Wen Niannan hurriedly called Xu Shu to lift the person to the bed, and went to the doctor to see that he had a cold and had a high fever.

  I slept for a whole day before waking up. When I woke up, I saw Wen Niannan, who was worried by the bed, and said with embarrassment: "This is too shameful."

  Wen Niannan handed the medicine to Gu Yansheng and said with a smile: "Look. Do you dare to break into the bathroom in the future."

  "You have to make up for me. Will you help me take a bath when I'm done?"

  "You, take the opportunity to ask for benefits ."


A few days later, Gu Yansheng recovered. So, I took Wen Nienan to the Gu Group.

  Zhou Yuanfeng was talking to the front desk about something. Seeing them coming, he rolled his eyes at Wen Niannan's waist, and the corners of his mouth slightly twitched.

  "Hey, what do you look at? Who told you to see it? It depends on going home to see your family Tang Lunxuan."

  Zhou Yuanfeng put down the water glass, looked at him meaningfully, and said, " Tsk tusk, Gu Yansheng, are you not good for your waist or kidneys? ? Well do not want to give you some tonic "?

  Gu Yan Sheng face changed, teeth and said:" What do you mean? " "

  I looked at how to read what the South who did not trace my family back pain petrified Ah Hin next day will be reluctant When I go out, I think Niannan goes to the company every day, and there is no discomfort."

  "We haven't done it yet."

Zhou Yuanfeng looked at Gu Yansheng incredulously, like a panda, and exclaimed: "I heard that right, right? Are you an old dog thief?"

  "Actually...I tried a few times, but he was very scared. I didn't do it anymore. I can't ignore his feelings. I want to do it step by step."

  He was very happy on the wedding night, so he drank two more glasses. When the two were alone, looking at Wen Niannan, who had not changed the white dress on the bed, he admitted that he was a little moved.

  Gu Yansheng walked to the bed and hugged him, walked up his waist to comfort Wen Niannan, gently picked up Wen Niannan and put him on the bed.

  "Niannian , is it okay?" Wen Niannan gasped, her eyes dodged and said: "Um..."

  Gu Yansheng gently stroked his face, and said softly: "It's okay, I'll be very light. If it hurts, just tell. Me, I stop, okay?"

  "Yan Sheng, I'm a little scared, can you..."

  Gu Yansheng untied his tie and threw it on the ground. He stopped his hand and asked, "What's wrong?"

  Wen Niannan clenched tightly. He took his hand and said with a smile: "No...nothing."

  Gu Yansheng gently unbuttoned Wen Niannan's white coat, watched his eyes tenderly, lowered his head and kissed it, but his hands were still unbuttoned.

  But when Gu Yansheng untied his belt and stretched his hand in, Wen Niannan suddenly pushed him away.

  "I...I'm a little scared, shall we do it next time?"

  Gu Yansheng was taken aback, sat up and helped Wen Niannan up, took a deep breath, and whispered: "It's okay, you are afraid that I will not do it, let's take it slow Come here, I'm not in a hurry."

  "Then you..." Wen Niannan glanced between Gu Yansheng's legs, his face flushed suddenly and looked away.

  "I... I'll go to the bathroom to solve it."

  Just like that, Gu Yansheng could see and touch but couldn't eat it, forcing Gu Yansheng's face to be unpleasant for a few days.

  Zhou Yuanfeng laughed forward and backward when he heard what he said, and said: "Hahahaha, my god laughs so hard at me. I thought that according to your personality, you have wiped out Niannan, but I didn't expect you to be a man. Innocent man, spends time with the five-finger girl all day long hahaha, no wonder you have a bad face during the time you just got married."

  "Shut up! Mouth!"

  "You are great, but you helped me come up with an idea. How can I let him put down his fear of this matter? I sleep with him in a bed every day and hug me. I'm really going crazy.

  " Isn't he still taking those medicines? I heard from Dr. Li last time that after taking the medicine, his body will generally relax extremely. You can chat with him after taking the medicine and slowly guide him, let him relax, and then you Slowly step by step to make him feel emotional."

  Gu Yansheng's mind flashed through the body of Wen Niannan he saw in the bathroom, his face turned slightly red, and his eyes were unnatural and said: "Will this be... not so good, I don't. I'm afraid to force him at this moment." Zhou Yuanfeng looked at Gu Yansheng with red ears and teased: "What's wrong, you are counseling? You are husbands, and Nian Nan is also overcoming the fear of this matter in your heart. It's not that you don't want you to touch him."

  "Did you also do this at the time?"

  "A Xuan and I were just a matter of course, and naturally did everything that was supposed to be done, and only if you were Nian Nan, you were persuaded. Gu Lin is better at teasing than you."

  "How about Gu Lin? Why haven't you seen it recently."

  "Gu Lin is not coming to the company anymore. He told Aunt Lu that he wanted to leave Gu's family and live on his own. He went to Bai's house some time ago. Bai Jinchen proposed to marry him, saying that he wanted to accompany Bai

  Jinchen to see beautiful scenery and painting exhibitions all over the world." Gu Yansheng glanced at Zhou Yuanfeng and asked, "What about you, when will the matter between you and Tang Lunxuan be decided?"

  Zhou Yuanfeng's expression was a little uncomfortable, and he sighed: "I...not sure. You know the tempers of my father and mother. I'm working hard. I will help him take care of everything before telling him that A Xuan is too gentle to argue with them."

  "Stop talking about me. You should worry about yourself and consider it for your first night."

  Gu Yansheng held the musical note necklace in his neck in a daze , and whispered in a low voice: "Will he hurt..." Zhou Yuanfeng didn't understand what he meant, and asked. "What?"

  "Will he hurt the first time? Do I need to do some preparation, do I need to use my hands first, do I want to watch some videos?"

  Zhou Yuanfeng interrupted him in disbelief, and was shocked: "Wait, you...you don't know that you are ready to run. Go straight with the umbrella, right? Can't you have some foreplay? Just put your hand in? "

  Gu Yansheng lowered his head unnaturally, "I..."

  "Gu Yansheng, I have really refreshed my understanding of you now, are you still a normal man? Can you still use that thing after so many years of abstinence?"

  Gu Yansheng snapped. The file was thrown over, and

  he said angrily: "Zhou Yuanfeng!" "Well, I won't say anything, you wait."

  Zhou Yuanfeng turned on the phone for a while and handed it to Gu Yansheng.

  "Yes, did you see it? I specially brought it for you. More than 1,000 Gs are enough for you to watch for a long time. Don't go to work today. Go back and study hard. Try it in a few days. I want to check and accept the results. Yes."

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