President Qin x Xiao Qihao 4

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 "How come I was right? You did those excessive things to me, isn't it just to avenge the grievances you have suffered over the years?"

  Xiao Qihao's expression changed and looked at Qin Qibo, gritted his teeth and said, "I'll say it again. I didn't want to avenge you. And deliberately torturing you."

  "Why, isn't it tiring to act? A good dog who has acted for so many years reveals his nature after he regains his identity? Xiao Qihao, if you have the ability, you will kill me. Is it a means?"

  Xiao Qihao frowned and said, "acting? What are you talking about?"

  He knows how good Qin Qibai is. He used to ask him to get it back when he suffered a bit of grievance, but he was laughed at by everyone that night. Bystanders.

  Qin Qibo roared: "Are you enjoying me now like a dog to come up to please you? It's nice to see the old young master kneeling at your feet now? Do you think we have exchanged status and status, you can trample it casually? My dignity is revenge!"

  "What the hell are you going crazy? I never thought of trampling on your dignity, you have always been my little..." Xiao Qihao's voice suddenly stopped, and he didn't say any more.

  Qin Qibai's eyes flickered slightly, and he mocked: "My father was right. You were originally a dog of my Qin family. What's wrong with my random beating and scolding? You are my Qin Qibai's dog!"

  Xiao Qihao's face suddenly became ugly and gritted his teeth. "You say it again!"

  Qin Qibo looked at Xiao Qihao provocatively, and said coldly: "Are you still going to do it? Or is it that you are a sadistic man, and you can't harden it if you don't torture people without hearing the painful voices? What a

  pervert ." Xiao Qihao squeezed his chin and threatened: "Qin Qibai, you are deliberately irritating me, don't make me angry, you can't bear the consequences, I don't want to hurt you."

  Qin Qibai suddenly laughed and threw away Xiao Qihao squeezed his chin and looked at him mockingly.

  Xiao Qihao thought he was obedient and would no longer continue, a flash of unbearable eyes flashed in his eyes and he was about to speak, and suddenly a slap in the face fell heavily on his face.

  He stared blankly at Qin Qibo, who looked at him mockingly in his eyes, with a fiery pain on his face.


  "I didn't do anything wrong, why should I apologize!"

  Qin Qibo glared at the people in front of him, saying word by word: "Those people are right, I'm deliberately seduce you, why the hell do I want to please you? I am wronged! You are the dog raised by my Qin Qibo, besides you, I can also seduce other people and find other lover's bed partners!"

  Xiao Qihao heard that he was looking for another lover, his face instantly turned gloomy and coldly said: "Qin Qibai, do you think I dare not beat you?"

  Qin Qibai adjusted his clothes and sneered: "What else do you dare not, isn't it because you called me over today to have sex? Come on, use yours. Something! I dare to shout that it hurts, it's not Qin Qibai!"

  Xiao Qihao looked at the person in front of him, his eyes turned gloomy, and his tone was strange: "Okay, this is what you said. Since you are so stiff and not afraid of pain, don't blame me, I It will make you

  subdued ." Qin Qibo looked up slightly when he heard what he said, but was suddenly violently thrown onto the bed by Xiao Qihao grabbing his hand.

  "Mad dog!"

  He quickly wanted to sit up, but was slammed by Xiao Qihao and couldn't move. Qin Qibai's eyes flashed with fear, and he felt Xiao Qihao's terrifying anger.

  Xiao Qihao rudely tore off his shirt, pulled off his black tie, and looked down at the stubborn person under him.

  "I'll ask you again, do you admit that you are wrong?"

  Qin Qibo kicked it but was caught, struggling and cursed: "Why the fuck are you making me admit wrong? I didn't do anything wrong, you lied to me first ! " "well, I Dai you a chance. "Xiao Qi Hao took the floor suddenly dropped tie, raising his hand covered his eyes firmly fastened.

  Xiao Qihao had never been blindfolded before, and Qin Qibai was so dark that he couldn't see, and he panicked for a moment.

  He couldn't see his vision, his hearing became more sensitive in an instant, and Qin Qibai heard the terrifying sound of props coming from his ears.

  "Xiao...Xiao Qihao...what are you going to do?" Qin Qibai's voice was clearly trembling.

  Xiao Qihao handcuffed Qin Qibo's handcuffs to the bed, and said coldly: "Aren't you afraid of nothing? Didn't you say that I am a pervert? Okay, I will let you really try what hurts and what is perverted."

  Xiao Qihao opened the drawer. Take out Run•Slider and squeeze it into your hand, turn around and look at the trembling person on the bed.

  "I am not a soft-hearted person. If it weren't for you to grow up and grow up, you would be uncomfortable. If it weren't for your old relationship, do you think I can't help you again and again?"

  "You ...You fucking pretend to be a good person, how much have you been sincere to me? I don't care about your softheartedness."

  Xiao Qihao looked at the trembling person who was blindfolded and scared, and said coldly: "You are spoiled. too presumptuous, never know bragging, random Sapo angry, this time, I will not hesitate to you, and I will let you lay down your dignity, put down your self-righteous pride, I bow to soft services admit. "

  Qin Qibai double His legs instantly cooled, his pants were taken off, a cold sticky and greasy hand slipped between his legs, and his body instantly stiffened.

  A sense of ignorance struck him, and he became scared. He kicked his legs hard to avoid, and screamed: "Xiao Qihao, don't want to frighten me deliberately. I have tried all of your methods. I'm not afraid, you fucking want it. If you are a man, you can do it. I am convinced that I am not Qin Qibo!" Xiao Qihao glanced at him and said faintly: "Do you think I only have things that are not painful or itchy! Do you think I can only play with these! Look! I shouldn't be soft-hearted to you, I will let you know how kind I was to you before."

  "You are a pervert! Do you think I will be afraid of you? You will only scare people!" Qin Qibai is obviously afraid Endlessly, but still stiff.

  Xiao Qihao didn't speak, and took out a purple suitcase from the cabinet. After the box was opened, it was filled with horrible things.

  The people on the bed full of clothes were shaking violently, cold sweat on their foreheads and necks.

  The black belt folds the ankles and legs together. As Qin Qibai's body trembles, it makes a sound of locks and chains. The purple electric shock and collar are brought to Qin Qibai's neck, which is a bit bigger than the previous electric shock and collar.

  As more and more places of his body were manipulated and restrained, Qin Qibai became more and more frightened, his body trembling slightly.

  Xiao Qihao took out the thing he had never used before and painted it with luster, then turned his head and looked at Qin Qibai who was completely naked and locked on the bed.

  When the familiar sound of smooth, sticky, and greasy sounded in his ears, Qin Qibai was afraid to blink hard and wanted to see outside.

  "Xiao...Xiao Qihao, speak, Xiao...Ah!!!" The severe tearing pain caused Qin Qibai to shout, and instantly sucked in a cold air. His whole body was trembling in pain, and he wanted to break free but couldn't move. .

  As he struggled hard, he made a chain sound, and the electric shock, collar, and collar on his neck was also touched, and the next second a violent pain spread all over his body.

  Seeing Qin Qibo clenching his teeth in pain and curling up, Xiao Qihao's eyes flashed with invisible emotions.

  "Does it hurt this time?"

  Xiao Qihao sat on the side of the bed and looked at the person who was so painful that he couldn't make a sound. He touched Qin Qibai's face with his smooth hands.

  "Is this the pain that you do not feel anymore? I usually indulge you too much, do you think I only have those that don't hurt? I just didn't do it to you, doesn't mean I won't."

  Xiao Qihao He lowered his body and leaned against Qin Qibo's ear, and said in a deep voice: "You understand what it is like to be humiliated in public, so you are angry. 7, then me, how many times have I been beaten and scolded by you in public in the past many years? humiliation, I went to who was angry? "

  Qin Qibai switch to hear the sound coming from the ear, in vivo things gradually stopped, he looked up and struggled to rub shoulders with blindfolded collar

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  Xiao Qihao suddenly pressed his head against the bed, put his hand on the tie, and slowly fell to Qin Qibai's lips. His eyes flickered slightly, and he pinched his face and put his fingers in.

  "Hmm ...cough cough..." fingers stuck into Qin Qibo's mouth to prevent him from closing it, Xiao Qihao's fingers churned in his mouth, and the water flowed down before he could swallow.

  Xiao Qihao looked at Qin Qibai in a panic, with an invisible emotion flashing in his eyes, lowering his head and biting Qin Qibai's chest and shoulders fiercely.

  "Ah!" Qin Qibai cursed in a trembling voice.

  "Qin Qibai, what I want is to tame you, what I want is for you to be obedient, so that you understand that everyone has dignity, not only you, Young Master Qin." Xiao Qihao took the switch and deliberately held Qin Qibo's ear, his tone was light. Said: "Say you are wrong, say you will continue to obey you in the future, and you are not allowed to mention anything to find a lover, I will let you go."

  "I don't want to admit defeat, I don't want to admit my mistake to your mad dog!"

  Xiao Qihao shook his hand. The switch's hand paused slightly, he didn't expect Qin Qibai to hold on so hard and refuse to admit defeat.

  "I've passed your chance. You refuse to admit your mistakes. You can't blame me."

  Xiao Qihao opened the purple box beside the bed, held Qin Qibo's hand and placed it on the purple box, where he had never used Qin Qibo before. Those things.

  Xiao Qihao felt Qin Qibai's trembling hands when he touched those things, and his whole body was trembling violently. He knew what Qin Qibai had guessed.

  "Do you feel it? I have never used these for you, but I will use them one by one all night. Do you really want to experience them? Master Qin."

  Xiao Qihao touched his forehead and looked at him. After getting injured, he was taken aback and lowered his head.

  "Qin Qibo, I will give you one last chance, confess your mistakes to me, tell me that you are wrong, and promise me that you will never contradict me anymore."

  Qin Qibai moved slightly and said with a trembling word by word: "Don't think about it..."

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