Chapter 228: Brother Niannan, does he have back pain?

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Gu Yansheng stared at the photos posted on WE Weibo for a long time, clicked the delete button but did not press the delete button for a long time, still sighed and stayed.

  "Forget it...this is the first photo taken by Nian Nian."

  He really wanted to take a hammer to kill himself at the time, but he took such an important photo with Nian Nian but smiled like a fool... ugly.

  Seeing the sentence he replied to the netizen that he took the initiative to kiss, Gu Yansheng's expression became more and more difficult and ugly, and he put down Wen Niannan's cell phone.

  Gu Yansheng grabbed Wen Niannan's car key and didn't want him to go.

  "Really don't want me to send you there? I'll stop far away so that they won't let them see."

  "I can go to the studio by myself, you can go to the company."

  Wen Niannan took the car key in Gu Yansheng's hand , Waved to him and drove away.

  Only Gu Yansheng stood alone, his eyes full of loss.

  Uncle Xu came over and handed him the car key, and said, "Sir, Mr. Wen's identity is a bit special now. You have posted photos of the two of them and made a lot of noise. I'm afraid there will be a reporter in the studio taking secret photos. Mr. Wen is for you. Okay."

  "I know, I know that he has always been very careful for my sake..."

  Gu Yansheng hadn't turned the pages of the document in his hand for a few minutes, and raised his hand to rub his temple.

  The office door was pushed open, Zhou Yuanfeng and Gu Lin walked in with a smile.

  "Look at what I said, this guy was in a daze when he arrived at the company and missed his home."

  Gu Yansheng put down the file and frowned and looked at him without speaking.

  Zhou Yuanfeng smiled when he saw it: "I was right? You don't want him to come to the company."

  "What happened the night before I was trying to restore my memory."

  Gu Yansheng's eyes were a little unnatural, and he hesitated: "I think I touched him, but it doesn't seem to be..."

  Zhou Yuanfeng was taken aback for a moment: "What do you mean? did it to Niannian so soon?"

  "I didn't wear any clothes with him since I woke up that day. I remember it seems to have untied his clothes, but I'm pretty sure it didn't. I took it off, but the next day..."

  Gu Lin's eyes lit up, and he quickly said, "You mean you don't remember if you talked to Brother Nan...that?" An annoyance flashed in Gu Yansheng's eyes, and he shook his head and said: "Then I was drunk late at night, and I don't remember when I woke up."

  "What about Brother Nan? Is there nothing wrong with him? For example , I am angry with you, or my back hurts and my body is uncomfortable?"

  Gu Yansheng shook his head and said: "He received your call, only thinking about the antidote, and didn't ask me about the clothes of the two of me, but he began to hide from me after I was sober, and he didn't want to look into my eyes."

  Gu Yansheng couldn't figure out why. Wen Niannan, who was trying to recover his memory, became alienated again after he really recovered. During the time when he lost his memory and was stupid, Wen Niannan would softly coax him, relying on him in everything, no matter what excessive things he raised.

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