Opposites Attract

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When Andrew arrived home, he had received various messages from Luke, and a few from Naomi. His mother was baking cookies in the kitchen, the delicious flavour of chocolate perfumed the house, Andrew felt relaxed once the sweet smell hit him. He felt even more sleepy.

"I'm home" he took off his jacket and stored it in the closet, he took off his shoes and left them in the entrance. "Where were you? You're home late" the sweet voice of Sophia made an echo through the hallway.

"I was with a friend" he walked to the kitchen then opened the cabinet to get a glass and serve himself water. It was a routine for him to come home everyday and drink a glass of water.

"What friend?" Sophia started washing the remaining dishes from the cookie batter. "A new friend, his name is Dalton" he gulped the water, his mother hummed. "You were gone for some time, seems like you enjoyed your time with him" she smiled.

"I did, how do you know?" Andrew looked away, "You have a certain glow in your face" she winked at him, Andrew grew nervous "Well he's just nice" he left the glass of water in the sink. "I'll be upstairs" he looked at his mother, she nodded, so he left to his room.

Once he arrived at his room, he turned on the lights that hung on his walls, on top of his bed, and the lamp he had on his desk. The dark room illuminated slowly by the bright sun little by little.

He got undressed and answered the messages he had received, first he answered Luke's.


How's the tutoring going?
u hungry? I can drive you to a food place
Are you still busy?
Sent at 4:56 p.m

Sorry, I just saw your messages.
No, I'm not hungry or busy, I'm going to sleep.
Sent at 8:43 p.m

Andrew knew that he wasn't actually going to sleep, it was way too early for sleep, he just said so to avoid conversation. Some time later, Luke answered.

At this hour?
Alright then
Goodnight hot stuff
Sent at 8:45 p.m

Andrew cringed at the nickname, "That was uncalled for" he said out loud, he would often say things out loud when he was alone, like talking to himself. He found himself quite fun to be around with.

Then he opened Noami's messages.


I didn't see you at school today.
Are you okay?
You have me worried
Sent at 5:32 p.m

I'm fine, thank you.
Sent at 8:47 p.m

He debated on whether to answer her texts or just leave them, she didn't do anything outrageous, but still, Andrew felt like she faded away from him little by little, like she didn't want to try and keep their friendship continuing. Yet, she texted him, so there must be a reason.

He started working on his homework, part of him still thinking about Dalton. It's amazing how different he made him feel, he made him feel warm. He really wanted to get to know him.

After finishing his work, Andrew went to his mother's room to say goodnight, then walked all the way back in his pajamas to his room. He went to sleep moments after.

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