I'm Yours

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It's early, from what I can see from the window it's about 6 in the morning. The daylight is baby blue. The window is open, it's not particularly cold or hot. It's warm. It's comfortable.

Dalton is right besides me, he's naked, I'm naked. He's laying underneath me, not in a way that I'm over him completely but I can still feel his heartbeat on my back. His skin is soft and warm. He smells like cheap cologne mixed with sweat but still I love how he smells. He has his arm around me like I'm some kind of plush.

Last night I told him I was a virgin and he said he was a virgin as well. Yet I don't think I can believe the Dalton of last night was a virgin. He made me come twice. He came with me the first time.

He kept muttering "You feel so good" and "Oh pretty boy." I had to contain my fucking moans by biting a pillow, a fucking pillow.

I won't deny that I liked it. I loved it. He was so gentle and caring.

My ass hurts, it hurts very much. I have painkillers in my bathroom but I don't wanna wake him up.

He lets out cute little snores every once in a while. I feel so happy being here so close to him. It just feels so right, like I fit perfectly in his arms. I love the way my skin feels when I touch him. I trace small circles around his arm in hopes of waking him up slowly.

He hasn't said anything but I feel so excited right now. Like I just want to smudge him in kisses and call him honey. Is this what falling in love is like? If so I'm not afraid to say that I think I'm falling in love.

He moves constantly while sleeping but I don't mind as long as I'm close to him. I look at him, his eyes shut, his eyelashes short, his lips light pink. God I want to kiss him so bad.

I feel this electricity whenever I kiss him, that's why I love kissing him. It's like I'm addicted to his lips.

I couldn't contain myself so I reached my hand out to move his face slightly and kiss him. Then, I feel his arm that was around me tighten its hold. I drift apart of his face to meet his pretty green eyes.

"Good morning Dalton," I whispered, surprisingly I'm not shy to say anything to him anymore. "Good morning Cinnamon Boy," he whispers back.

I roll my eyes playfully, "What is it with this name? Why cinnamon boy?" I can see Dalton's eyes light up slightly as he answers, "Our first date, I said you smelled like cinnamon rolls, that's why." I had completely forgotten about that.

"Did I wake you up?" I asked even though I knew the answer. Dalton nodded, "You did, I'm not mad though. Waking me up with a kiss? How romantic." he teased me. I like when he teases me, hell I like when he does anything. "Kiss me again, yeah?" he whispered in my ear. I felt a shudder down my back.

It seemed like he was quoting me from last night, I couldn't hold back my blush as I said, "Come here." and kissed his lips, and again, and again, and again. Then I stopped.

"I'm a light sleeper, usually I wake up with any sound easily." he said softly into my ear. I hummed in response, "I guess I don't know much about me since your kiss was the only thing that woke me up. Must be magic."

I hummed again, he continued "Must be because I'm with you that I didn't wake up." I giggled. The sun was starting to appear and small rays of light peeped through the curtains, those rays of light crossed paths with Dalton's eyes, making them appear like they were the color of prehnite stones.

He frowned, "You're staring." and I smiled, "I just realized and came to the conclusion that you're just so beautiful." I could see Dalton's eyes shine and a blush appear on his face, he didn't say anything so I continued, "And to be honest, I feel so happy being this close to you."

He pouted playfully, "How poetic, Andrew." I rolled my eyes "Shut up," I began to sit up. But  Dalton stopped me, I looked at him when he said, "Be mine."

"W..what?" I tried to shake my hand off his hold, "Be mine, let me be yours. Andrew, let me be your boyfriend and you mine."

I have to idea what to answer, do I say yes or just "Okay" what is the best answer? Of course, I want to be his, but right now I'm just stuck in the two answers I should give out. What do I say?

"I'll be yours, and you'll me mine..." my voice accidentally sounded like I was asking a question, Dalton nodded, "Yes."

So I just went for the usual cliche answer, "I'm yours."

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