The Fair 2

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We all got in the car after paying for our meal. The radio playing, Ayan and Blair were, chatting, Cleo was asleep and I was just lost in my thoughts. Seems like a vibe to me.

I heard Blair say something about a video..just watch and donate. Then the music changed to something you would hear in a cafe while waiting for your blind date.

Luke. I should block him, he's an ass, I don't like him, I should do something, what if he shows up at the fair? I'll block him.

I opened my phone with only a few names in my contacts, I need to go out more.
I removed his number, then refreshed the screen just to make sure,

None-existent. Great.

I can think clearly now, I hate him.

"Who?" Blair asked, I froze "Dalton? Or your little friend?", did I say that out loud?

"Oh Blair let him be, he's probably talking to himself" oh so they did hear. "My friend" Ayan looked at me through the retro visor, and gave me a forbidding look. More like a, 'you don't have to' look.

I wasn't going to though, just informing the audience I guess. "Alright, none of my business anyway" she let go that easily. They went back to their chit-chat.

"How long before we arrive?" I asked, "Not too long" Ayan turned to the left.

"Do you always help with the fair?" Cleo had just woken up, "We help with the fair because of Dalton," she said rubbing her eyes, "He first starts with all the preparations, it's all a lot of work so we decided to help a little"

Ayan turns again, then parks the closest to the entrance. "Alright, let's do this."

We hop off and walk towards the entrance, from the distance I can see my mother talking to some people, Dalton moving some boxes.

I hear footsteps behind me, "Did something happen between you two?" I look to my side, I'm not sure, something did happen but I don't want to name it like something.

"No, nothing happened" Blair laughs, "He is the typical quiet kid, huh?" she looks at me waiting for my response, "I wouldn't know. We are just staring." She walks away laughing. I wouldn't classify him as quiet anyway.

He glances at me, his face resting serious. I stand alone awkwardly, he manages to make me feel puzzled. His face looked tired, exhausted. I feel an aching pulse in the upper side of my arm. I felt this pulse once before, I don't remember when exaclty.

Before he continues walking, he shoots me an apologetic look. After that, he walks away.

I look down at my hands, I want to go home.


We arrive early at the fair, I hop down of Ayan's car and get my stuff from the truck. Then go to the entrance, however I see Andrew standing there watching nothing. Then Dalton appears in his viewpoint, we exchange a few words then I walk away.

Feeling a vibrating feeling in the back pocket of my pants, I take my phone out, and answer the call. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I can hear her weak but soft voice chuckle, "Hi honey, I'm okay, still a little sick from the chemotherapy.." I sigh, "Oh honey.. What did the doctor say?" I walk around in circles, I feel anxious. "She said that some of the cancer is basically fading away, still there is a big part behind my pancreas..but I ate some jello today, so that is good right?"

I smile, she doesn't deserve all this pain, she is trying her best to put on a brave face whenever I visit her. She just shouldn't do that for me, she is already in pain, and thinking about making me happy is just...somehow uncomfortable.

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