Little Do You Know

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After dancing for what seemed like an hour, they held each other in their arms while laying on the fuzzy blanket on the grass. Andrew was fighting the urges to fall asleep even though it was still early. Dalton played with his hair and whispered sweet nothings with a gentle smile on his face.

Dalton's phone vibrated several times to which he ignored. But then he received a call, making his phone ring with the most obnoxious ringtone that couldn't be ignored, so he grabbed his phone from the basket hoping it would be good news this time, he flipped open his phone to find the name of Blair lit up.

"This better be important, I'm busy," he answered. Andrew was snuggled in Dalton's arm, he opened his eyes when Dalton said, "what time is it though?" he watched as Dalton opened his eyes wide.

"Well I thought it was about midnight..." he glanced at Andrew for a moment, then back to the night.

"What is it?" whispered Andrew in curiosity. Dalton held his hand up, signaling him to wait.

"But why a party now? What's the occasion?" Dalton sat up. "Who's going?" he asked, then opened his mouth wide at the answer, he looked at Andrew, "I'm with him right now... yes I'll ask him then."

Andrew's eyes glowed in excitement as he watched Dalton hang up. "Yes... I'll see you, bye bye."

"Who was it?" he asked whilst sitting up.

"It was Blair, she said there's a party at Delirium. She said almost the whole town is coming, you wanna go?" he rubbed his eyes, his voice sleepy.

Andrew felt a pit of anxiety start on his stomach, he started to pinch the skin of his hands while looking down at the blanket. Dalton didn't realize how hard he was pinching himself until he glanced at him when Andrew didn't answer. Right away, he reached out to gently grab Andrew's hands.

"Hey, hey, hey, sweetheart stop that." he said softly, searching for Andrew's stare, his still focused hard on the blanket, "you're hurting yourself Andy." then Andrew's eyes finally focused on Dalton's, he felt butterflies in his stomach.

"If you don't want to go that's fine." Dalton smiled at him. Andrew stayed silent then looked down at his forearm, red and pinkish spots showing. "Sorry, I get anxious when I think of big crowds." he whispered.

Andrew swallowed hard, "I wanna go."

Dalton held Andrew's hands and softly caressed them, "alright," he smiled.


Dalton messaged Blair saying that the both of them would be there, he also called to his mom's house number to tell her that he would come home a little late, right now his mom was in a good mood since her drama show was playing on the tv, so she didn't throw a fuss over it.

They went back to Andrew's house before going to the party. Andrew wanted to change his clothes since he was all in comfortable clothing. He gave Dalton a black button shirt that was too big on Andrew and thought that Dalton would fit in it. He did in fact.

He looked so good in that shirt that he made Andrew jealous, and nervous. He would stutter his words when Dalton came near him, even the slightest touch made him aroused, which he hates since it's too early and not the greatest occasion to be horny.

"Sweetheart, can I borrow some of your cologne?" Dalton whispered in his ear while standing behind him, his voice made Andrew jump, and the sweet name made him blush, "S..sure." he answered while grabbing a brand new cologne bottle he doesn't use. Then Dalton kissed him on the cheek and muttered "thank you," making Andrew smile.

Once they were ready, Andrew drove themselves to Delirium. Right away in the parking lot there were people sitting on the ground, and some vomiting. The funny thing was that it was still quite early for vomiting to happen, Andrew grew nervous, he started to pinch his skin again.

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