The Fair

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On my way back I played the radio, 'I want to hold your hand' by The Beatles started playing. I don't know the lyrics to this one, but I like the song. I arrived back home, I could already see mom getting out of the house.

"Come on, leave the groceries and let's go" and so I did.
I was in the car looking out the window, the radio playing. The kids we passed by the park were playing.

Their parents are watching them. There was this one kid alone in a swing, just him. Strangely it reminds me of Dalton, he had always been the quiet kid that sits at the back of the class without saying a word.

Mom parked the car. "We're here" she proceeded to take her bottle of water, hop off the car and close the door.

I was still inside. It took me sometime to realize we actually arrived. So I mimicked the actions of my mother. I could see the other staff helping put up the lights and the stands. My mom was talking to Chester, one of the main chiefs of the entire fair production.

Some girl approached me, "Hi.." her cheeks were starting to take a peachy color. "Hi" I responded back. "The fair isn't open till 7.. You should come back later" her voice had a toned accent, she adjusted her glasses.

"I'm here to help, my mom kind of dragged me in here so you can tell me what I can help with." she nods "Oh cool...well Blair and Ayan are helping us with the lights," I turn to look at them, they wave at me, I do the same, "Maybe you can help me place the toys in the rack." my sight turns to look at empty racks from the stands.

They were empty, "Okay let's go" and so I greeted Blair and Ayan then picked up a box that was full of toys and started to hang them in the racks. Silence was visible among us two, there was music that Blair was playing from her phone, the music made the environment seem kind of aesthetic, I can just imagine what it would look like at 7.

"So.. what is your name?" she breaks the silence, "Andrew" I say, while now hanging teddy bears in the racks. I felt the need to ask her for her name, if I don't,  it will seem like I don't care, I don't really care, "What's your name?" I lift my face too look at hers, "I'm Cleo" she says blushing again, now I notice her light blonde hair tied up in a ponytail, she has strands of hair falling in her face, and wide pleasing blue eyes, her under eye with a rose color. I turn my attention back at the labor.

"Do a lot of people come here at night?" I ask just out of the blue. "Yeah some people do, it's a boring town, not much to do here, so this is something that families can enjoy together" she was right, I asked when I already knew the answer. "So.. if anyone else is coming to help?"

"Oh yeah there is one more person coming, but he had work so he is coming over like at 2" the boxes were empty now. Onto the next stand and the next box.


The time went by so fast, it was already 1:54, we had finished placing all the toys. Everything was looking good, the people from the mechanic game had already left.

I was getting hungry, Blair, Ayan and Cleo were planning to go to Joyous, a informal burger's place, I was planning on going home. "Wanna come with us?" Ayan asked me, "I turned to look at my mother, she was talking with some people of the fair. Guess I won't go home soon, "Yeah sure" I smiled. "What about Dalton?" Blair said while checking her phone.


"He texted me saying he will be here in 3" Ayan told us, "When was that?"
"At 1:58, he should be here any minute," Ayan said once again. I really don't want to see him, I don't really know, I just don't want to, I really, really don't want to. Maybe I can make up an excuse and leave, I can say I feel a little sick or maybe...

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