The Dinner

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The blurring conversation around me was getting louder now.

I wasn't paying attention, I had a lot of thoughts in my mind. But I wasn't thinking about one in expecific. I was playing with my food, sticking the fork on it.

Luke sitting at my side, and my mother in front of me, and Mrs.Woodruff at her side. The steak, solid, as I haven't eaten it yet, I didn't like eating steak as much, it was something that just happened, maybe I just decided I wanted to be vegan. But at the same time, I didn't accomplished those wishes.

My mother however, had eaten all her steak already, she was continuing with the salad now, adding nothing much but lemon juice to give it flavor, she didn't like dressings.

They where talking, getting along pretty well, I didn't know what they where talking about, I hope they weren't talking about me. Or my life.

I didn't like attention, of course I didn't like being looked at or getting spoken on. I'm pretty sure Noaomi did.

Now that I think about it, she never told me anything about her life, just the situation she was going through with her mother. That was at least the only thing she truthfully told me, or maybe it was all a lie.

I looked at my mother, she was almost done with her salad, laughing along with our guests, wrapping her green sweater around her body, she looked at me and smiled.

I saw her mouth move, then again, I couldn't figure out what she was saying.

"Sorry, what did you said?" I shook my head in an attempt to focus, smiling sweetly at me she repeated.

"I said, if you where done with your food."

I looked down at my plate, the steak having marks of the fork being stuck in it. "Yeah I'm done." I said looking up at her once again, I didn't eat the steak but I did eat the rice, and the mashed potatoes she had done. It was good, I was certainly full.

"You didn't eat much" I heard the voice of Luke point out. 

"I'm not that hungry" I said standing up to get my plate on the kitchen sink.

He stood up with me, he followed me to the kitchen, I could only hear his footsteps and the silverwear moving around the plate.

I placed the plate on the sink, cleaning it then washing the soap away I turned around, took the towel and dried my hands, I left the plate to dry on its own.

"What's going on with you?" I heard Luke said.

"What do you mean? Nothing, I'm fine" I ignored his stare. "There's certainly something going on, you didn't talk at all when we were sitting." He rested his body on the counter.

"I just didn't felt like it" I pouted without realizing. 

"Did something happen?" He sounded worried. 

"I already told you, nothing happen" I was starting to get frustrated.

"Are you su-"

"Yes I'm sure! Leave me alone!" I said, leaving the kitchen, his hand taking mine and dragging me back inside.

I swing my arm for him to let go of me, not having any good results. "Hey, hey, hey, chill I just want to talk." he raised his hands in the air in a playful manner,

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