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The ride to the hospital was unreal. Andrew was sitting with Dalton's covered body in the ambulance, and Ayan called his mother. Sophia said she would be at the hospital as soon as possible. Blair had not stopped crying since she saw his soulless body. Ayan cried as well, though he had to pull the composture to call both the ambulance and Andrew's mom.

Andrew was deadly quiet all the way to the hospital, he would just nod yes or shake his head no when someone asked him a question even if the question wasn't to be answered with a yes or no.

His hands and clothes were still stained with blood, he didn't want to get rid of the stains yet. Ayan asked him many times if he wanted to ask his mom to get him clean clothes, he just nodded no.

Ayan was driving Blair, Itzel and Cleo to the hospital. Itzel had to comfort Blair all the ride since she was gagging constantly, she threw up outside the car, in the parking lot once they arrived to the hospital.

They needed to admit Dalton to the hospital so they could do a proper evaluation and get him ready for the funeral. Andrew just sat in a chair of the waiting room, fiddling with his fingers and never making eye contact with anyone.

Blair sat in a chair as well, though she was crying on Itzel's shoulder, who would hug her and caress her hair. Ayan just paced back and forth.

The sound of running made Ayan look at the door, it was Andrew's mom. Sophia ran all the way to where Andrew was sitting, she kneeled beyond him, he didn't look at her but the glance she got from Andrew's eyes terrified her, his eyes were dead, soulless.

She hugged him without saying a word. Andrew felt an aching sensation in his chest, then it moved to his arms then to his legs. Since the moment Dalton was shot, he felt a pressure in his chest that didn't help him breathe properly.

"Dalton Fiore Herdman?" The female voice of a nurse made all of them look up. Ayan walked forward, the nurse nodded, slightly weirded out, "are you his sibling?" she asked. Ayan shaked his head no. "Only family members are allowed to see him..." she explained.

Blair looked at her, rage in her eyes, she sniffed a couple of times before saying, "the family members he had were pure bullshit, we are his family." her voice was angry yet calm at the same time but it was clear that she was broken.

The nurse nodded, stunned "He's ready for you to see him." she smiled gently then waited for the young adults to get up and follow her.

The nurse opens the room and there he is, laying in a bed, his skin pale in a cooler tone, his eyes closed. His body is naked, only a thin white sheet covers him from the shoulders down.

Andrew stays still, Blair, Ayan and Cleo walk by his side and get closer to him. They also are quiet, just looking at him makes Blair want to vomit again.

Sophia hugs Andrew. He doesn't budge, he doesn't do anything. His body is pale and still, almost like he also died, or that something just died inside him.


"Andrew, we are going to Dalton's house. We need a picture for... the funeral.." Ayan said.

They were about to leave the hospital room, Andrew was sitting next to Dalton's bed in a chair. He held his hand, he didn't cry, he was quiet. He looked up at the mention of Dalton's home, and he cringed at the mention of his funeral.

"If you want to come with us, you're more than welcome." he faked a smile, Ayan didn't have the strength to smile.

Andrew thought for a while, he glanced at Dalton and pouted, tears started to fill his eyes.

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