New Years

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December 31, 2023

It was almost midnight. It was almost New Year's Day.

Dalton and Andrew decided to celebrate New Years Eve in the same bar they went to first. Since, it was a last minute decision to go there. And Andrew's mom wanted them to have some time together, while she was celebrating with her friends. It was a good choice made in a short amount of time. Also, Blair and Naomi weren't there to celebrate with them, since they were already in Cancun to celebrate New Years. As they promised.

Ayan was going to celebrate the New Year with his family, he was a family guy. He loved his siblings and parents. And it only made sense for him to be with his family then. Cleo has no family here, so Ayan invited her to celebrate with him and his family. Which was an invitation she gladly took.

So the dream team was not reunited for New Years Day. It was just Andrew and Dalton. Just them at a bar table, sitting side to side, with people already drunk around them, and the two of them not drunk, but tipsy.

There was a big screen showing the Times Square Ball Drop. There were so many people waiting there, just standing and waiting. What do they do in the meantime? Do they just wait? For a ball to drop?

"Don't you think it's stupid?" asked Andrew to Dalton. He was fixated on the screen though, "what is?" he answered back with a question. This time, the club wasn't blasting music as loud as the past times, so conversation amongst the guests and the TV noise were the only thing making the bar loud.

"The ball, the ball drop. Why would people wait so long standing up just for a stupid ball?" whined Andrew, he knew he wouldn't have the patience to be there.

"Well that ruins my plans of taking you there next year..." says Dalton with a playful pout as he leans in towards Andrew.

This made Andrew feel guilty and regretful, though he wasn't paying attention to the way Dalton saw him, he responded, "oh no! I'm sorry! I'm sorry babe! Oh fuck-" he waved his hands in front of his face as he panicked in lower case, not even taking a peek at Dalton's honest face. But then, he realized by looking at him trying to hold back a smile that he said, "oh, you're just kidding." slightly disappointed.

"Of course I am. I know if I took you there you would get tired by the first 30 minutes of being there. Plus, I can't afford it." he said reasonably. Andrew was in a weird way flattered by Dalton's knowledge of him. It also made his heart flutter.

"That's a relief. I'd rather spend New Years at home, or... here." That's a lie, he'd rather spend New Years at home, away from other people. Dalton knew that was a lie.

After this they stayed quiet. The bustle from the people talking and the sounds from the TV made Andrew stress. He could feel his ears pounding, his breathing was getting weaker. He started to rub his hands together, trying to focus on the feeling of his skin than in the noise.

It felt like the sound waves became bigger and louder every time he didn't breathe. So he breathed, again, and again, and again. And everytime he did, it wasn't of any help, he started to pinch his skin while at the same time rubbing his hands together.

"Are you okay?" asked Dalton with a gentle voice. Andrew almost couldn't hear him, "I think I just need some fresh air." he faked a weak smile. Dalton nodded, "do you want me to be with you?" Slowly, his hand slid through the table to reach Andrew's hands, then he grabbed them gently to stop him from pinching himself.

"No, I'll go alone." he answered, then he lifted himself off the chair he was sitting in and walked away towards the entrance, which was also the exit. As soon as he pushed open the large glass door, he felt the cool air of the night hit his face. He stood there watching the scenery, two large street lamps lit up the pavement, one, two, then three cars would drive by the street. Unlike last time, there wasn't a couple making out right outside. It was alone.

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