The 'Date'

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I was ready, I sprayed some cologne and left. Luke and I decided to meet at the cafe. Minutes passed and I was already there. He wasn't, so I waited in my car, I started to think about what should I order. Maybe a milkshake? Maybe chocolate milk? 

Water, yeah water. I don't have a lot of cash with me, and water here is pretty cheap, for obvious reasons.

I looked at my side and saw someone's car pull over next to me, I didn't really recognized luke's car, I decided to go inside, I had turned the AC off in my car and it was getting hot.

Once I was inside the cafe, I went to the bar and asked for water, I took a seat near the window and started to think.

This place is one of my favorites, I love the vibe here, so chill and familiar. The people who come here daily are already familiar with the staff. And they talk to each other so smoothly, as if they were personal friends..real friends.

Now that I think about it, I don't have any friends, I had Naomi, now I have no one, was she even a friend? Or was she just..someone I knew and talked too.

It's really sad, she was my only friend and I pushed her away, she slept with your teacher my conscience reminds me.

Yes but, she was my friend, and I cared about her,  she lied to you the voice inside me spoke once again.

I don't know anymore, but sure I know that is going to be really awkward next monday.

I glanced at the window, I can see luke, he has a navy blue polo shirt and his hair is styled perfectly. He looks like a sugar baby or something.

"Hey," he said as he brushed his hair nervously. "Hi" he asked for a drink then we chatted for a little while, at first the conversation wasn't the best, but then I guess we just relaxed. We got to talk about his anger, he apologized, several times.

I told him to just keep taking his meds, just to be safe. He agreed.

The time flew by and it was 7:48 already, "Wow, look at the time, I have to get going." I said taking my bag, he looked at me standing up, then doing the same "Yeah you should get going, it's getting late, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me."

"Oh I don't think I will get in trouble" I laugh, we get out of the cafe, I get to my car I was about to open the door when Luke grabbed my arm and turned me around, my back resting on the car. "I know you don't kiss on first dates but, please." he looked down at me pouting like a little kid, he is adorable.

I roll my eyes trying to play hard, "If you know I don't, don't ask again, plus you said we were hanging out as friends."

"Friends with benefits?" he smirks, "No" I turn around, open the door to get inside the car and drive off, "Bye sexy" he says still smirking "Stop."


Once I arrive home, I see a text from Luke.


I wanted to kiss you so bad

Luke wtf

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