I Told The Stars About You

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"You were watching."

Dalton didn't answer.

"You could see me?"


"Dalton... it's true!" Andrew exclaims.

Dalton's expression turned confused, he was faking it, he knew the truth.

"You... you were watching me... you..." Andrew's thought trailed off. Like trying to find the right word, the right memory and explanation for all of this, for what the universe joined them together. He looked around him again, "You saw everything." he turned back to look at Dalton, who was looking rather timid.

"Say something." Andrew demanded.

"I missed you." He whispered in a breath.

"You saw me." Andrew accused.

"I missed you." He repeats.

"Are you real? Am I really dead?" Andrew asks.

"...Yes, sweetheart, you're dead." Dalton cooed, little by little opening his arms after feeling the sensation of needing to hug him.

Andrew's eyes widened, his glossy wide eyed and brown eyes could only see Dalton and now he found golden surrounding him. Dalton's skin shined, like actually alive. He looked down to stare at his hands, his skin was no longer painted pale, it was colorful brown and held shine as if he had been born with glitter, with the stars.

"Dalton..." looking up at Dalton, his eyes teared up.

"Andrew." His voice unlocked many memories Andrew had forgotten and kept behind. Andrew started crying without thinking about it. It was just his heart that kept his eyes flowing with waves of disbelief and love.

He felt Dalton's pair of hands hold his face softly, like the touch of a petal to the skin, the exciting sparkle touch of stars. Like being dead was just a fantasy and this moment of being involved with the stars was real, and not an utopia.

Andrew leaned into his touch and started to talk "Dalton...", cool air carried them. Dalton's hair danced a vals with it.

Andrew closed his eyes for a brief moment to take a breath and calculate his words; knowing his words would almost sound surreal. "I told the stars about you." A feeling of gratitude filled him, not gratitude towards Dalton, or the stars, but to himself.

"I know." He smiled, "I was there."

And in Harmony, that night when he died, and they rejoined, from then, the two lovers stayed together forever. In the same field of flowers, with the same everlasting love and wish for each other. They could not help an embrace and make it last forever, never tearing apart again. Not one of them cared what had gotten them here, together. Nothing and no one mattered anymore. How they got here, why they are here, was insignificant. It was just them, not forced or glued; but destined together the only thing that they felt.

From far away on Earth, people could see many stars from town, but two stars that held each other together as if in a embrace, as inseparable as always, as if destined to be. Dalton and Andrew, twinkled from the sky. They were the brightest stars in the daylight and Night Sky, their love and wish would always shine no matter the weather or circumstances. Their love for each other is so real that the people would visit the field; and since the stars always shine brightest when soul and soul couples visited the grounds, eventually Andrew's field garden was named "The Starry Field of Souls".

Maybe this was a coincidence not coincidence, perhaps it was truly all this was for them to have. Or maybe the stars had heard everything all along, and maybe, they had fallen in love with them too.




This is the end of the book. Thank you for reading. 

It's been so long since I started this story, and it feels so surreal that now it has finally come to an end. 

It feels sort of weird to let go of these characters and the story and the feeling of writing this, but it feels great at the same time. I'm very glad I got to finish this one, and very proud of it as well! 

You, the reader, thank you so much for reading, I really hope you enjoyed each chapter though some were emotional rollercoasters. 

Please if you want to support, vote this chapter if you liked, and don't be shy to leave a comment :) I always read them and they make me so happy! 

Again, thank you. 



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