I'll Never Smile Again

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Trigger warning: active shooting, death, agnst. 

How do you prevent something that you don't know will happen? How do you know when your time will be over?

Dalton and Andrew were walking side to side, holding hands. They had no more classes for the day, yet they still had much work to do. They were tired, they both had early morning classes and couldn't wait until they got home and took a well deserved nap in each other's arms.

Since the proposal, the two lovers had gotten a lot closer, emotionally and physically. It seemed like they were always together, like literal magnets were attached to them. It was rather obvious that both Dalton and Andrew were excited for the wedding. Sophia was excited as well, though she did think that getting married at this young of an age would be slightly risky. Still she was happy for her son, and for Dalton.

They were about to leave campus, Blair and Ayan were still in class. They had agreed on going out later that evening.

As they walked, sudden screaming from far away and from different voices were heard. Andrew didn't like loud noises, so screaming was a trigger for his anxiety, so he jumped startled. Dalton saw this and hugged him tight while looking around to see what's going on, his hand pushing Andrew's head on his chest, protecting him. Andrew just held Dalton's soft Zeppelin shirt.

Dalton's eyes landed on him, holding a gun, he was holding it in a clumsy manner, making it obvious that he was nervous, though his face was red with anger and he was crying, his mouth curled down in a pout while it opened and closed, he was muttering something. His blonde hair was greasy, his blue eyes were red.

"If I can't have you, no one can... if I can't have you no one can...."

"Dalton, what's going on?" Andrew's voice sounded muffled against his chest. Dalton was breathing heavily and shaking, which he wasn't fond of, it made Andrew even more nervous.

"Fuck you!!!" Luke yelled, his finger moved to the trigger, he was ready to pull it.

Dalton jumped terrified, he pushed Andrew off his chest to the side with force, and in that same instant, three bullets were fired. Two of them hit Dalton in the chets, the third one barely hit Andrew's arm. He stumbled back, falling on his ass.

Andrew's eyes widened as he sat still while Dalton stumbled back and fell to the floor. His heart fell to his stomach, suddenly, he felt sick and dizzy, his breathing felt like it had stopped. His mouth and whole body was shaking.

Something in his brain clicked. "Dalton!!" the scream of Andrew made his throat tissue tear apart, he ran to him, Dalton was bleeding out of his chest. Andrew kneeled in front of him "Dalton! Honey!.." He placed his hands in the bleeding spot, making anything possible for him to stop bleeding.

"You idiot..why did you do that?!" His voice was trembling, "there was a bullet coming to you..." Dalton tried his best not to slur his voice "I had to protect you."

"Andrew..." Dalton looked up at Andrew's eyes, his eyes felt heavy, he was struggling to keep his eyes up. "My sweetheart..." he reached out to hold Andrew's face as the tears from Andrew dropped in his hands.

"Don't cry beautiful..." Dalton's voice was breathy, Andrew applied more pressure on the wound and he raised his voice while looking away from Dalton "Someone call 911!!!" he looked back down at him. "Please stay with me, can you breathe?" he asked him, ironically, it was him who couldn't breathe correctly.

"I'm fine... I protected you..." his voice was guttural, it was obvious that he tried hard to keep his words together. "I always loved you more than my life, you know that?" His words only made Andrew cry more.

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