Stand Up

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This morning as I was rushing downstairs I took notice of a mark in my neck. It was a hickey. I'm shocked I couldn't see it before. I cursed at myself and Dalton. I could ask Naomi for makeup and cover it, no one will notice. Not that anybody cares anyways. 

I ran out of the house took my vehicle and left. Getting to highschool 7 mins before the bell rang.I went straight away to my locker, took my books, then as each other morning went to the board to read the poems. This became a habit now. Getting near the board I started to read.


It's so lonely

It's so dark

Downstairs hiding what I'm not good at.
Upstairs just a "maybe I'm sad"

Same thing as everyday
I'm bored of the yesterday
Even more about the today

It's lonely
It's dark
It's just a lonely night

I stayed in silence for a long time. It just felt like I should.
I was going deep trough my thoughts when I felt a pair of hands in my back.

I jumped "Calm down, it's just me" Noaomi says "Oh hi"

"So did you needed something?" She stares at me with a questioning look.

"Yes, I do actually."

"I mean cause you called me saying you needed my help." she insisted.

"Yes I do need your help." 

I took her hand and drag her along to a dark corner where no one could see us.

"Do you have makeup? I have a fucking pimple right under my mouth" I lied. I honestly had no other good excuse. There was not even a acne scar on my face, I knew she wouldn't believe it. 

I noticed her lips curl into a smile, then broke into laughter. 

"Please help me." I muttered between teeth. 

"Girl you just need some concealer" she nodded, taking out a little bag with what I suppose makeup. "Ok here you go" She handed me a small bottle of concealer, its color wasn't completely white which was good since I was brown. I thought it might actually be a good cover. 

"Okay thanks!" I said then ran to the bathroom and apply some concealer over the pimple.


I was in class when I had to go to the restroom once again, so I left the lecture room and headed to the bathroom. I realized that I felt a stare, I felt someone was following me. I walked faster to the restroom then entered. My rapid breath from rushing, I took deep breaths.

"I'm good now," I muttered to myself. Quickly, I opened the bottle of concealer and began to apply it over the small hickey mark on my neck. It was bruised red. 

 I heard the door open and reveal a tall figure with long back curly hair. Yet again, it was him. 

"Why were you running?" Dalton said

"I wasn't running" I said taking steps back as I continue blending the makeup. I used my hand to cover it. 

 "You definitely were rushing" he said taking steps forward "I just felt someone staring" I said shakily, taking steps back until my back faced the wall. He took this opportunity to rest his arms at the side of my head. His face so close to mine, my breath short. I was getting tired of this show he pulled. 

"Am I making you nervous?" He said looking at me. He didn't seem to notice. 

"No." I mutter. 

"You sure?" He quietly said. His hand caressing my cheek. Straight away felt heat rising on it.

"Yes, I am sure." I pushed him away this time. "Why are you being so clingy? I barely know you." 

"I just think you're cute." he smiled. 

I stared at him in horror. "Don't do that again." I left the restroom, leaving him behind. 

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