1 | hogwarts express

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"Why does she come if she hates us so much?" Rose hissed under breath as Lily and her made their way through the train station.

"Keep it down," Lily replied with a shake of her head, her hand moving to grip her twins forearm. She glanced behind her for a brief moment, "She could hear you."

"It's ironic that we're the witches and she's the one who's such a bi-"

"Rose!" Lily exclaimed and Rose rolled her eyes.

"She's called us worse," she replied simply and Lily frowned. Rose linked her arms with her sister. "But who cares if we're freaks because we're freaks together!"

"Would you keep it down?" she requested again but Rose could see the grin making its way onto her face.

The twins said a quick goodbye to their parents and made their way onto the train, ignoring the looks sent to them by their older sister. Lily huffed as they hopped onto the train, "You know, I don't get it."

"Get what?" Rose asked in confusion.

"Why she hates us so much," Lily frowned.

"Her little sisters got magical powers and she got nothing," Rose reminded the girl. "Wouldn't you be jealous if you were her?"

"You think she's jealous?" Lily asked in surprise.

"Of us? Who wouldn't be?"

Lily laughed before resting her head on the girl's shoulder. She opened her mouth to say something, "Oh, no." Rose grew confused until she saw who was coming their way. Lily started walking away, "Cover for me."

"Wait-" Rose tried but she was already gone. She turned around to face James Potter who was looking behind her. He moved to go around the girl but she stopped him from doing so, "Sorry, sir, but I can't let you do that."

James pouted dramatically, "Not even this one time?"

"Not in a million years," Rose shook her head. She grabbed his arm and pulled him back the way he had come from. "Now where are your little friends."

"Don't be rude," James suggested and she rolled her eyes.

"That's not me being rude," she informed him as she stopped in front of a rather loud compartment. "Found it," she announced before opening the compartment door. She shoved James inside and he turned around to glare at her. She merely smirked as she addressed those in the area, "You lost something."

"Can't lose something you wanted gone to begin with," Remus pointed out to which Rose grinned in response.

"I knew I liked one of you," she said as she took a seat across from where James had settled down. "You may want to keep him on a tighter leash though. My sister may have more self control then me but even she has her limits."

"Please," James scoffed. "Your sister is an angel."

"Yeah?" Rose mused as she propped her legs up in the boys lap. "And what does that make me?"

He smirked, "Do you really want to know?"

She raised an eyebrow, "Do you really want to tell me?"

"Fair enough," James huffed as he adjusted her feet slightly. He leaned back in his seat, "This is our last year here."

"How observant of you," Rose replied and he narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"I think I can get Lily to say yes."

Rose snorted, "Good luck with that."

He sat up causing her feet to fall from his lap. She glared at him as he sat up, resting his elbows on his knees, "You could help me, you know. You're her sister. She listens to you."

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