2 | veritaserum or dare

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"No one knows," Rose announced from where she laid on the couch in the Gryffindor common room. "They shouldn't have been able to leave Azkaban, at least not without permission. Dumbledore was livid though. Guess he never agreed with Dementor's guarding the prison to begin with."

The feast went by smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it could be when it consisted of Lily and Tonks pestering Rose on if she was really okay.

Tonks and Rose ultimately decided to show up to the party at least for a little while. The former tried to get Rose to stay behind but it was no use.

Rose sat up slightly and nudged Tonks, "He's over there. Go talk to him."

The girl gulped, "Right."

"Hey, Tonks?"


"You have to actually walk over there."


"Tonks," Rose huffed. "If he doesn't like you for you, he doesn't deserve you."

"No, that makes sense," she nodded as she took a deep breath. She stood up, "What if he hates me?"

"Then you know it's time for you to move on."

"Right," she nodded with a shaky breath.


"I know."




"Okay, okay," she breathed out. She made her way toward the boy but stopped halfway, turning to face Rose. Rose waved her to keep going and Tonks sucked in a breath before approaching Remus Lupin.

Rose smiled in contentment. Whether he rejected her or not, everything would be how it's supposed to be. That's all that matters.

"Rosaline Evans," someone greeted and she rolled her eyes.

"That's not my name," she informed them as she rested her hands behind her head. "It's just Rose."

"I know," Sirius replied. "I just like irritating you."

She stuck her arm out and nailed him in the thigh causing him to groan in pain.

"Rude," he muttered, rubbing the spot she had hit. "Is that Nymphadora talking to Remus?" Sirius asked after a moment.

"Do you know anyone else with hair that pink?"

He snorted, "Only took her six years."

"Is there a reason you're here?"

He rolled his eyes, "We're playing a game of Veritaserum or Dare. I was sent to see if anyone else wanted to join. I volunteered to ask you."

"Of course you did," she huffed. "I'm good."

"Always a party pooper," he sighed. "And here I was thinking you were the fun twin."

She snorted, "I'd like to see you try to get Lily to play."

"She is playing."

Rose shot up at this, "What?"

Sirius nodded with an amused expression, "James was surprised too. Thought he was going to pass out when she said yes."

"I'm not playing but I'll watch," she informed him as she hopped off the couch.

"That's just boring," he huffed. "I'll have to rescind your label as the favored Evans twin."

"You do that," she suggested as she followed him to wherever the game was taking place. They arrived and Rose was happy to find a grinning Tonks talking to Remus.

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