4 | amortentia

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"I swear, Nymphadora, if you try and knock me out of this chair, I will hex you," James warned as the girl approached the desk.

"It's my seat, Potter."

"Not today, Tonks," he replied simply. "I'm sitting with my best friend."

"Why aren't you sitting with your girlfriend?"

"Why aren't you sitting with your boyfriend?" he countered.

Tonks scowled but a blush crept up her neck and her hair turned into a brighter pink, "When Rose gets here-"

"When Rose gets here, what?" the redhead asked from behind him. They both turned around and started talking over each other.

"He took my spot again."

"She's trying to kick me out."

"Okay, but-"

"We don't have assigned seats."

"I always sit next to Rose."

"You guys-" Rose tried.

"I don't think one day will kill you."

"You don't know anything."

Rose huffed before she walked away from the bickering pair, sitting down next to her sister. "How long do you think it'll take for them to notice you're gone?" Lily asked, glancing back at the two.

She held up her hand, "Five...four...three...two..."

"Rose!" Tonks shouted and Lily laughed. Rose glanced back at Tonks and James who were now watching Rose and Lily. "He's being a jerk!"

"Since when have I ever been able to fix that?" Rose inquired.

"He listens to you."

She snorted, "Yeah, once in a blue moon. I'm not cashing that in today. Sorry, Dora."

The girl huffed before she plopped down in the seat next to James. "And now neither of us get to sit next to her."

"Who's fault is that?" James asked and she scowled.

"Find your seats," Slughorn requested. "Today we are going to be working with this potion right here." He removed the lid of the potion on his desk, "Can anyone tell me what it is?"

Lily's hand shot up and the Professor called on her, "It's Amortentia."

"And do you know what it does?"

"It's a love potion," she explained. "It's smells differ from person to person, varying on the scents that attract them. For example, I smell..." she trailed off, her eyes fluttering shut as she took in a deep breath. "Parchment paper...roses and...sandalwood."

Rose felt her heart drop in her chest as she listened to her sister speak. Because what she smelled was lilies, the quidditch field and of course, sandalwood. She closed her eyes and shook her head, facing the front. It's nothing. He's your best friend. Of course you find comfort in his presence. It would be more odd if you didn't. Right?

"Rose?" Lily's voice broke through her thoughts and she turned to look at her sister.

"Hmm, sorry?" she asked.

"I asked if you wanted me to get the materials."


"I'm going to go ahead and take that as a yes," Lily nodded before hopping out of her seat and heading toward the front.

James took her seat a moment later, earning a shout from Tonks, "James Fleamont Potter!"

"Did you hear her?" James asked immediately, ignoring Tonks's protests. "She smelled sandalwood!" he exclaimed. "Do you know who smells like that? Me!" He leaned in toward the girl, "See? It's my aftershave."

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