14 | the attack

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Rose arrived at the Potter's a few days after Lily had and she was anything but happy about it. Of course, she wasn't going to let the Potter's know that. At least not the elder Potter's.

"You must be Rose," Euphemia Potter greeted, enveloping the girl in a hug. "I've heard so much about you."

"All good things, I hope," Rose replied, awkwardly hugging the women back.

"Of course," she smiled as she pulled away. "The kids are actually about to head to Diagon Alley, if you wanted to join them."

"I'd actually rather just nap," she admitted. "I've been helping my sister move her things the past few days and I'm exhausted."

"I'll get James to show you to your room."

"Oh, I-"

"James!" she called out. "Would you come here?"

"Coming!" he called back. A moment later, the boy appeared at the door. His sight landed on Rose and he frowned slightly, "Oh, hi."

Rose smiled tightly in response as Euphemia said, "Would you show her to the room she'll be staying in?"

James nodded before gesturing for Rose to follow him. They made their way up to the room, an uncomfortable silence falling over them.

He opened the door to a room, "Here. Tonks and Lily are in here as well so you won't be alone." She smiled slightly despite herself. He still remembered that she hated sleeping alone when she was in a new place.

"Er, thanks," she replied, "Have fun in Diagon Alley."

"You're not coming?"

She shook her head, "I spent the last few days moving Petunia out with no help from her or Vernon as a punishment for what happened at Christmas. I'm not really up for a trip right now. Besides, my parents were very specific on what I was allowed to do and what I wasn't allowed to do while I was here."

"Oh," he replied. "I guess we'll see you when we get back."

She nodded in agreement before placing her bag in the bed. She stopped and looked back at him for a moment. "Hey, James," she said, as she turned around. He turned around as well, "I'm sorry."

He was surprised by this, "For what?"

She laughed a little, "Everything."

He frowned, "Me too." He glanced down the hall, "They're probably waiting for me but I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later," she agreed before he left.

Rose spent the majority of her time laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. Euphemia came in occasionally to check on her and see if she was hungry but the girl always declined.

Her stomach had been stirring for an hour now as the guilt settled in. She had been treating everyone around her so horribly.

Rose sat up quickly as the feeling in her gut worsened. This was not guilt. She got up out of the bed and immediately left the room. She ran down the stairs, surprising Euphemia. "What is it dear?"

"Are they back?" she asked. "Lily - everyone - are they back?"

"No, but they should be arriving soon," she explained. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she replied. "It's not me I'm worried about." She looked around the house for a moment, "Can your fireplace get me to Diagon Alley?"

"What is it?"

"Something's not right," she explained. "I need to find my sister."

"I'll take you there," she informed her. "Although, I'm sure everything is fine."

Metanoia | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now