24 | the end times

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"I chickened out," James admitted and Rose raised an eyebrow. "I know I said I was going to tell them but I couldn't."

"James, what are you doing here?" she asked and he looked down the table to find the Slytherin's watching him in distaste.

"Come with me," he requested.

"I'm busy."


"Alright, alright," she huffed before gathering her belongings.

She followed him out of the Great Hall and as soon as they were out and the doors had shut, James latched onto her hand and dragged her through the corridor until they found an empty classroom.

"What was that about chickening out?" Rose inquired.

"It's not that I don't want them to know," he explained quickly, "Because I do, it's just...hmm." It had now been a week since Rose informed him that she was ready to tell everyone. And neither of them had said a single thing.

"Because it's been kind of nice not having to deal with all the looks and the questions?" she finished for him. He huffed, nodding in reply, "I know."

"I want out friends to know," he explained, "And I expect the questions but I like how things are now.

"How about this?" Rose suggested as she crossed the room to him. "I will talk to Lily first. I'll see what she wants in regards to who knows and who doesn't and then we can sit our friends down and get all the questions over with as soon as possible."

"I can work with that," he agreed. "What are you doing for the rest of the day?"

"Talking to my sister."

He groaned, "Do you have to do that now?

"Haven't I waited long enough?"

"Fine," he huffed, pulling her towards himself by the waist, "I just miss you."

She rolled her eyes but smiled despite herself, "I was with you last night. And the night before that. And the night before that. And-"

"Okay, okay," he cut her off, placing a quick kiss on her lips. "I'll see you later? At dinner?"

"That depends on how the next hour goes."

James let out a breath, "She won't be upset, will she?" He ran his hands over his face, "Merlin, I messed up."

"Yeah, you did," she agreed and he shot her a look. "What?" she inquired, "You did mess up."

"I'm aware of that but it's your job to make me feel better about myself," he pointed out with narrowed eyes.

She snorted, "If you want someone who will coddle you, you may want to switch Evans sisters again."

"That's not funny."

She grinned, "It's a little funny."

"Go talk to your sister."

"About you dating her again?"


"Okay, I'm going," she replied, placing a quick kiss on his lips, "I'll see you later."

"I'm not sure I want to see you anymore."

"Want me to send-"

"Get out," he demanded, pointing toward the door. She grinned before she left the room, leaving the boy behind to sulk.

Rose had been looking for her sister all day but she was nowhere to be found.

"Where in the bloody hell is this girl?" Rose huffed as she sat down next to Tonks who had joined Remus at the Gryffindor table. "I've been looking for her all day."

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