5 | rumors

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"Ow," someone muttered and Rose shot up in her bed. She had her wand drawn as she looked around for the intruder. They put their hands up in surrender, "I mean no harm."

"Bloody hell, Potter," she huffed as she placed her wand safely under her pillow. "What the hell are you doing?"

He shrugged as he fell back on her bed, "I wanted to see you."

She grabbed the pocket watch that rested on her nightstand and raised an eyebrow as she read it, "It's three in the morning."

"You've been busy," he replied. "And I should be asking you what you are still doing up."

"If you thought I would be asleep, why would you even come?"

"Because I knew you wouldn't be," he explained as he moved so that he sat next to her, their backs against the headboard of her bed. He turned to look at her and she reluctantly looked at him, "It always takes you a good month or so to adjust to being back."

"Hmm," she replied. Subconsciously, she knew that was true but she hadn't realized anyone else knew. Especially James, the most unobservant person she had ever encountered. "You still shouldn't have come. About 90% of the girls in this room would hex you without a second thought."

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "There are five of you. How does that even work?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'd do it about half the time. You're just lucky I'm too tired to execute."

"I disagree," he announced as he wrapped himself around her arm and snuggled his head into her neck. "You love me too much to do such a thing." She froze at this. Up until now she had forgotten about the incident the other night. He tilted his head and regarded her with furrowed eyebrows, "What's wrong?

"Nothing," she answered, "Just tired." He narrowed his eyes slightly, clearly not buying it. "You should head back to your room before anyone notices your missing."

He shook his head, "They think I'm with Lily."

"You are digging yourself into a hole there Potter."

"In my defense, I did go to Lily first," he informed her. "She got mad at me for breaking the rules."

She felt a pang in her chest. Of course he would go to her first. "So I'm the second choice?" she inquired playfully, pulling her arm from his grasp. "I see how it is, Potter."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and nestled his face into her hip, "Oh, come one, Rosie. You know you're my number one."

"You can't fall asleep in here," she pointed out, fighting down a smile despite herself. "You should go."

"I won't fall asleep," he mumbled. "I'm just going to stay until I know you're asleep."

She rolled her eyes before she wiggled down. She turned away and he wrapped his arms around her. "You better not fall asleep."


Rose could hear a conversation occurring but she wasn't entirely sure what they were saying. She was tired and didn't want to wake up yet.

"Isn't he dating her sister?"

"She's in Slytherin. What do you expect?"

"But he's James Potter. He's been in love with Lily since day one. He doesn't seem like the type to throw it away on a whim."

Rose's eyes shot open and realization dawned on her. James had not gone back to his room like he said he would. He fell asleep.

"You bloody idiot, Potter," Rose muttered as she turned to face the boy. She was trapped in his arms and he was still fast asleep. "James," she tried but it didn't work. "Yo, Bambi."

Metanoia | J. POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now