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Rose wished she could scrub the memory of last night from her brain. She wished that she had decided to drink. Or maybe she wished she hadn't shown up to begin with. But mostly, she wished that she hadn't remembered that James was on Veritaserum and therefore he couldn't lie.

That's what sucked the most.

"I have regrets," James announced as he sat down next to Rose in Transfigurations. He rubbed his temples, "So, so many regrets."

"What exactly do you remember?" she asked warily.

"Nothing," he answered. "It's all a blur."

Thank Merlin and every other higher being. "What a shame," Rose fake pouted as she jotted down the heading for the notes. "Suppose that means you don't remember my sister cozying up to you during your game of Veritaserum or Dare."

His eyes widened but this seemed to send a sharp pain through his head. "She what?" he asked under his breath.

Rose laughed at him but the three words echoed in her head. She pushed them down as she turned to look at him, "Too bad you were shitfaced."

"You're lying."

"I'm not that cruel."

"Eh," he replied but whatever else he was going to say was cut off. Tonks appeared behind him and yanked his chair back. She leaned it forward causing him to fall out before she circled around and took a seat. He looked up at the girl with narrowed eyes. "What the hell was that for?"

Tonks shrugged, "You were in my seat."

"You could have just asked," he pointed out as he stood up rubbing his head.

"This'll stop you from trying it again."

Rose stifled a laugh as James turned to the redhead with a scowl, "It's not funny."

"It is," she countered. "There's a spot open next to my dear sister. Doubt she remembers last night either."

His eyes narrowed on the girl as he crossed the room and plopped down next to the twin. Rose's eyes must have lingered on the boy for a second longer than necessary because Tonks cleared her throat.

Rose turned to look at her to find her watching her with a raised eyebrow, "What did I miss?"

"You missed nothing," Rose shook her head.

"Hey, don't lie to me," she requested with a frown.

Rose frowned, leaning back in her seat. She covered her mouth in hopes of it muffling what she was about to say, "He told me he loved me."

"He what?" Tonks shouted, causing everyone in the class to turn and look at her. She cleared her throat as she sunk down in her seat and turned to face the girl, "James did?" Rose nodded and the Hufflepuff let out a laugh, "I bloody knew it!"

Rose's eyebrows pinched together in confusion, "What?"

"Oh, come on!" she exclaimed quietly. "It was so obvious with the way he looks at you."

She shook her head, "He's in love with my sister."

"He thinks he's in love with your sister," she countered. "It's just the closest thing he could get without admitting he actually has feelings for you." She rested her chin in her palm, "What did you say?"

"I told him he was drunk and was losing it," she answered honestly. "He doesn't even remember saying it."

Tonks huffed, "Here I was thinking this little dance you two have been doing for years would be over."

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