Chapter 50

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Nash pov
Sophia was in a accident. I kept on saying over and over again in my head I couldn't believe what happened I felt like crying but I stayed strong. When Cameron said She was in a accident I couldn't believe it I was speechless. Cameron was really stressed it was his sister and girlfriend in the car. Cameron and I drove to the hospital as quick as we could. When we got there Cam and I ran to front desk. What floor is Sophia Dallas. I said out if breath. The women was looking on her computer. Hurry up. Cameron said. The women gave Cam a angry look. 3rd floor But her and her friend can't have visitors at the moment. The women said having a huge smile on her face. We went upstairs when we got there we sat in the waiting room. We were stressing out. Then the doctor came over and said which one of you is Sophia Dallas Brother. He asked. That's me. Cameron said. Can I talk to you in private about her and her friend. The doctor said. Of course. Cam said. Then cameron handed me his phone and said Call my mum and dad and Jacob and Tell them about the accident. I had to talk to Jacob about his girlfriend my ex girlfriend who I still love this is going to be awkward. I called Cams mum and dad they were out of town they said they would be there as soon as possible they were really worried. I then had to do the hard part call Jacob. I called Jacob it was ringing I then heard his voice.

"Hello. Jacob said. Hello Jacob this is Nash Grier. I said. Oh yeah that viner my girlfriend use to date. Jacob said. Yeah well Sophia she was in a car accident. I said. A car accident? Jacob questioned. yeah a car accident. I said. So. Jacob said so? I said confused. It not my problem I wasn't in the accident. Jacob said. Your girlfriend was in accident and your not going to be there for her. I said. Well you and Cam are there. He said. Sophia was in hospital when I was dating her and I was with her all the time. I said. So I don't care I'm only dating her because if Cameron fame. Jacob said. What!. I shouted. There family is rich because if Cameron I can get stuff from that and get some of Cams fame why do you think I'm dating Sophia. He said. Because you love her. I shouted. Who cares about love. Jacob said. I love Sophia I want her back and I can't get her back because of you so you better break up with her or else.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2015 ⏰

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