The train

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Ophelia's pov

I follow the dark haired boy through the crowd of people getting a few awkward glances, most likely because of what is on our trolleys.He stops at a brick wall and my eyebrows go down and i give him almost a angry look. He laughs a little and runs right through the wall. My mouth drops open and i don't know what to say.

I start to think i might just need to do the same thing he did.I close my eyes and make a run for it right into the wall i keep waiting to hear a crash but don't. I open my eyes and i'm standing right infront of this huge red train it makes a loud roaring sound and smoke comes out of the top.

I step up onto the train and walk into a empty compartment and slide the door closed. I'm sitting there with my head against the cold window wishing i would have taken some sort
of pain killer before leaving the house. My head was killing me and my back had started to ach.

The compartment door slid open my head snapped up. A dark skinned boy on one side with perfect skin no flaws could be seen from where I sat. On the other side was a boy with brown hair that fell down in his face a tiny bit and had a very defined jaw line. Standing right in the middle of the two was a white haired boy with way lighter skin than me and had way to much hair gel in.

They all three just stared at me and it was totally awkward. They looked at me like i was doing something wrong. "Am I in your seat or something?"I say in a rude tone so they would get the point to leave me alone.

"Actually ye ....". The blond boy in the middle started but the boy with the flawless skin cut him off "no no he didn't mean that"he said making his way over to stand in front of me. He put his hand out for me to shake and said "Blasie Zabini".

I put my hand out and grabbed onto his and shook it "Ophelia Anderson" I said back and gave him a slight smile.He pointed to the boy with the brown hair and said "This is Theodore nott" and moved his finger to the right just a little bit "and this is draco malfoy".

I smile at the two boys and grab my hair and pull it all to one side. Theodore smiles back but draco is giving me a death stare. Theodore sits next to blaise who is across from me on the other side and draco sits next to me but keeps his distance.

I look over to draco and have the sudden urge to talk to him "Are you ok or do you always look that rude?"i ask furrowing my eyebrows.

He looks at me and raises his eyebrows "Anderson are you sure i shouldn't be asking you if your ok?" he says and his eyes travel down to my shoulder.

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