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Yes I did use a scene from the after movies in this chapter if any of you have seen the movies you will recognize it.

Opheila's pov

I am sitting in potions class thinking about why I want to go to this party so bad. Is it because I want to make pansy jealous of me and draco? Probably. I can hear professor slugghorn going on about some memory potion but all I am thinking about is what I'm going to wear I am now mentally going through every peice of clothing I own.

I hear the bell ring which snaps me out of my daze and I stand up gathering my books and stuffing them into my bag. I exit the room and head up to my dorm. It is getting closer to time for the party and I still have to get ready. I am now going through my closet trying to find what to wear. I finally pick out a green top with a black skirt with fishnets under it.

I am sitting on my sink crisscrossing my legs and leaning close to my mirror to apply my makeup

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I am sitting on my sink crisscrossing my legs and leaning close to my mirror to apply my makeup. Which wasn't much just mascara and some fruity lip gloss. I hear a knock on the door and I shout "its open". The door swings open and theo,Blaise and draco spill in arguing over something.

I turn and throw my feet over the bathroom counter and hop off and onto the floor. I grab my flats and walk over to draco leaning on him for support while I put on my shoes. By the way theo and Blaise are looking at him I'm almost positive they know about me and draco.

I turn to draco and pull him down by his tie so his ear is right beside my mouth "did you tell them about us?" I ask in a soft slow voice with a smirk on my face. He shook his head yeah and I let go of his tie. I walk away from him and grab my wand shoving it into the waist band of my skirt. I walk past draco and run my finger along his chest walking towards the door" I feel like drinking tonight!" I say with a smile on my face exiting my room.

I hear theo talking to draco "she is so teasing you bro" he says while chuckling "yes she totally is" Blaise chimes in.

I enter the common room and there are lights flashing and music playing. The drinks are in the corner where they were at the other party. I grab a cup and make me a drink. After a couple of drinks of I'm not completely sure what kind of alcohol I am wondering around the party to try and find draco. I have to admit i am a little tipsy. I walk over to the sofa that sits in front of the fire and see draco swirling his drink in his cup.

He looks up to see me and has a smirk on his face. I sit beside him and rest my head on his shoulder looking at the fire. I feel safe with him I really do. I take the last sip of my drink and hand draco my empty cup taking his half full one out of his hand and tilting it up slowly.  "You are totally hammered" he says letting out a little laugh.

I feel the couch sink beside me and I turn to see theo and Blaise taking a seat.we have a twenty minute conversation about how drunk I am and I have had a good time so far. Until I look up and see pansy Parkinson standing in front of me leaning on the coffee table.

She is wearing a black tee shirt and bluejeans.

Draco's pov

I look over at O because she stopped talking in the middle of one of her sentences. She was glaring at someone standing in front of us. I have realized that when she drinks she gets really angry really easily. Pansy takes a seat in one of the arm chairs next to the sofa staring at opheila. "Anyone want to play truth or dare?come on opheila you should play" Pansy says I look over at o and realize she is smirking. This dumb bitch is about to play this stupid game. "OK I will go first" pansy says looking at opheila. This is not going to turn out well.

"Opheila Truth or dare" pansy says giving her a fake smile.

"Truth" opheila says from next to me leaning on my shoulder with my drink in her hand almost empty.

"Are you a virgin?" Pansy says

"No" opheila answers back and I look at her with wide eyes.

"Oh thats right because draco fucked you" pansy shouts and it gains everyone's attention. I look over at opheila expecting to see a hurt look but indeed do not. There is a huge smile spread acrossed her face.

"Yes...yes he did" she says in a calm voice looking over at me. The whole room burst out into "ohhs" and shouts but I can't help but let a smile creep on my lips.

"OK pansy my turn..truth or dare" opheial says in a perky voice.

"Truth" pansy says

"Umm is it true that your a whore who likes to try and take other peoples boyfriends?" Opheila asks and almost everyone is laughing but pansy.

"What the fuck did you just call me?"pansy asks in a rude voice.

"I didnt call you anything I just asked you a question are you a whore? You have to answer honestly because its called truth for a reason." Opheila says raising her shoulders and furrowing her eyebrows.

" ok my turn....truth or dare opheila" pansy said

"Dare" opheila says with a smirk on her lips.

"I dare you to make out with Jared" pansy says and I can feel anger rising in my chest. Opheila's eyes go hard and pansy looks to her left at Jared. Opheila stands up and finshes her glass off and hands it to me.. Blaise and theo are looking at me from the side with worried looks. She is not stupid enough to make out with Jared at least I hope not.

She walks towards pansy and grabs her by the shirt pulling her up out of the chair and on to her feet. "What the fuck did you just say to me?"opheila says anger lacing her voice when pansy didn't answer she slammed her up against the rock wall everyone was shouting and cheering and thats when I felt the need to step in and keep her from getting expelled. I hand the empty cups to theo and walk towards o and grab her by the waist and pull her off of pansy. I start to drag her away "fuck you" she screams and flips off pansy as I throw her over my shoulder. I start walking up the stairs towards her dorm and I hear either laughing or crying I can't be sure of which yet. I open her dorm room and throw her on the bed.

"Are you OK" I ask her and she is trying to catch her breath she is giggling so hard. "Did you see her face" she says through breaths trying to stop her giggling. Seeing her laugh like this only makes me laugh along with her. She is laying on her bed looking at the ceiling she finally stopped laughing but still has a smirk on her face. I pull off her flats and motion her to get under the covers. She slides under the silk sheets and has her eyes closed she starts to mumble " if only I didnt have to do this stupid task ...fucking vanishing cabinets" she trailed off and was soon enough asleep.

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