The hat

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Draco's pov

I knew i messed up as soon as the words left my mouth.
The tears began to pool up in her dark green eyes. She stared right into mine.

"Your angry at me?I have known you for excatly 4 hours and you expect me to spill my whole life story to you because you are "concerned for my safety" you don't even know who I am. ok so just stay away from me."

one tear leaks out and she wipes it away with her shaky hand and turns toward the school walking away.

"Dude that was messed up" blaise says.

"Yeah you basically just told everyone with in a 10 foot radius of us that she has something going on at home dude!" Theo says. They both run towards the way ophelia went. "O, wait up" i hear Theo call out.

Ophelia's pov

I hear Theo call out for me and I turn around to see him and blaise standing there panting for air like dogs

"We have to ride a boat across the lake to get to the school do you want to join us?" blaise says

It didn't sound like to bad of a idea I did need someone to ride with as long as it wasn't malfoy. We enter into the boat and every boat around us has 4 people and ours only has that means 1 more person is going to have to ride with us.

Malfoy walks out of the woods last, to the edge of the lake and our boat is the only one that wasn't full.He sat in the back and I sat in the front the farthest away from each other as possible.The whole boat ride was silent.

We walk in the front doors of the great Hall there are candles floating everywhere and it was amazing. I almost forgot i had to be sorted into a house before sitting down. I was a 6th year mixed with a bunch of 1st years the oldest of them all.

After one boy in front of me goes he was placed in ravenclaw. I was honestly hoping to be put in slytherin because that is where Theo and blaise are but then I would have to deal with malfoy.

I walk up to the stool and take a seat there are 4 different long tables one green,one yellow,one blue, and one red.A very old lady I think her name is McGonagall places the hat on my head gently the hat began to speak which made me jump slightly because it was louder than it was standing a few feet away from it earlier.

I hear a few giggles here and there but none of the 3 boys from the train were laughing.The hat said "well there is no doubt about this not even a tiny bit........."


I hear cheers and shouts from the green table and hop off the stool with a grin on my face. Theo and blaise are there to greet me and give me a place to sit. Malfoy was just staring blankly at his feet while still sitting down.

I sit down across from him and theo was on one side of me and blaise was on the other. I look down and a whole bunch of food had appeared on the table. The three boys started to dig in.

My side was aching and my head was hurting. I felt like if I eat what's in front of me I will throw it up so it didn't really make sense to eat it and just waste food .

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